Bloodborne PC port when?


Posting because I liked your picture.

10 years from now when we can finally emulate PS4(it saddens me too as dark souls 3 runs pretty well on pc and is basically the same engine)


Just post the sauce on the girls and everything will be okay.



I want Bloodborne on PC but that is funny.

But we get Nioh!

Ni-oh is shite. No atmosphere, no story, just hallways full of monsters, like the worst bits of DaS2.
t. PC gaymer who bought a PS4 solely for Bloodborne

The "NEVER_EVER" meme is true.

If the game gets ported everyone says "it was shit anyway". Wait until we have a functional PS4 emulator in ~2020 and can play ALL exclusives everyone will say that the entire PS4 library was shit anyway and only [insert 2020 ps4pro exlusive] is good anyway.

Nioh is literally what BB wishes it could be.

>i-is shite anyway!!!!
hahahahahahahaha fucking sonyggnogs

A PC game?

Tell me the name of every single one of those girls

A good game with actual combat as opposed to the trite combat in the Souls games.

The combat is nice but it's a shame every other aspect of the game falls short compared to the Souls titles.

Post bottom pic

>Nioh is literally what BB wishes it could be.
>shittier enemy variety despite being way longer game
>complete forgettable levels
>bland as fuck OST with many bosses reusing the same terrible boss track
>game looks ugly as hell with no effort in aesthetics whatsoever

Bloodborne wasn't forgotton about a month after release like Nioh was when it was a PS4 exclusive for a reason

>sauce begging

I don't link to beggers

well, yeah, you dont link cause you dont even have source in the first place.

Soon you guys will be able to emulate it

Nioh is a meme. There's only like 4 challenging bosses in the whole game, and only three of those are also fun. Nioh suffers from usual Team Ninja balance where everything is either extremely easy or insanely unfair and bullshitty. I finished the game but halfway through it was wearing me down hard and it really outstayed its welcome. I'm glad the PKeks get to play the game now, but most of them will see that it wasn't a game worthy of huge hype.

hhahahaha stay mad pcbros you fags are itching to make endless "thanks for betatesting" shitpost threads and you'll never get to
you should remember to thank us for all the sloppy seconds

The combat is all Nioh has. Everything else is mediocre as fuck, from the cheap Onimusha knock off visuals, to the cliche-driven story, to the lazy hallway level design, to the muddy visuals. They're not even comparable games.

Git gud

fucking hell jun amaki's tits are huge

I would kill to play Bloodborne but I would not support the paying for online multiplayer scam.
At least we're getting Nioh, BB never though.

You're going to have to wait for an emulator. Luckily PS4 is just a low-tier PC so I'm sure it'll be figured out with less headache than the PS3 emu. Sony actually co-developed Bloodborne with From and the CEO of Playstation had a TON of input into the design. There's no way they're officially porting this to PC.

Nioh didn't allow me to use shields, the stance system made no fucking sense and having to "catch" my lost stamine after every combo made the game unplayable to me.

The shitty f2p chink chonk MMO didn't help either.

t. Platinum every soulsborne game.

Nioh was too close to Ninja Gaiden, and i hate those fast clunky games.

if it was like the bottom pic it would be the first souls-type game i'd play

nah bloodborne is lame

>until we have a functional PS4 emulator in ~2020 and can play ALL exclusives everyone will say that the entire PS4 library was shit anyway

Nah they'll just go
>you're playing the games 10 years later than me and this somehow invalidates your experience

Look what's happening in RPCS3 threads.

>Ni-oh is shite.
Yeah, now it is. Now that it's on PC, right? Nice falseflagging, too.

i hope atleast with a PC audience they can afford to make a sequel. feel like if they made an effort to fix some of the boring/bad aspects it could be a really great game.

but it's true. You're claiming triumph over consoles by playing a game everyone played to death a decade ago and doesn't care about anymore because there are more interesting contemporary games. PC will never catch up with consoles in terms of interesting releases.

It's not going to be that popular on PC, it'll probably get some attention and then everyone will go back to Dark Souls or whatever. I know it'll sound stupid, but the Dark Souls PC community is incredibly tight-knit.

Wait for emulation.
You'll play it eventually.


nah that makes sense. i hope you're wrong though since ni oh is the first "rip off" that actually deserves the time of day.

thats what you fuckers said about JSRF and chromehounds

>functional PS4 emulator in ~2020


The opposite is also true.
If someone can't play a game they call it shit.

Why do you people always forget this? It's juvenile system war faggotry.

Coming from someone who played DaS3 before Bloodborne I was a little dissapointed and I think its because I was exposed to similar visuals movement and enemy design in DaS3 which I would have preferred to experience in Bloodborne first because its clear a lot more passion went into it than the obligated second sequel to a game that never needed any. However I also think its because it was the fifth type of this game Ive played and some of the tropes are beginning the grate, this mostly applies to samey aggressive roll spam bosses and the continuing absence of a well constructed interconnected world.The next game will really have to try something new to get me to play it.

why is everyone always thinking someone who wants it for pc doesn't already own it on ps4? id personally saw my ps4 in half for to have bb on pc

I will never understand why people still play Souls games when Dragon's Dogma exists.

Because they're not even remotely the same? Did your mother drop you on your head? On purpose?

because games are fun and i play both? dumb fag.

Because it's a shitty grind against 5 mob types randomly dropped into a bland environment that offers no challenge or reward and no real reason to explore it.
Combat lacks the weight and tension of Souls, it's like a solo Korean action-MMO.

>I’ll never understand why people are heteros when gays also have buttholes

I fucking loved everything about Nioh other than the dog shit enemy variety.

Yeah I actually have it as one of my PC wallpapers, it's great

never, was codeveloped by Sony so it will forever be exclusive even if it would mean they're missing out on quadrupling their company value


>j.....just wait!!! I'll keep giving patreon bucks away to play it at 30fps in 2025!!!!

>user aged 46, dying of obesity and is still a virgin
>Huff... finally... I can play bloodborne on my PC...

DD has shit combat and is boring.