Do you have any starting advices for Divinity Original Sin 2? I just bought it. Never played the first one. Is it still fine?
Do you have any starting advices for Divinity Original Sin 2? I just bought it. Never played the first one...
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2 is leagues better
I couldnt stand the "humor" in 1
>Do you have any starting advices for Divinity Original Sin 2?
Full physical party consisting of a knight, rogue and huntsman with a geo+hydro support mage. All physical classes should max out warfare. Thank me later.
The story is separate
you actually paid attention to the texts?
Summoning is stupidly broken and is the most boring ability in the game.
Balanced phys /mag parties work just fine. Roll with whatever composition feels right to you.
Why is summoning broken?
Don't bother, wait for PoE 2 instead
*user asks if it has better controller controls than 1 and boops your nose*
Premade characters are better than an OC, roleplay wise.
Or you could play a fun composition.
Because Larian can't into balancing. Eventually, summoning falls off, but it still trivializes a good half of the game due to minimal requirements from the summoner and insane stats on the summon.
Use a thorough walkthrough guide.
You can get some gamebreaking bugs if you just play the game like a normal person.
>Do you have any starting advices for Divinity Original Sin 2?
Don't forget to designate characters for Persuasion, Bartering, and Lockpicking.
You don't have to play the first one to understand the game.
The best tip I can give you is to just go in and do what you want in terms of character creation and party setup.
It's way more enjoyable to figure stuff out yourself than to have other people tell you what to do.
>Eventually, summoning falls
Summoning never stops being ridiculously powerful, it just stops being the best thing since sliced bread after a while. Arrow storm and hail storm niggers eventually overshadow summoners.
What happened?
Worked on my machine so far :^)
yeah I agree with this, my save is so fucked and I have no idea what I'm meant to do in Arx anymore.
>Because Larian can't into balancing.
This is a game series where the first allowed you to destroy encounters before the fight even began. Game was never meant to be balanced.
Not him, but you niggers defending Larian incompetence need to just stop. As long as there is no proper balance, there can be no challenge, unless the enemy uses completely different abilities and obeys different character building rules compared to the player, which is not the case in DOS2. A game like this without balance is a game without challenge and a game without challenge is a shit game.
Just play what is fun to you, min-maxing in this type of game is boring.
Keep Str/Fin/Int at 14 mininum, all equipements requeriment max requirment is 14 and this is a game where by the end of the game you can easly reach 50-60 of the main stat.
Con at 14 only needed for shields and that shit is pretty good on mages for building physical armor.
Don't play Tactician unless you want to get physically raped.
>Larianiggers will defend this
>Not him, but you niggers defending Larian incompetence need to just stop.
To be incompetent, you need to try. You can destroy the hardest fight in 2 in one turn if you min/max for it. That's not a mistake or a bug. It's just something the game allows.
If you want real challenge, then roleplay. Make a monk/brawler character and go to town.
>Don't play Tactician unless you want to get physically raped.
>pick tactician
>game is difficult as fuck
>have to use imagination and everything you got
>get to act 2
>cakewalk all the way forward
>get to some group of ice void enemies in act 3
>most difficult fight in the game
>its a cakewalk again after that till the end
You only need your main stat maxed, no need to put any points in the other stats. Strength armor is definitely the best to use, even as a mage.
>If you want real challenge, just gimp yourself
This is the larianigger argument. Holy shit, you "people" are dumber than potatoes.
Well what do you expect from these mongoloids? They're the kind of people that defend infinite free respecs and then throw a shitfit if you even dare to use it, saying you're abusing the game or pull off some other bizarre mental gymnastics.
It's a role playing game, it's all about what you make it.
I like infinite respecs
Fuck the elves.
A RPG gives you tools to roleplay a certain archetype. Does DOS2 give you tools to roleplay a monk? No? Then it's not roleplaying, it's being a fucking retard. Do you see people roleplaying Ao in D&D? I don't and you know why? Because the game doesn't give you the tools to do that and if you try to actually do that in any session where the GM takes his duties seriously, you'll be laughed out of the room.
thanks Ifan
>playing Explorer mode because I like fun and don't care about muh difficulty
>this autistic user will still be angrily typing in this thread as I go have a good time
I just finished the game at Tactician, i had lots of fun but as i m pretty shitty at building characters, i got some pretty annoying shit at the start and at the end of the game.
I got lucky i wanted to play Summoner, it saved me a lots of fights.
Fucking kraken piece of shit that that can kill all my part within 2 shots in a row, if my ranger didn't had a 2-cd arrow storm, i couldn't had killed that cun fast enough to not get raped.
It happend often that i got a good equip for my rogue with +2 scondrel and +2 finesse but for some fucking reason it asked 14 int and i couldn't equip it.
I trought the stat requirment would had been higher as the game goes on, so i kinda gimped him.
Shield for mages are pretty much good, Staffs only give better damage but who ever shoot as mage unless for very few reasons?
Well done, my son.
Why the fuck did you attack the Kraken in the first place? The final fight is literally a rush to kill Braccus while ignoring everything and everyone else. Once Braccus dies, the Kraken dies too and you even get the cheevo for killing the Kraken. You only make things more difficult for yourself by being retarded and then complain that the game is difficult, because you don't actually understand the rules and goals of the encounter(s).
Beginning of game make your starter skills Summon spider, fire touch and heal for one character. Summon the spider right before you walk into a battle and you save the action points.
>Hating on sex scenes in video games.
and suck dicks
not him but... a "sex scene" with a narrator... is just hilariously bad.
Imagine being paid to read that shit. No wonder the narrator sounds so dead inside.
>not playing explorer mode so you can just do fun builds
How casual are you?
The premise for the kickstarter of the first game was not being limited or restricted in how you can play. The ability to shape scenarios in your favor and take advantage of game mechanics was a selling point as you can do things in Original Sin that most crpgs wont even allow. It was never going to be "the dark souls of RPGs".
In fact, then even nerfed the AI months before launch because they were brutally strong.
This. Sex scenes are supposed to be something intimate, the narrator turns them into these weird cuck shows.
thats exactly what I was thinking about during that scene and any of the awkward lines...not just the narrator, but the entire crew hired to do voice acting. imagine how fucking awkward that is.
this was such a cop out holy shit. he just keels over and dies afterwards.
The narrator sounds completely deadpan for everything, that's kind of the point, and during the sex scenes it's just as awkward as reading sex scenes in rpg's is meant to be.
Arguably huntsman is better than warfare as long as you maintain a height advantage
>it was always supposed to be a babbyshit game with zero challenge and broken combat balance, so this makes it good!
>Play Dead is hilariously game breaking
>Time Warp is stupid good
>Undead are better then everything else
>Undead are better then everything else
>Bless shouldn't cost a source point - get the mod to fix that
>Did I mention how much better then everything else Undead are?
huntmans gives +5% on high ground
warfare gives +5% all the time
how is huntsman better in any circumstance
>chilling out in town, listening to your buddy talking to NPCs
>he starts talking to a whore
>people laughing in the Discord
>he keeps going
>it turns into some infrequent chuckles
>finally an old man starts telling you how a whore is sucking off your mage's cock
>complete silence for two minutes outside of somebody coughing
>your other friend logs off and none of you ever touch the game again
It's nice to have persuasion get you out some tough shit and change the flow of events, but at times it feels as if it's a bit too good in this game.
Undead are trash, because they cannot benefit from restoration and healing ritual. Undead are "good" only in true solo play due to Play Dead, since Play Dead literally just ends the encounter and allows you to take out enemies one by one even when they're grouped closely, but is obvious game mechanics abuse, not that the larianiggers actually care about such "petty" notions as "balance" or "fairness".
>fight is unfairly difficult
>nuke one enemy
>play dead
>rinse repeat until all are dead
>scoundrel enemy with poisoned daggers focus you
>personal healer for the rest of the fight
damn right. warfare + maxed weapon stat and you're gonna 1-2shot everything.
Whether its good or bad is an opinion. The real issue is you want the game to be something its not. If you have such a problem with how the game is setup, then don't touch it.
the problem was that braccus never and i repeat, never went foward, he costantly went back and i couldn't reach him fast enough and be useful but arrow storm destroyed the kraken like it was nothing and thus killing everyone in the process, after i found out that, the fight turned extremely easy.
I'm more pissed how you consume Sallow, Kleem and Isbel and they still being summoned by the kraken as consuming their source would be deleting their entire existence.
Overall the story is a severely disjointed mess. The personal stories don't mesh with the main plot at all and just go all over the place, and much of it is poorly executed.
Alexandar is a great example of this, as Gareth magically teleports to his location to ignore all the development you put him through and repeat the same shit again (convince him to stand down) yet have no consequences whatsoever (he just fucks off around Arx somewhere anyway) and then Alexandar is swayed over to your side with a single persuasion check.... wut?
I really liked how most of the personal stories started out on fort Joy, Loshe in particular had some good stuff going on but that ending is just such a fucking letdown. I mean you end up beating the demon and Jahan is just "wow good job I'm totally your fan now"... okay? That's it? Just some vision about how she wasn't the only one beset by demons and should maybe do something about all that which is some altruistic bullshit completely separate from her core character... Jahan has no followup, the dude from Driftwood inn is just in some cage there with nothing about him. All throughout the story you get the impression that the demon hates music for some reason but that doesn't actually amount to a damn thing either.
And don't even get me started on fucking Sebille, what a god damn shitshow that turned out to be.
both huntsman and warfare are the last multipliers meaning they add damage according all other bonuses not only base damage.
Though huntsman CAN be better than a warfare because height has a default damage bonus the difference is so small that warfare is still superrior.
>Undead are trash, because they cannot benefit from restoration and healing ritual.
Yeah, nah, fuck that shit. Just brew dozens of gigantic poison bottles. Being undead also causes enemies to waste their heals trying to damage you since they're psychic and instantly know you're the living dead.
>Heals from Poison damage
>The game literally shits out poison damage
>Necro heals also work as well
>Unlimited Lockpicks
>IMMUNE to deathfog
Who the fuck cares about restoration? Just craft poison pots and the game is ezpz even if you don't abuse play dead.
You play with a group of 12 year old girls?
Just teleport yourself via the multitude of teleportation skills the game throws at you, dumdum. Also,
>expecting narrative consistency from larian when they LITERALLY retconned the entire dragon knight saga out of existence
You don't?
>Retconned DKS
Where the fuck are you getting this?
>>expecting narrative consistency from larian when they LITERALLY retconned the entire dragon knight saga out of existence
I fucking hate this shit man. DKS actually had a tight story, good characters (Bellegar is a blessing to mankind) and fun gameplay. They don't even have the courtesy of finishing the story of Damian. Instead we get "DUDE SOURCE, VOID AND THE GODS ARE JUST ASSHOLES LMAO!!!".
Isn't this just the followup to the Dragon Knight Saga where the evil mage is allowed to take over Lucian and fuck shit up?
i actually noticed how my mage never had any kind of teleportation, all my other characters had at least two but not my MC.
I never felt the need to have high mobility until that fight, yeah.
>Undead are trash, because they cannot benefit from restoration and healing ritual.
Give another character geomancer. There are like 5 skills that can apply poison and that's without considering shit like poison arrows, grenades and aura.
Apparently D:OS2 takes place between Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity.
>LITERALLY retconned the entire dragon knight saga out of existence
Isn't DKS in a different era?
Read this thread:
Larian don't give two shits about their own lore.
I never really understood where this came from, there is nothing in the game that supports this.
Main weakness of undead characters is they cannot in any capacity resist the entangled status effect since it's considered to be a poison buff, which isn't all that terrible considering their many strengths.
Nope. Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity and Divinity 2 DKS all take place in the same era. Original Sin 1 takes place about one thousand years before the Divine Divinity. Original Sin 2 is between Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity.
It's hard to know where D:OS2 takes place either way. If it's after Beyond Divinity then they clearly retconned DKS since nothing from that game is ever mentioned at all. Lucian's first death, Dragon Knights, Dragon Slayers, THE Dragon Knight that saved Lucian, Damian's flying fortresses fucking up Rivellon something fierce, the siege of Aleroth etc are never brought up in D:OS2.
You get unlimited respecs in act 2, you can respec everything, so don't be that idiot that restarts midway in fort joy because you're party isn't perfect
Have you played one of the instruments in game with Lohse? You'll see just how much the demon hates music then. Protip - It really really fucking does, as it makes her smash the instrument after playing it.
>the stat bloat in the end-game
Who the assfuck thought this would be a good idea? Love having to visit every trader once leveling up to upgrade gear from one level ago since it's obsolete now.
but warfare also get the default height bonus...
download the reduce number bloat mod
Yes user, that's why I mentioned that the game keeps throwing you hints that the demon really hates music, and then it doesn't actually amount to anything in the end, nothing to do with music or anything.
>Breaks Laslor's lute
>Fuck now it's personal
>Get the lute fixed
>Play it over the corpse of the demon
>Somehow still forces Lohse to smash it
Aaaand dropped.
>Love having to visit every trader once leveling up to upgrade gear from one level ago since it's obsolete now.
This is the reason the game is unplayable for me outside of dual lone wolves.
Well, what else am I supposed to do with my tens of thousands of gold I have sitting around?
>not playing tactician and still going whatever you want
Its like you are trying to be bad.
I went for a tank, glass cannon hydro/aero, rouge and summoner and game was ez as fuck. the glass cannon shreds everything.
Anyone else really disappointed with the Lady Vengeance? For me it just feels so dead, lifeless and depressing. There's nothing going on on the ship, visually it's boring as all hell and you can't do anything with it.
At least with the Homestead in D:OS1 you unlocked new rooms, each with a unique look, you had imps running around the place and following you, party animals teleporting in and going to party in a locked and a lot of services available.
>tens of thousands of gold I have sitting around?
Poorcuck. I had around 500k spare gold pieces by the time I had finished the game on honor mode, LMAO. Thievery completely breaks the entire economy into smithereens.
You are like little babby
>Playing honor mode with no glass cannon or lone wolf, single character
Better bring your A game and some actual strategy to the table or you're going to get blown away, but damn good fun.
>Defending Malady against a horde of fucks with nothing but 4 ap/turn
Some good shit
I was disappointed with lady Vengeance for a different reason. I thought she would be an actually interesting character, but she had only a few lines of backstory dialogue and never influenced anything in the game apart from taking you through the acts.
More than anything I was disappointed that I couldn't fugg Malady she even fucking dies and you can't ever go on the Lady Vengeance in the hall of echoes if you refuse to partake in all that source vampirism faggotry
How many layers of gud are you on?
Well, that's without a real thief. I just had an undead with some bonus thievery gear.
I told the ship that I'm in charge and it just instantly broke and become a subservient slut. Do you get anything different if you're a good goy and try to help it?
Malady can die? The fuck?
It used to be easier in the beta when so many spells were completely broken, like Phoenix dive being available at early levels and making you fire immune for a turn, or most status effects like freeze lasting 2 turns.
Now it's a lot of prep with getting the right consumables for the job and doing swanky shit like removing your own shield by dropping CON lower than the requirement through flesh sacrifice just to get the knockdown punch in.
Or, you know, you could just actually get gud and play a proper cookie cutter RPG party that can steamroll through the game on tactician/honor mode with exactly zero problems. Knight+rogue+huntsman+geo/hydro wizard is all you need to break the game.