>buggy shit alpha game in digital form
>140 aud
what level of judaism is this?
>buggy shit alpha game in digital form
>140 aud
what level of judaism is this?
How many burgers is that? I don't speak exiled criminal.
Not op but approximately 109 burgers
>This amount of blatant anti-semitism
You are a pathetic individual, you are entitled to nothing. My people have suffered enough.
I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation for some reason.
in a world built on lies and falsehoods. one man had the balls to tell it like it is even at the expense of his own personal life
his worlds will echo through the hearts of the working class for the rest of eternity
he is the real brave heart, the real patriot, the real hacksaw ridge. based mel will die one day but his words will rise from the grave a ghost and the world will know he was right
>taking screenshots with a camera
I dunno about judaism but this makes you look like a retard.
its an xbox you ashekenazi faggot. what the fuck you want me to do take a screen shot on the xbox and then upload it via the inferior internet explorer browser in the xbox
go be jewish somewhere else you hook nose cunt
it was $25 for like 2 years on xbox. shpulda bought it sooner
>game is in early access for two years
>have a couple of PAID DLCs come out BEFORE the full release
>full release occurs
friendly reminder to never, ever buy this game or any others from this developer
i bought it years ago. im just throughly disgusted they are now charging 140$ for this trash game
the game isnt worth even 20$. idont know what planet these cunts are living on
The one where retards will buy it anyway.
Jew level shut it down
I like how the camera man stays on the ledge the the dude just fell off.
I'm not sure I understand why charging money for things is supposed to be a Jewish thing. Doesn't everyone charge money for things? Isn't the how the entire world economy works?
That's a clean ass menu.
Back to the masturbation chambers lol
The hell was he doing even walking there?
I still don't know how they get it to run on the Xboner but it still runs like shit on PC.
The only thing your people have suffered is an inflated kleenex expense.
Because the guy that "fell" is a base jumper who was just jumping off like that to spook the other people there.
>hey guys fix the game
and yet you should punished, you bunch of hypocrites
>I still don't know how they get it to run on the Xboner but it still runs like shit on PC.
Because it also runs like absolute shit on Xbone.
These fuckers are complete and total hacks and anyone who gave them money needs to fuck off.
I gave them money
what the fug
Ark on consoles
Runs like trash
Looks like trash
PS4 pro runs it at 720p with major 60fps drops
>buys an xbox
>complains about the Chosen People
>These fuckers are complete and total hacks and anyone who gave them money needs to fuck off.
I bought Ark for PC on some mega sale ... paid less than $20 for it.
But I am fucking off, just for you, user.
Not enough, if you ask me.
>australia is one of the last nations, were pc gaming is still viable
You just can't make this shit up.
140 dollars for a game tbat doesn't even fucking work? I've played the xbone version of this and private servers are un-fucking-joinable with the "cannot retrieve adress" horseshit. Thats not even discussing the disgusting grind on official where it takes real life hours to tame shit or to build a simple wooden box and then lose it all the next morning. Fuck this game.
Can I get some info that isn't right-wing conspiracy garbage? Why are people who are so against communism and such strong defenders of capitalism so against the idea of people making money?
Why you think that practice is acceptable?
$140 for a fuckin game
talmudic judaism
Who are you quoting?
>advanced judaism
Oy Vey shut it down stupid anti semitic goy.
>muh 6 gorrilion
It wasn't even the biggest genocide at the time you overreacting faggot.
saved. thx