Why don't Asian developers ever make Asians look Asian?
Why don't Asian developers ever make Asians look Asian?
This is now Honoka thread!
Complaining about it won't change shit so why does it matter?
Because Asians are willing to admit whites are collectively the best looking people. Instead of bombarding themselves with garbage like niggers they do the opposite.
Asian men hate Asian women. They want that round-eye ass.
They do look Asian. All of their features are Asian. The beauty standards they are based on are Asian. Even when a character that is supposed to be white (or black) appears, it is an Asian with blonde hair (or brown skin).
Basically, your post is retarded.
Why dont american developers make europeans look european?
But those girls look more Asian than White.
They are Asians with pale skin and round eyes.
But they look asians
I remember some youtube video were some japanese dude was going around the street asking people to guess the nationality of anime characters and most of the answers were "japanese"
Asians are fucking disgusting.
You fags need to leave your basements and see what actual Asians look like and stop falling for the plasticsurgery meme.
Because they arr rook arike otherwise
I'm done.
Asians can look good.
When they do everything to make themselves whiter. So yeah, you're correct
The girls on the left look pretty asian too me. Hell even Rainbow Mika in SFV despite having blonde hair and blue eyes looks very asian.
Why are K-Pop stars getting surgery to look more white? Same reason really.
>doesn't understand the diffrence between cartoony style and realistic style
really makes me think.
Because asians are not attractive.
They don't want other races to see how perfect their women are
Because thats not what sells /thread
They look just as white as these girls
Hannukah the strongest.
left has blond hair, middle has blondish-hair, right has a non-realistic hair color so it can only go off facial features which are obviously asian for all 3.
wtf i LOVE honkers
>not 500 pounds
>no legbeard hair and moustaches
>no armpit hair
>no dyed rainbow hair
>no dyed armpit hair
They don't look like modern western women to me
Every single DOA girl is an idealized Asian girl. Even Tina and Marie Rose.
Not gay but those boobs are too big
She's mixed goods. Pure asians are 9/10 ugly.
Asians are like cocoa beans. You have to mix them with (a lot of) something else to make something decent out of it.
you might be gay
But those all do look asian?
How does these things look white at all? Look at the facial features, obviously features that are preferred in Asia. Just compare the DoA girls to the Victoria Secret girls, the facial characteristic are quite different. The abnormal big eyes from anime + white people self inserting into the product makes you think they look white.
I wanna get this but fuck Japanese exclusive websites...
They look like K-Pop idols
as an Asian male, this is pretty much the truth.
Worst girl. Killed DoA.
>Killed DoA.
>Implying it was ever alive.
>Obsessing over Barbie dolls
you have good taste my friend. RIP stellar
That's super-gay
DoA5 was actually doing pretty well before she existed. It was all downhill after that.
Ignoring the samefagging, as a white male this is objectively false. 99% of white women look like man-faced trannies, even the ones people recognize as "pretty". Not to mention they're naturally smelly/hairy.
it´s ok user, just embrace the gayness and be happy with yourself
Thank you chingu.
RIP Stellar
Who all do their best to be white.
That website only gives you a result based off a single person's face among the others.
So it's not like everyone in that image was recognized as Asian.
Why don't western devs make whites the way every other race perceives them? Either as a white colored devil, or a master aryan race with perfect beauty and proportions.
>sticc legs
>no hips
>no ass
i'm surprised that black pink hasn't done anything good in 2017 yet. i was in korea in feb and all i heard was their music
Modern man no longer desire big breast.
there, fixed for you my friend
>being this low test
>OP posts White girls with weeb-washed features.
>everyone gets triggered and says they are Asian
Weebs are so delusional.
They look anime, just 3D, which is superior to all.
Anime is perfection.
You're gay. I'm really into flat chests, but anything bigger is just a "meh, whatever" kind of deal until it gets to the "twice the size of your head" stuff.
love me some minhee,
cheng xiao is also a qt
They are Japanese as fuck, what are you talking about?
Up and Down, Ah Yeah
excuse me!!!
Look at how unsafe that electrical cord is, its only taped down once that close to the pole.!
After WWII, when there were tons of American GIs in Nipland, the japs started changing certain aspects of their culture to be more appealing to those largely white/black US personnel. Lighter skin became the ideal for women who wished to be 'beautiful', as were large breasts and rounder eyes. You can see it in a lot of their pop culture.
Nuking the shit out of a couple of their cities did more than just kill a lot of people and knock down buildings. Also, the efforts by the US and other allies to wipe out Japanese Imperialism had a lasting effect on their culture.
Now, post more boobs
stop posting these ugly ass 3d korean skanks
i got u bae
>implying these characters look "white"
It's not just about skin color you know
Boys be ambitious
hot pink 술 is still my favorite rendition
they look like clones
walk down the street in daegu or busan, all the girls look like clones of kpop starlets. that's just the way that korean fashion is
Makes me sick.
All those chicks look asian though, just with different eye/hair colors to differentiate them.
Are people seriously so stupid as to think "blonde hair = white"?
huh been while since I seen that
They should make one more clone for me then
So Daegu and Busan is where I should go? Ok.
What about Seoul?
Japanese girls > Korean girls
I'd give them wombs a nuclear strike alright.
Anime is derived from western cartoon.
They look anime.
Therefore, they are western.
seoul is okay but it's too fucking full of foreigners.. if you're going to have fun and experience the culture go to the smaller cities, you will have a much warmer reception because the people rarely see foreigners there... in seoul, you're just another jackass white dude there to fuck girls. you can still find them of course, but you might as well have a good vacation and just go somewhere actually foreign... seoul is basically just the same as NY/Chicago/London at this point.
the fashion is also a lot different in seoul compared to the smaller towns
I would like to stick my penis into Honoka's vagina.
I fucking love kpop legs.
fuck off, twinkie. I bet your friends list is 99% white.
Who doesn't?
now remove their makeup