Ok Sup Forums since it's clear that you guys seem to hate the GameCube Mario sunshine specifically , what do you think would have made it and its games good in the eyes of 80s kids?
Ok Sup Forums since it's clear that you guys seem to hate the GameCube Mario sunshine specifically...
Violent games.
There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.
>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.
>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.
>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.
>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion
You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.
DID I EVEN SAY THAT I LIKED SUNSHINE? Do you just have that copypasta as a hotkey in your keyboard?
So your problem was that it's library was all "babby no schut"
N64 has an amazing mario and 2 amazing zeldas Rareware
Gamecube had 1 mediocre Mario and 2 mediocre Zeldas and no rareware
its not that hard to figure out. The only thing Cube did better was Smash Bros and having a 3d Metroid
Ok but how would you fix TP, WW and sunshine though?
>GC: Windwaker is "good zelda"
>Wii U: Windwaker HD is "crappy remake"
>also no mention of BoTW
1. Are you saying wind Waker is bad?
2.are you saying wind Waker hd is good?
they have to be redesigned from scratch and I cant really go into it in a single post. but mostly better dungeons, better overworlds, less gimmicks
they're both bad, but TP is good and your opinion on video games is invalid if you think WW > anything except maybe SS
The Gamecube was Nintendo's last really great console, second only to the SNES.
Is this the birth of an epic new meme?
Also, literally the only point that's valid there is the blue coin one. Work on your pasta.
Thank you for calling TP meh.
But you're wrong about SS.
i'm not saying that WW is bad, i'm saying it doesn't make sense to have it be good, then bad in that shitty image
And here i am just enjoying video games without deeply analyzing the design
People hate the GameCube?
Must be huge faggots.
Rare was overrated shit desu. They were masters of presentation but most of their games were mediocre beneath the surface of GOAT writing and art direction.
The problem with the Gamecube's library is that it had a lot of boring, padded out games that relied on presentation and atmosphere as a crutch.
When the most fun Nintendo game is actually made by Sega, you've got problems.
I see what you mean by atmosphere, sunshine wind Waker and luigis mansion are thick with it
The Gamecube CONSOLE itself I am absolutely in love with. I worked in a used game store for awhile, so i got to handle a lot of consoles all the time.
It is sturdy as fuck. A solid cube. The build quality is excellent. Everything has a satisfying feel to it. The controllers make a snap into place with big durable connectors. This console also has the most pleasant on console buttons. A joy to press. And it has a fucking handle for portability so you can show your friends your edick at sleepovers when you aren't showing them your actual dick.
Compare this to the PS4 Pro. You pick up the system and it creeks and pops like its some kind of elderly man, put him down so you don't break him. The """buttons""" are shit, and actually hard to use. Also, they are thin strips of plastic that feel like they are going to pop off at any time.
Basically what I am saying is modern consoles feel cheap as fuck despite being technically superior.
>perfect dark
There are some very vocal and aggressive autists that are on the warpath against it lately. Especially sunshine.
Yeah like they designed the GameCube so you could take it to a friend's house, did anyone actually do that?