>american level
>get shot
American level
>British level
>get run over
>england level
>get stabbed
>Australian level
>floor is lava
White Americans murder each other at 2.5x the rate of white englishmen
Face it, guns make violence easier
>american level
>die of obesity induced heart attack
>Mexican level
>die underneath wall
>source: my ass
>Sup Forums level
>get invaded by Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>australian level
>emu boss
>Russian level
>Get drunk on vodka and die
>finnish level
>commit suicide
>[Insert] Level
>Japanese level
>Pic related
>american level
>be a cop shooting nothing but blacks after inciting gang violence
call of juaruez the cartel was a mess
>323m vs 51m
>second form is a Cassowary
>european level
>get raped
>Greek level
>locked behind paywall
The worst meme. Finns don't actually commit that many suicides. They are happy and energetic people and are fun to be around.
>liberal city with complete gun ban
>highest murder rates in the country
>swedish level
>get blown up by Jamil
>Sup Forums level
>get attacked by cross posters pretending to be oldfags
> European level.
> Have to turn subtitles on.
>florida level
>gators are mounts
>England level
>Get acid thrown in face
>London : Medium Difficulty
>New York : Hard Difficulty
>american level
aka. per capita
>florida level
>get zika
>New York : Hard Difficulty (European Medium Difficulty)
>this user level
>forget /bant/
>this user level
>stuck in /aco/
>british level
>get beheaded in public
>be European
>get bombed
>american level
>friendly fire
>Syrian level
>get barrel bombed
>sweden level
>get raped by muslims
>british level
>eat burgers
>american level
>sip tea
>feminist level
>get choked on a bloody tampon
>Mexican level
>Get beheaded
fixed that for you.
>american level
>get struggle
who was in the wrong here?
>New Zealand level
>get fucked by the sheep
>not rubbing lye all over your face so the acid gets neutralized
>sweden level
>get fraged by grenades the moment you spawn
>Australian level
>Level doesn't load
Good job for the """upgrade""" NBN cunts.
This damage control is just pathetic
At this rate you'd get fucked by the Chinese instead
>Ariana Grande concert level
>Objective: Survive
t. Finngolian rape baby
>Mideast level
>get blown up
>Canadian level
>It's your old base but chinese investors bought the land it was on and now you have to escape against the clock
>oil rig level
>the boss decided against replacing a part or adhering to safety standards so the whole thing starts exploding and you have to escape to the lifeboats
Okay Pekka
>canadian level
>kill enemeis
>you lose
Fucking kek
i'm finnish and i've never committed suicide
i only know 2 people who have
>i've never commited suicide
no shit
>Japanese level
>Die of subtle passive agression
>finnish level
>stuck in a sauna
>British level
>health pick ups are kebabs
>save points are moscs
help us
>Sup Forums level
>no vidya
>They are happy and energetic people and are fun to be around.
go fig I don't know how to spell some dumb people people worship there moon god.