Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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He looks like that guy that eats poo and used poo eating as a defence in court for being a nonce

Watched the H3H3 podcast with them as the guests, Dunkey is extremely shy, and his girlfriend is really sweet and kind of talks for him. Kind of shocking.

Did someone call?



-> /r9k/

Why do people make threads to vent their jealousy instead of trying to achieve the same thing or greater

This pic alone should tell you looks aren't everything.

Take a moment to think about the personality that the kinds of people who makes /r9k/-esque threads have. I mean, would you want to have anything to do with them, let alone romantically?

He only became a fat fuck after he met her. She's a feeder.

Literally whos?

>5/10 girl has 3/10 (but rich and famous) boyfriend
he's probably also charismatic

fuck off retards

possibly one of the least savvy defenses ever attempted

Seems to me like shes someone with abandoning issues why she went for the easy road with dunkey.
Feed him fatter, feed his shyness in public by talking for him etc.

Shes probably a nut in bed tho.

She is ugly m8.

what else do you expect from a britcuck

Doesn't sound like a well planned defence

That would explain a lot. Especially since he got dumped by some korean whores.

>Shes probably a nut in bed tho.
ya heheh le nerdy girls are wild n crazy in bed haha upboated

I want a gf to fatten up, bros.

in reality he is black, you can hear it on his voice.

More proof that white women crave the BBC

I dont understand this thread
He is obese
She looks like that autistic jewish cunt from the big bang theory
They are perfect for each other

THATS what Dunkey looks like?

Huh. Now it makes a lot more sense why she's with him since he's pretty charismatic.

Goddamn shes ugly as fuck. The fake voice gotta go too.

>dating trans women

Man if he's a 3/10, wtf is this ugly gook cunt then?


If he lost weight he'd just be average.

>i-it's not fake that's really her voice
if you say this, kill yourself

Fuck off normalfag. Leave me alone here.

virginity is no excuse for bitterness.

just aimless reeing from foreveralones
"Why can someone successful have an average gf but I can't?"

Kind of

t. Literal virgin

I'm not bitter nor a virgin, you just talk like a teenager. Also samefagging is embarrassing, reddit

>a -2/10 gets more pussy and fame than you
What does that make you then? -10/10

Wait that jewish girl is the one with the anime voice in the videos? jesus christ at least be a petite blonde girl to pull that shit

>reddit hivemind

What exactly? 6/10 girl dating 6/10 guy?

>i bet she's a freak in bed
That's something a literal 12yo virgin would say.