Why is gaming journalism trash nowadays?

Why is gaming journalism trash nowadays?

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gaming journalism is a shitshow these days. mainly sjw hiring other sjw to shove their politcal agenda down your throats. They don't actually play or care about video games.


Just for the saké of curiosity, what does the article says?

Flick on the news sometime or take a look at some major media news outlets
You might discover something crazy, that journalism is fucking opinionated trash
I mean, who knew right?
If you think this is new, or exclusive to video games you're a complete fucking moron

'cause video games are more popular now than ever.

>naming your news article after a porn parody
bad idea.

>hating journalists just for being girls
I didn't know v was Robot9000k

Gg gave them a free pass to be as shitty as they want and just pass off any criticism as goobygabblet

Because the state of western society as a whole has declined.

I have never met a woman who was good at video games

Because univ coddled people


You're entitled not to respect someone's pronouns, but don't complain when Angry Uncle user doesn't get invites to Christmas after a few outbursts

It's funny how Sup Forums makes an ass thread, you like it. When journalism makes an ass article that has the same exact content of a Sup Forums ass thread, you hate it.

Sup Forums in general just tends to really hate anything outside of Sup Forums.



Identities are projected onto things. They aren't decided by those things themselves.
Do you think a rock knows that it's name is "rock"?
We decided that for it so that we can communicate to other people about rocks.

Well I prefer calling you cuck but okay, failure.

You're entitled not to respect someone's pronouns, but don't complain when Angry Uncle user doesn't get invites to Christmas after a few outbursts.

You just wanted me to post this WebM, do you? Because that's how you get a good cleansing.

Is this really that bad? If the game does indeed make a use of butts to explore ideas in the narrative, it's worth writing about. At least they're actually talking about video games, whereas we have endless threads about how "THICC" Zelda is or waifus.

Are you threatening me?

Here's your (You)

>implying that is a girl


>If the game does indeed make a use of butts to explore ideas in the narrative, it's worth writing about.
You have a useless degree in literature, don't you?

wtf dude


Sup Forums aren't "professional" journalists though.

Sup Forums is dumpster for retarded shit, nobody comes here expecting quality.

>36 minutes

Fucking hell. I'd never heard his video up until now, either.


I want Snake's ass down my throat.

It's almost like I hold news websites to a higher standard than a bunch of weebs showing off their wank fodder

>Blue hair

Goddamnit it why do people try to be living stereotypes.

Be a normal fucking person.

I go to Sup Forums and I'm better at being a normal person than this person.

>it's funny how there's a lots of tits in a strip joint, but if you whip out a tit on the street, you get arrested
it's time to stop posting

Alright then

Because people like you give them page views and that's all that matters to them. A reader base of 1000 outraged idiots is better than a reader base of 50 intellectuals.

If there are tranny freaks there they'd be calling it "Holiday party" or "Ramadan 2"

The difference is that Sup Forums is a bunch of fools. They fear of others following their example because they actually embarrass themselves.

Sup Forums in general probably already knew they were fools from the start, but they don't care to change. Why? Because this is Sup Forums.

Heard his voice, rather.

Typical thought process of an sjw cuck. Just uninvite dissenters from your social circle jerk. Deplatform and ban from social media.

No mainstream publication is any good for any topic

Journalism is a massive joke. Video games is only especially dire in comparison, because it revolves entirely around a commercial industry, so a lot of it is just straight up shilling

>Sup Forums isn't professional journalism


>tranny delusions

but user, butts are important and metal gear points this out

you were supposed to remember that this is important

primate psychology is important
besides the whole United Fruit thing, this is part of what the bananas are about
and the ladder (regardless of IRL veracity, it is a Meme): wisdompills.com/2014/05/28/the-famous-social-experiment-5-monkeys-a-ladder/

i wonder if it is a coincidence that the human butt looks like a 3

>It's okay when Sup Forums does it, therefore it must be okay to do it in public quality places.
you are a complete total idiot

Is there a route where you cuck him and bully him into suicide?

video game journalism was pretty damn good when it was just a bunch of greasy-ass nerds writing about their relatively obscure hobby
also, demo cd's were neat shit

There needs to be a game journalism website with the thought pattern of an average Sup Forums user. Clickbait headlines, mildly racist articles, using cuck and sjw to talk about developers, entire articles talking about thicc vs fat. People would flock to the site to post angry comments. It could make a fortune.

unless you're canadian, of course, where it lands you in pound me in the ass prison

>Sup Forums = journalism

I remember as a kid being impressed and insanely jealous of my friends collection of ps1 demo discs.

They wont stop. They are loser teenagers who find the 'fight against bad game journalism' fun. I think a few are even smart enough to know they feed into it by caring about what some retard on twitter said, but they can't help themselves. Filthy drama whores the lot of them.

I don't know why Canadians are complaining about this.
The law only forbids you from using incorrect pronouns. It isn't compelling speech like some say.
You still don't have to use a pronoun at all if you really don't want to.

Who do you write for?

>trannies always have cartoon avatars
>they always are cute teen girls
>nothing like irl
why the delusion?

Because they write for the lowest common denominator nowadays.

>writing about video games
>caring about people who write about video games

Find a better hobby.

I already have.

It's called shitposting.

I get it with homosexuals, but trannies just ruin their lives. They don´t attract straights, nor homosexuals not other trannies. They just have to forget about love. Which is why most of them are unstable.

it was great, the journalism was also alright, every now and then you'd see someone telling you it's their favorite game or whatever and still score it in the low 80's because they tried to live up to a standard

Yeah live your normal boring fucking life and stop telling people how to live theirs. "normal" is just a groupthink word to get you to conform. Fucking sheep

You're trying too hard.

words won't give you a personality an more than fashion does, you vapid cunt

Then stretch your posts out, talk about how shitty hit boxes in pubg are a metaphor for US politics, and start taking in pattern money.

Hi, Juan.

Just let them be. In a few years they'll wonder why they are alone, stranged from their relatives over stupid shit like pronouns, dependant on the state and impoverished because they need to take loans to get started in life, while nuclear families will remain bastions of strength that pull resources and help each others.
In a sense it's like modern natural selection that slowly pulls libshits into poverty.


You are meant to say sheeple, not sheep.

But user don't you get it? Socialism will triumph and they will be able to continue waging their stupid crusades on the internet while getting free money from the government.

>expecting the best in the field to write about video games

I bet you guys think the best programmers work on these games too... how cute


The rich people will escape to other countries and the state will run out of other people's money and stop gibs, like always happens. Just be prepared to relocate if it looks like it's happening and you'll be fine.

They do continually make a point to show his ass.

Stupid fucking kid that I was, I used to read Nintendo magazines and be like "wow look at how high all these Nintendo games are scoring". Then I would read something like Gamesmaster and think I was better than my friends because Gamesmaster didn't rate PlayStation games (which my friends played) as high as Nintendo Power rated the new Mario.

I was not a bright child.

Unfortunately relocation won't be an option for me, I'm too fucking poor for that.

How long til LKD collaborates with Adam Sessler on something?

Cryptocurrencies are the way out of poverty if you know what you are doing. Be careful though, you can lose a lot of money too if you mess up.

Go be Canadian somewhere else, Trudeau. If my son turned out like that THING, I'd disown his ass quicker than you can list the entire gender spectrum.

You should move to Saudi Arabia, no taxes, perfect nationalist country for you. You don't even have to worry about female drivers.

I don't dare dance with that devil either. If shit genuinely hits the fan I'm most likely a dead man.

Way ahead of you. Andorra is better, I like skiing.

>get gibs
>use gibs to buy a plane ride to West Africa
>buy many acres of land for 2 dollars and run your own ancap village
>laugh at the plebs back home when their gibs run out

I'm not THAT poor though, and I'm a white single dude, so no gibs for me.

identify as a black woman and claim 23 metaphorical children as a single mother

>act offended when they ask for the fathers names

But Andorra has already implemented income tax, soon they will start raising it. The govment will want more and more money.
No income tax in Saudi though.

Reality would and eventually does crush them.

>that feminine man voice
he really sounds like he's trying too


>Adpocalypsed youtubers

a-are you also a snake? snakes with big things in their throat is cute

>I'm 12 and have never seen a fluff piece before so this one article means games journalism is shit

i think this picture sums up 2d traps vs 3d ones

professional only indicates the exchange of money for the service, since i get neetbux and spend most of my time on Sup Forums am i not professional?

People are not inanimate objects

yeah old gaming magazines where cool, do they even make gaming magazines anymore?

Maybe it was just as shit back then but you were a dumb kid who didn't know any better. I mean when's the last time you actually read some articles from an old EGM or GamePro or something?

Who are you quoting?

OP. That's why I quoted his post.

I'll look into it, I'm open to everything. I have until the end of the year to check the different options.