What happened on Rokkenjima ?


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large bombs

You mean, HICKSHON ?

A tranny went so nuclear the whole island exploded

Seriously though, what was that with the fucking retarded ending ? Was I the only one who did'nt figure it out by the end of ep 7 ? I was thinking Rosa was Beatrice all along and the game did'nt give me a reasonable answer

tranny got everyone killed
survivors praise him

>Rosa was Beatrice

Shannon/Kanon was Beatrice, but the true culprits were Rudolf and Kyrie. It's quite literally fucking shown to you in EP7 and EP8.


Then what was the point of episode 8

everyone died by magic in a horrible and nobody was happy ever after, the end.

Hugbox for the tranny and the bitch

people were too dumb to see it in ep7, so r07 had to ham it in during ep8

Dosen't help that people were still TOO retarded, so the manga literally serves it on a silver platter.


The voice acting really added a lot to this.


The constantly smug beatrice was the best part. Kinzo was pretty good too though.

Who had the better performance, kinzo on erika?


Falling for the ''official'' explanation

Rosa is Beatrice.

Battler is Beatrice

Eva solved the mystery which lead to Kinzos hidden fortune

Rudolf,Kyrie and Battler all conspired against her and killed everyone with guns to hush things up,including "Beatrice"

Something(I honestly forget what,might've been a bomb explosion) caused Battler to go amnesiac and cripple. Rudolf and Kyrie get killed by what crippled Battler.

Eva survived and took everything then goes on to adopt Ange.

That's what really happened on Rokkenjima.

I thought eva found battler before kyrie and rudolph told him what was up.

is magic real or not

People may or may not have died and persons may or may not have existed.


Mistakes were made

>Devil's Proof.
Oh fuck off.
If you make the claim "magic did it", you have to prove it.

You know what senpai: I don't even really remember.

Just read this umineko.wikia.com/wiki/Rokkenjima_Massacre#Events

magic "exists"

Anyone have the Gohda kills everyone post?

Thats what Battler says then she proves it so he goes on the defensive.

No one fucking knows because the Red Truth is bullshit that can be twisted so that even dead people can still be alive.

All that matters is that Will is still alive and he's getting his ass pinched by Lion every night.

God created humans.


A trap tried to rape and kill half his family

Thanks man, suprised no one has posted it yet.

>Red Truth is bullshit that can be twisted so that even dead people can still be alive
Reread EP4 and actually pay attention to the parallels this time

A super cool murder-mystery that turned into Dragon Ball after one episode, immediately losing all value. Why couldn't they keep it simple? Have to make every theory bogus horseshit to the point you forget about previous theories and instead focus on these quasi-dimensional cunts on their periods.

My favorite part was when Battler punched the one bitch in the face.

Bitch deserved it.


No thank you. After the "Battler was technically dead guys, because he changed his name, and personalities are people so they can die" bullshit I am finished with fucking Seacats.

if you think it turned to shit after one episode then it obviously either went over your head or you decided then you didn't like it.

or you simply don't love

>When she spoke, Battler recognized her voice, (who was Shannon), and confessed that she was Sayo Yasuda, who was Shannon, Kanon, and at the same time, Beatrice.
See this shit? Fuck this series man.

Is Higurashi better or worse?

Some people still dont understand that the game wasnt a trial (in trial by default you need evidence to back up your claims), it was merely an argument game about who can wriggle their way through it more cleverly
I thought someone ran over battler as he escaped, became amnesiac and decades later he created some collab book with ange basically telling the gameĀ“s story

Battler is the most powerful man in creation.

what's so bad about this specific part? It's been explained to death even how this was made possible by the cooperation of other people (mainly genji and kumasawa, or rather, ronove and virgilia)

Worse. And this is not arguable.

She did prove it with magic, on the game board anyway.

How is it possible with everyone in the house interacting with these people, they aren't able to tell the difference, especially Battler?

worse but its definitely worth going through and is still fun

When is the new announced WTC released?

I think you missed the part where Battler was away for six years and barely interacts with Kanon. It's noticable how shy and silent Kanon is while Battler is around.
As for the Ushiromiyas themselves, as I said, the other servants that were in on it covered it up, Krauss and Natsuhi didn't care enough to really get to know them and Jessica and George were just blind teenagers in love

Let's get this out of the way.

5 > 3 > 7 > 1 > 4 > 2 > 8 > 6

1 is entirely wrong in your order. otherwise it looks okayish


By the years end, they said.

Kyrie, Rudolf and Battler shot the place up and then died in an explosion.

Ah perfect, so we can expect translation for 2027 I guess?

we may get some news soon


never ever

No, they're not.
Because the point of that "Kyrie and Rudolf kill everyone but the bomb is still on" sequence is that Bernkastel shows how you can explicitly lie with the red, while also showing a radically different possible set of events.

>His punch reminded Bernkastel about the concepts of pain

Best house party ever

Who here is going as Kinzo for Halloween?

man I would love to

Post your desires.


Rosa was Beatrice, here's like an 8 hour explanation.


My plan when I'm an old man is to go as Kinzo for Halloween and to cons.

Nobody will remember Umineko then probably but I'll have been preparing my whole life for this...just like Kinzo would've.

but what's the gigantic risk you would have to take to make that magic real?

Does that 14 year old have a guardian with her or can I make my move?

Considering all the fucked-up shit Kinzo's done in his life, being identified as him in the first place.

>Something caused Battler to go amnesiac and cripple
Wasn't it because he fell off the boat on his way to mainland?

Much better actually. Less bullshit, more story.

>and Battler
Battler didn't do shit though.

Fucking this so much. I was really hyped by the end of episode 1 and they had to make it in a Disney-Land meta filled garbage without any consistence

You could'nt trust anything you saw on screen what was even the point of rokkenjima prime

Don't even start saying "you have to understand the motive, xd it cannot be seen without love fucking goat"

Fuck off. Ryukishi is a hack and Umineko was garbage

everyone in that family was a massive dick

Hideyoshi and Krauss were alright.
So is Rudolf until the end of EP7 which doesn't make too much sense with his established personality up to this point. I can buy Kyrie being a crazy bitch like this but Rudolf threw his pride away and dogeza'd to get his son back.


imagine being this autistic