Will western game devs ever start making attractive black women or am I doomed to forever depend on Japan?
Will western game devs ever start making attractive black women or am I doomed to forever depend on Japan?
No More Heroes bread?
That's fine too.
Japan also rarely makes attractive black women in games.
Reminder that delicious brown=/=black. If they don't have negroid features they're not black. Your example is one of the few.
>Japan also rarely makes attractive black women in games.
I know but they give me more than western devs do. For people obsessed with representation they're terrible at it for multiple reasons.
>le brown girls are actually white meme
>anime characters are white
Better than the west which never make attractive black women.
Here's Sheva from RE5. Makes me diamonds.
>For people obsessed with representation they're terrible at it for multiple reasons.
Not every character needs to be attractive, you know that right user? The west is fine with representation.
I never said they were white but they sure as heck aren't black
*breathes in*
>Not every character needs to be attractive, you know that right user?
You say this but every white/light skin character they make is conventionally attractive.
Guess it's time for me to play Guild Wars.
>You say this but every white/light skin character they make is conventionally attractive.
lol no. I'm a guy and I have less of a manjaw than them
>Not every character needs to be attractive
True, but when they make only black women ugly, aren't they the racists?
I don't see the issue with their faces. They're both above average white women. I'd fuck them both.
>They're both above average white women. I'd fuck them both.
Your standards must be pretty low.
Excuse me white boi?
>Your standards must be pretty low.
Not really. If those two were real they'd probably be actresses in TV commercials at the very least.
B-but I'm black.
East Black woman design
Western Black female
There we go.
Yes. When it comes to women Japan only cares about making them as cute or sexy as possible because vidya is not real so they're not bound by our imperfections. The west however has a fetish for imperfections and forcing in realism where it dosn't belong (camera limitations in video games for fucks sake)
Muh dick
If only black women were this attractive. I'd marry one immediately.
Western devs mill make them true to life, as they have been doing.
>Can't handle a strong independent black women who don't need no man
I don't know about marriage but I'm with you on getting together with one.
>am I doomed to forever depend on Japan?
You are unironically right.
Yeah, I was just exaggerating. I will never marry. No man should.
ironically, the only one who can save the west for hot girls is blizzard
making fapbait characters is literally the only thing they can do right, so pray they make a black female in overwatch
Post more black vidya qts.
>comparing a bunch of tanned Japanese girls, a filipina and one (1) black girl to 6 other black girls
Damn straight user. Damn straight.
You can be strong and independent without being a butterface.
You need to look harder.
That image is difficult because the majority of the women on the right are meant to be older. At least 35-40yrs old so they look how they should. My issue is that's all they can make the majority of the time. Why can't they make characters like Marina from Splatoon, Shinobu from NMH, Lisa from DOA or Sheva from Resident Evil?
Shinobu is so damn cute.
Ironically the "problem" with a lot of strong independent black woman who don't need no man-types is that black women are often stereotyped to be much stronger/manlier than they are, even as children. Not that devs would care to know this, given that they just want the diversity point. An actual revolutionary character would be a black woman who is into girly shit and asks for help.
>Ironically the "problem" with a lot of strong independent black woman who don't need no man-types is that black women are often stereotyped to be much stronger/manlier than they are, even as children. Not that devs would care to know this, given that they just want the diversity point. An actual revolutionary character would be a black woman who is into girly shit and asks for help.
I like the way you think.
Is there any games with decent romance options for cute black girls? Only one I can think of is pillars of eternity 2, and that black chick is half bird as well.
There's Cassandra from Dragon Age Inquisition. I don't think she is black though. Good romance to watch anyways.
You can have Mercades as your beloved in Dragon's Dogma, but she is more delicious brown than black.
Meh, I've played that game till the final boss and then just never touched it again. Cassandra's alright but I didn't enjoy her romance much.
Never actually played dragons dogma desu. Any good?
>Delicious brown
I'm good with either really.
>buy NMH and finish it on wii
>can finally understand the cult following of it
>still don't understand it sometimes
I mean, I get that the entire game is satire and is commentating on video games but some of the game just sucked pure dick.
>awful driving around santa destroy
>3rd ranked fight in its entirety
>jumping while riding the bike
>assassination missions are pointless because you only want to play the quickest, highest paying one
ALL of the dialogue was worth the $20 I spent on it though.
>trust your force, and head for the garden of madness!
There's Maru in Stardew Valley.
>dragons dogma
I like the combat but everything else is weak imo.
A lot of people love it though. I just couldn't play it anymore after a while.
>Never actually played dragons dogma desu. Any good?
Slow start that might put you off, lots of cut content. Great combat. It's one of those games that reeks of being unfinished but could charm you anyway. It recently got a PS4 remaster (a port of the PC version, basically) so there are daily threads that can help you if you're interested.
Thanks anons, I'll look into that.
Actually forgot about her and was going for penny. I'll leave penny be for now and try see what her deal is.
Maru is a good girl but her events were kind of boring to me.
The girl from the Beyond Good and Evil E3 trailer was QT