*breathes in*
*breathes in*
Other urls found in this thread:
wow no one is playing lawbreakers, glad that we figured this one out
this is worse than battleborn
what happened
We left Overwatch to him.
Ugly character
*breathes out*
It's just the devs playing.
Class based arena shooter with nothing to hook players.
>yfw the 10 people playing are the devs
>sjw character design
trump won
we president now
>nothing to hook players.
Well the Assassin could
if that was the reason, then why is overwatch so popular?
>oversaturate the market in shooters designed for the assfaggots audience
>act surprised when all the normalfags just flock to the most popular flavor (PUBG now after dethroning cawadoody)
>even the threads shitting on it are dying faster than battleborn
overwatch has attractive characters instead of realistic ones
Were you born stupid or were you dropped on your head as a child?
why bother posting when you have nothing to say?
I'll go with you were born this way
you're doing it again. answer the question
Answer mine first
There are more posters in this ded thread than people in lawbreakers. Sad.
How'd they get away with this with that fanbase.
Sjw character designs are intentionally ugly, however overwatch characters are attractive. The unpopular characters in overwatch are sjw funnily enough
>"I want to make another billion dollar IP."
What did he mean by this?
have you not seen the picture you numbskull?
Would going F2P save it?
No, not at all.
Doubt it.
iirc they had like 1/4 of the participants in their second open beta compared to their first.
It was originally going to be F2P, then late last year Cliffy B was like 'Nah, the business model doesn't work for a game like this we found out' then it became the 'None of that $60 multiplayer only bullshit' game
Nigga, it already went F2P for like a week and you would get the game for free if you played 50 matches and the peak player count during that time was 1057.
This thread has more unique IPs than people playing Lawbreakers right now
A couch covered in shit won't sell.
A couch covered in shit can't be given away when your neighbor is giving away free couches without shit on them.
Randy Bobandy sold him on the 30 dollar idea
So who is going to make the next billion dollar IP?
bluehole studios
>food analogy
fuck my collectors edition hasnt even shipped and the game is dead
it's not rocket science
This *breathes in* meme from Sup Forums needs to fucking stop.
BC2 still has players? I should install it again.
good character silhouettes
BFBC2 was one of the best BF's ever.
Guys stop the game is fine but really even their sub reddit is shitting on it
at first i didnt get it
but now it happened to me, i am actually deriving pleasure from games failing
i'm euphoric
The reviews I read said the game was actually not bad. What went wrong?
>35 posters in this thread
>more people here than playing LawBreakers
>"it's not the playerbase, it's a bug"
This game is already dead.
> Diverse and non sexual enough to not piss off sjw crowd
> Sexual enough to attract non sjw crowd
> Anime-esque enough art to attract weebs
> Western enough art to attract nonweebs
> Arena shooter to attract casual pointy shooty crowd
>more people on the reddit page then are actually playing the game
Dunkey said it is visually less appealing than Overwatch, so it must be true
-Bad character design
-Can't fucking see people as much as in other games, everything is murky grey smudge
-Unappealing gameplay, brings nothing new to the table
-Saturated market
Can we get single digits?
Battleborn had huge promotion. This is what happens when you make a shitty game like Battleborn but with zero advertising.
>reading gotafriendy's posts
poor guy
*slams book on the table*
lets make a gorillion dollar ip
>"Hey Mike! How's the kids?"
>"They're good Jeff! Just getting off now so I'll see you tomorrow?"
>"Sure will, Mike. Only me and 8 others will be playing tomorrow so you can't miss us!"
characters are bland and ugly
Dev making stupid marketing choices like sjw pandering with the gender neutral bathrooms or insulting the entire xbox playerbase
It came out after the target market was absorbed by Overwatch, talk about meme gravity all you want, it's targeting the same audience
It's also unoptimized
>The unpopular characters in overwatch are sjw
How is Orisa a sjw character?
Also Tracer, Zarya, Lucio and Symmetra are popular
What's that, like anno?
Any LawBreakers video like the one from Blunderborn or Evolve?
>Overwatch brand of SJW is the same as CliffyB's brand of SWJ guys, believe me, play the goddamn game!!!!
>By next month the bathroom signs at Cliffy B's office will have a more people than Lawbreakers
>This game is already dead.
Stop glamorizing playercount you bigot
I'm sure there will be soon.
I love how these articles pop up "GUYS, we NEED to stop doing THIS thing because it has nothing to do with it"
>Turns out it has everything to do with it
I hope the article writer knows how fucking retarded they are.
I do agree some what. People have posted dead game for a lot of my games that gives 1k to 2k ish players. Which is clearly not dead.
But law breakers is next level. 10 players? There's more people playing ns2 than law breakers.
There's literally more players playing unreal tournament 1999 than law brreakers.
this one?
And, he sold them the idea of having retarded edgy characters
Randy is our gift, out curse.
Shit game with marketing vs shit game without marketing.
yes there is a crowbcat video
>multiplayer only game
>requires a mass of other players to play
>Hard facts are sweeping generilizations suddenly
Daily reminder that Battleborn did way better than Lawbreakers, it took over a year for battleborn to have less than 100 players, Lawbreakers had 20 people just 2 months after release
this is what happens when you try to resurrect PC gaming
Now if only this game had dedicated servers. It most likely would have retained enough players for them to be able to play.
man this BKP guy sure knows what's up
>put this thing in your game
>act amazed when it flops like a fucking fish
Step it up Cliff Bazinga
>food analogy
Overwatch is pretty much the perfect product desu
>Boss Key Productions
The Lawbreakers fandom eats shit, so...
Okay Cliffy B I know how to turn your game into a success.
Take everything you have here and turn it into a go-fast shooter version of pic related.
cliffyb happened
Looking at the character design, there are like ... 3 that look ok and somewhat original. The rest is a combination of hipster haircuts and vanilla scifi power armor.
Not surprised they didnt think reinventing the wheel is imminent.
I wonder were are all of those poor bastards who said the game was doing better on the PS4
You have to wait over 1 hour to play the game at night in NA
>standup PC guy one moment
>SJW ratfuck the next
What happened?
have you tried restarting? it's a bug
>that thinning
I think the stress of this game finally did it...
The only SJW one of those is Zarya tho