King's honor, friend."

King's honor, friend."

Other urls found in this thread:




Yew've gawt mah attention

Off with yah

Keep yer feet on the ground!


>its the hippogryph master
>he's saying this as you fly off

"My, you're a tall one!"



>tfw no alternative to elysium
>tfw want vanilla again but without lootselling slav admins and 70% chink playerbase ruining the experience




-Orc chef




What if we made our own user?

Your ability to form a coherent sentence is a plus...

Would it even be worth it to shill it for 6 months to build enough hype to poach Elysium's western playerbase only to get DDOS'd by them for a year after release?

Garithos did nothing wrong.

What if we had a gimmick that made people come? Like new races? And we could boast better scripting.

Except making the Alliance lose one of it's strongest allies to the Horde.

>nu-wow Shrek models
absolutely disgusting

we should make our own expansion


I've thought about that so many number of times, but people wouldn't come to that, no matter how good we make it.

Break yourselves upon my BODY!




WoW is 13 years old. Give up grandpa.


A sound plan

state the nature of your medical emergency


In the pipe, bye bye bye.

A horse kicked me once. It hurt.

hell ya, only way to enjoy bw is in some grungy noisy pc bang in korea with a cutie on your left and a bottle of soju on your right

it's five, five five. from Aliens. you pleb.

five by five*****

Need a light?

why is this game so fucking shit now

Because you're shit at raiding stuck in a guttershit guild or play with Sup Forums tier shitters.

Casualized normie garbage infesting the game that began in TBC.

You're not gud enuff for rated PvP or mythic progression.
All you do is the easy boring stuff, and you wonder why you're not enjoying it anymore.

hardcore raiding and PvP are the only two forms of content "worth doing" in WoW and FFXIV, and it's also why both of those games fucking suck

not everybody plays games with an anime pillow on twitch, that's probably why he said it was shit

>is a casual
>wonders why the game is casual

>it's also why both of those games fucking suck
But that has always been the endgame of MMO's, either you raid, or you pvp.
The difference in WoW is that you can select your own speed, so you don't have to play rated pvp, and you can complete raids with a solo queue for LFR. You can do mythic dungeons on whatever level suits you, and get geared for raids just by questing or doing a combination of the previous things.
The problem is that people choose the easy way and get bored with it, expecting the game to make boring farmville shit exciting instead of expecting you to not be a fucking casul shitter.

If you go to the fair and ride the kiddy train around at 2mph because the other rides are too intimidating, you don't get to say it's a shit fair. No other MMO has done casual shit good, it's all grindy and uneventful.


And then allying with the undead.

>play horde
>neutral human npc questgiver
>closing dialogue
>"for the alliance"

>welfare epics and cash shops with selfie sticks and raid finder
>not the epitome of casual
Just go back to Reddit and stay there you brainlet

>no option to play a "y-you too" emote in your char's voice



Garithos was an idiot that ended up being ghoul food.


>gets welfare epic
>thinks he can clear mythic raids

lmfao. You should stop projecting your ledditness and go back. It's because of shitters that play casually like you that they put that kind of stuff in.

WoW was casual to begin with.

>no way to fuck up your character
>no xp loss on death
>any class can solo level

Stop autisming over the color and realize the difference is in the ilvl. If you want the good epics you still need to do mythic raids or get a good rating in rated pvp.
And who gives a shit about the cash shop, the game literally throws mounts and pets at you, and leveling up is fast as fuck including the boosts you get just buying the game.
You should be ashamed, calling people casuals when you're really just mad that you couldn't hack it in mythic/arena lol

idk man the grind from 50 to 60 takes fucking years...

if you go to the fair there's lines, you can talk to people, eat food and do all sorts of other things

modern MMOs are just the line part, and when you get to the ride for most people it's them getting strapped to a gravitron going at incredibly high speeds while everyone around them yells "YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID" for putting the safety belt on the wrong way

it used to be that MMOs were a journey to a destination, which was inevitably raiding and PvP

they got rid of that and interacting with people in the community is generally frowned upon unless it's outside the confines of the game by submitting your sicc gamer app to some tryhard guild of content locusts that are just going to go back to playing PUBG and posting normie memes in discord after clearing the latest tier

but i get the impression you don't care about any of that and this is all falling on deaf ears, MMOs fucking suck now but have fun i guess

Not really. I hit max on a priest in like 12 days played. A fucking priest.


>12 days played
>288 hours

everquest is much faster getting to max than that

Shadow priests are pretty fast levellers though.

>but i get the impression you don't care about any of that and this is all falling on deaf ears, MMOs fucking suck now but have fun i guess
You can literally fill up your friends list in 5 minutes if you actually talk to people, i have to prune mine because i end up adding too many randoms.
You're being a spoiled millennial, you complain about your freedom to do whatever, and insist that because no one has forced you to enjoy yourself you simply can't do it.
You're the one responsible for striking up social interaction, and finding something you enjoy in the game. If you can't do that, then maybe the game isn't for you, and likely you just never really tried because you expected to have the same enjoyment you did 10 years ago when it was still new and shiny, and you were younger.

not trying to be a dick, but i keep hearing that shit. here is a princess for your troubles.

>You're being a spoiled millennial, you complain about your freedom to do whatever, and insist that because no one has forced you to enjoy yourself you simply can't do it.

i've written and rewritten like seven possible responses now but there's really no point

i'm out of the modern skinner box and you're still trapped in it lol

just for the record, do you find yourself cleaning your friendslist out ever tier too? lots of inactives, huh? and it always starts slow but once i got the fights down and got more current gear suddenly it'd get full real fast again.

kek good one

he has been standing there since 2004, give the guy a break

>play a human from the glorious alliance
> Has to free thrall back in the day and not kill him along with all orcs in Southshore
>Couple of expasions down the road, neutral quests are still a thing
>zug zug
>"for the horde"

yeah, I know it sucks, neutral quests unfortunately are still a thing.

>it's all grindy and uneventful
so the same shit as endgame raiding where you login to clean them up for a couple hours and have fuck all to do until the next week, artificially stretching the time it takes to get bis to trick you into maintaining your sub

Not to mention characters disappear if they're like ten feet away from you (Were talking you can't see characters on the other side of the fucking crossroads or valley of strength) and they limited the view distance to below the natural in settings maximum.

Elysium is a profoundly shitty server. I'm so fucking sad the Nost guys were stupid enough to give them their shit.

yeah but leveling parties and talking to people were gay lol right

now i just do my main/alt raid after 1st week prog and log out and play overwatch


>implying I would ever pay to play nu-WoW
Reminder that anyone still defending this shit game is literally underage and is just spiteful they never experienced it when it was still great, and if they ever tried it, it was on some meme private server that they couldn't handle without their casual QoL changes

>keep yer meat underground

I just clean out the randoms, most of the people on my friendslist come back for big updates and new arena seasons.
It's not a skinner box if you make friends and set your own goals. If all you want is to do LFR and get the shitty lore fix then that's fine. I used to raid mythic because i had a good guild, now i just stick to heroic for dps meter whoring among friends and try to climb in arena rating. I don't do any farming, and i do 1-2 order hall missions a week. You can ignore all the bullshit, and just do whatever the hell you want.
You don't need BiS, you just need to clear it once to say you did it. If you stick around and grind, whose fault is that?
I played wow since the leaked alpha, open beta, and release. Vanilla had shit PvP and ridiculous amounts of downtime and grinding. You can't global people anymore, and you can get by in PvE however you want. I'm all for nostalgia, just don't use it as an argument.

Sure you did champ; if you did, you'd realize Vanilla was and is better than anything released by Blizzard (TBC being arguable) since it. There is not a single person still playing retail today left from Vanilla who are playing for the quality of WoW now, they're only solely playing because of their delusional stockholme syndrome and sunk-cost mentality.


It's really sad to see what the WoW fanbase has turned into.

No, but i'll admit i enjoyed it more. I was younger, and it was my first MMO. But it was a fucking time vampire, full of bugs and eternal grinding stones. There was no such thing as diminishing returns, you could oneshot players, and you needed to raid to get gear for PvP.
Clearing a raid took all night and you had to fucking farm gold beforehand for repairs(unless you jewed AH *rubbity rub*).
Do you remember how horribly annoying it was to get to Razorfen Kraul, only to realize that one party member was AFK? And you had to go all the way back to Org to talk in LFR/General?
The game was new, we were younger, and we put up with its faults. Today i play for different reasons than i did then. You're just a nostalgia fag with a dirge up his ass.
You nostalgiafags sure are sensitive folks

*Auto-hit stuns you*
*One-shots you*
Pssh, nothing personell kid.

>muh nostagia boogeyman
You are exactly the same as every retard who tells someone to go back to Sup Forums when they post something they disagree with. I'm perfectly capable of coming to the correct conclusion that the game was significantly more fun, more engaging, more interesting, and still an actual MMO.
Also, all of your complaints are just bitching about you having to play the fucking game instead of sitting in a queue. You are the casual who ruined WoW.

not him but mythic raids are like the old normal modes
the game stopped being hard at all in mop

>You are exactly the same as every retard who tells someone to go back to Sup Forums
go back to you nigger

To me playing the game isn't farming shitty elementals in Badlands or whatever for hours to afford a raid, or wasting an hour in orgrimmar just to do a dungeon. I want to play, not farm and wait around for others all day.
You call me a casual for wanting to get rid of the boring shit, so i can skip to raids and pvp, which is laughable. If you want to play vanilla then knock yourself out. I want to play arena and do the occasional raid. And i don't want to spend all week getting ready just to throw away an entire night to do what i can do now in an hour or two.
PvP was a literal joke in vanilla, crits could instakill you, and stuns and rng procs ruled. And gear was a huge factor, which sucks ass considering how long it took just to get t2.

What the hell was better other than your fond memories? Do you even still play Vanilla? Do you enjoy drinking water after you OOM because you pulled two mobs while questing? Does not enjoying downtime, shit balancing, and bugs make me a casual?

>old normals
What fucking expac had normal raids? Last i played, in WotLK, there was only 10 and 25.

WoTLK had normal and heroic versions
heroics were actually hard and the first mythics were decently hard. after that the difficulty took a nosedive.
mythics now are basically equivalent to old normal modes, with everything below them LFR tier

well the second half of WoTLK had them, i guess. ulduar optional modes were the first pseudo heroic fights

ICC was easy as fuck tho. Everyone i knew even from competing guilds got their titles before the nerf. It wasn't more difficult then, you were probably 12 or something so it was hard for you.

I guess that's why so many guilds didn't clear it before the handicap buff?

What are you on? I remember tons of ppl having light of dawn when ICC was fresh.

>mythics now are basically equivalent to old normal modes, with everything below them LFR tier
Nigga there's not even 200 guilds that cleared Mythic ToS yet, what the fuck are you smoking.


>Be tanking Mythic BRH as a DH
>Notice the priest healer getting dangerously close to going OOM between chain-pulls
>No-one is dying but no-one is taking much overhealing either
>Plus half my healing is from my self healing anyway
>Start paying attention to the healer to see why she's going under 50% mana
>She's fucking flinging out damage spells in-between healing
>Kick her from the group right before the last boss

If you wanted to heal why not just queue as a fucking shadow priest...

Either you exclusively hung out with people from the top raiding guilds in the world or you remember wrong.

are there even 200 guilds left in retail