user, would you be okay with games being priced at $70 from now on if it ended microtransactions and shitty DLC practices?
That's a lot less than AAA jews get from shitty DLC practises and microtransactions per game so it's not going to happen.
No, but millions of game purchasers would be fine with them being $70 and still have microtransactions and DLC so it doesn't really matter.
No, because I'm not a moron and I don't pay for microtransactions and shitty DLCs anyway. I just wish they hadn't existed because it's disgusting that some people do
A good game shouldn't ever pass the 30$ mark, especially games today that really contain no content.
I'd pay any amount for another Souls game though.
Not really. I crossed over from xbox to PC in 2012 and was angry new games were still 60 on Steam considering there wasn't packaging and shipping to factor into the price.
Games are already $80 canuck bux, I don't want to see people comfortably with paying $100 upfront for 10-20 hours of gameplay when a few years ago the same shit only cost $50-$60
Our dollar is recovering, but do you think game prices will drop?
For a second I thought that was a picture of me.
I don't drink Cola.
In theory, except in practice they'd increase the price and double down on DLC, microtransactions and lootboxes.
I want a cute doggy
I don't care. I'm gonna keep pirating games no matter what.
So you're a hypocrite. Cool
No. video games aren't even worth $60 in the first place.
This. None of you faggots pay for games anyway and you know it.
You would just have $70 games which include micro transactions within six months. Prices are set at the maximum which they can get away with charging and micro transactions are designed to milk a few extra bucks out of normies and a fortune out of autistic fags who buy everything they see.
They're already at that price, even much in some cases when you buy the complete game aka "gold edition" and you still have lootboxes and microtransactions in those.
Stop making excuses for corporations, they're not your friend. They're only there for the shekels in any way they can.
I refuse to pay more than $30 for a game, and I usually wait until it's around $20 before I actually buy it.
Aw dang you got em good user
Buying games at release is fucking retarded anyway. £50 plus season pass plus tip or wait for complete edition to come out, then wait further for price drops. Very occasionally I'll buy at launch if I can't contain my hype, but games devalue so quickly it's rarely worth it.
Guess who's a good boy OP?
Games cost like 10$/Unit. And they still make a huge profit.
60$ + DLC+ Chests is pure greed.
no, and i wasn't okay with $60 games before they had them, either
They’ve always been $60, you faggot
Is this the year of great sequels? Shadow of War is fucking Nintend-tier in its polish and quality. The PC version is nearly flawless, they improved on everything from the first game and the lore is somewhat intact even with wewuz gondor soldier being believable explained.
Sup Forums is just overrun with contrarians
Low quality bait.
No. Games should stay cheap. I simply ignore all the extra fluff. You guys are just too weak-minded to resist anything, that's why ya'll jacking off 3 times a day instead of being a NoFap superhuman like myself.
fuck off faggot
Games should be $80 but there's no reason to stop DLC. The real problem with the industry is that gaming has become too accessible, and wish such a huge variety of players today, devs can't just focus their talent in one way, instead having to make sure their game is acceptable and accessible by a large number of different people.
Make games more expensive, the player base drops and games can become more focused again.
>kill the market by raising the price slightly, yeah! that'll solve all of our problems!
Not sure if you have legitimate brain damage or are you just special in your own way.
No. Games were already overpriced at $60 before this faggotry was introduced, why would anyone be okay with making this concession when the kikeniggerfaggotry should disappear on principle AND prices should come down to realistic levels anyway?