Switch still has no games

>switch still has no games
>3ds and vita died

Whats wrong with handheld gaming

just play your gachatrash anime

3ds is great with tons of games. Zelda OOT, Samus etc. Switch is good allready Splatoon 2 + Zelda. Stop cry mario is on the way.

looks like garbage though

So then what do you expect of handheld gaming if thats garbage?

Calm your tits, Switch hasn't been out for that long and 3DS has some great JRPGs coming down the pipeline

what anime

>switch has a few decent games
>3ds is still getting games

Dunno what rock you're living under OP but it sounds depressing

I only bought a Vita for Soul Sacrifice and Wipeout and I still don't regret it. Mostly because I bought the 3G model off a friend for 80 bucks.

Vita still gets games, albeit infrequently. Still playing Ys VIII and Origin, good games.

By the time the 3DS and Vita are finally put to rest for good, the Switch should have a passable library. Hopefully.

>Switch still has no games

>switch still has no games
Nintendo is slow as fuck but I can't complain, we bought the system too early. 2018 is gonna be the year of the switch faggots.

Vita is still alive and it will take a couple more years until it may be considered dead. Then Android/iOS will replace it.

As a Vita fanboy, Switch is getting there.

A port from Wii U just like Mario Kart 8

Both those are great if you never bought a Wii U, though.

They're holding back the technology.

who's that cutie?

>3ds and vita died
Fuck off sonygguh.

3DS is still alive and well with the exception of miiverse dying soon. Switch hasn't been out for long but it's first-year lineup has been nothing short of impressive. Vita's lineup is probably going to start moving towards the PS4 and switch.

>3ds dead
>switch has no games

Cell phones. Why pay for games when f2p grind trash exist to satisfy the gaming urges or normies anytime anywhere?

Have you heard of a mobile phone?

I heard you can put emulators on them and play ACTUAL GOOD GAMES from the past for FREE (ZERO COST!) AND they are useful for other things AND they are cheaper in the long run
