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this game wont have 100 on metacritic
it literally cant its just another rehashed yearly mario shit we always get

if it has 100 a week after release ill eat my hat

>yearly rehashed Mario
What was last years Mario friend? Or 2015s? or 2014s?

>in b4 Jim Sterling gives it a 65

Born Different...


Jim Sterling doesn't do reviews anymore.
Mario is safe.

it would be career suicide to give a mario game a low score, there's no alternative.

>what is paid reviews

How the fuck are they rehashed yearly when only one comes out every generation.
You could call the spinoff shit rehashed sure, but not mainline.

>c-cringe. I'm cringing at you right now lol. Don't you know what that means? lol.

Damn nice retort


He still does. He reviewed Breath of the Wild, and went out of his way to give it a lower then average score. Tons of nerd raged, and his response to them was basically "my review is the only fair one, so fuck off ya cunts"

cringe as fuck


Is he still butthurt about BOTW fans sperging out at him?



Triggered as fuck


Why are nintenkiddies so fucking cringeworthy?

Paid review
very nice

nobody will ever take you seriously :)

If mario gets a 100 the only thing it confirms is metas already obvious bias to nintendo.


Holy cringe.

>first 10 comes out
>shitstorm is here already
>people disagree with the perfect score already
I can't imagine the shitstorm when all the other 10s come in

He's going to change his mind and do a review, while saying something stupid like "Odyssey's perfect scores made me decide that this is a exception to my rules, and I need to give my opinion on this".

>Sandbox mario game hasn't been made since Galaxy 2
>Yearly rehash


I wouldn't be surprised.
This fat fuck would do anything for attention.

stay mad, fantard

>Sunshine got in the 90s on Metacritic
Did the people even play that game?


Metacritic really shouldn't count reviews from websites with the fucking company name in the title. Oh, gave the latest Nintendo game a 10/10? Amazing.

It had impressive graphics for its time, that alone explains the score, but admit it, faggot, the game is great.

sunshine is hailed today as the unsung hero of 3D platformers you nogs. Have you not seen the gorrillion speed runs and lets plays of that game?

*snifff* *snifff* Yeeruuuuughhh it STINKS. Smells like a... Sunshinefag.

There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.

>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.

>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.

>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.

>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion

You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.

It's better than both Galaxys

That happens with any game that is about 15 years old because all the people who played it as young children are now in their early 20s with a lot of free time.

Disliked the game when it came out. But I genuinely like that game now and it grew on me over time.

Same with Wind Waker. Fucking loathed it when it came out. And I now think it's the best 3D zelda game.

Do people still play shitty mario?

It happens with Sony games too, 90% of the reviews for Sony games are from websites with names related to Playstation brand.

Fucking cringe

>marioshit audience being the worst kind of autist
As expected of manchildren and furfag.

Cool. It's nice to see a game made for children get recognized.

He wrote his review ahead of time.

Fuck off shitposter

>Game """reviewers"

lol worthless opinions in 2017

You mean the Sony Bonus?

I have a Switch.

You know I'm in a dilemma. I thought Zelda BoTW looked like shit when the first trailers were shown. But when I played it I was really shocked to see how good the game was and I really enjoyed my time with it.

Now this time the trailers for Mario Odyssey also look like absolute crap. But how do I know the game is actually going to be good?

I didn't like any other game on the Switch besides BoTW and I probably will not like another game on it until Prime 4 comes out.

Is this a new pasta?

>He'll eat his hat

>giving Skyward Sword a 10/10
>giving The Last of Us a 10/10
>giving Breath of the Wild a 10/10

>Owns a Switch
>he doesn't own Golf Story


No it isn't?
People give Galaxy and 64 much more praise than Sunshine.
Just because fucking retarded Gamecube kiddies speedrun it, does not redeem how tedious and underdeveloped that game is.

Anybody else saving screencaps?

I don't check out the online store. Haven't touched the Switch since finishing Zelda. How good is that game?

From the trailer it looks like a JRPG with some minor golving elements.

>graphics fag
The game is good, not great. The platforming is terrible outside of the no-flood zones, every level wastes three of the shines on the same bullshit, and anything with Yoshi in it is cancer.

Not to mention the fucking retarded pachinko level and other shit.

Nope, just you.

Is it really that good?
Looks like indie shit.

>reviews don't matter unless it's a game I like

>caring about online reviews

Jesus people these the same publishers that say cod feel fresh each year

Nintendo fans truly are cringe

>reviews don't matter unless they support my viewpoint

It's ok to shitpost when nintendo cloppers do it.
Based mods


>yearly mario
Doesn't the super series typically only come out once per generation?

I do hope it is worth of that score.

What's the shitpost? He's only given facts.
Edge typically gives an average impression anyway.

Too busy playing Pokken

>Bayonetta (and 2)
>Both Mario Galaxies
>Rock Band 3
>Skyward Sword
>Halo 3
Edge is pathetic

i find both to be heavily flawed. sunshine has an unfun mechanic that is the face of the game, the fludd. it made platforming boring and secondary in favor of some metroid-like backtracking. while wind waker is a snoozefest, i have played it before and enjoyed it, but i dont think i finished it and lost my save. replaying it i can safely say it is the worst fucking game i have ever played as far as replayability. first play it felt like an adventure, i recall despising it the first time i played but eventually gave it a shot and it was great. the second time though it felt like slogging through molten catshit, everything takes forever before anything fun happens

Didn't all those games review well in general?

Oh dear. It appears we have opposing opinions then.

>Both Mario Galaxies
literally what is wrong with this

>There are people over 13 who still find Mario appealing
I hope you anons don't do that

I...I didn't like them? So how can it be a 10/10 user?
A 10/10 should be perfect. Everyone should love it. I don't, so it can't be. Use your head.

yes, i really care what this random, anonymous person said about that one game

that doesn't mean they are perfect games, in a rating scale only one (1) game can ever be considered 100 by any single author, otherwise another game did something better and then the first game isn't perfect (because there was something it COULD have done better). this is objective. if every game you liked had a perfect score ratings would mean nothing, might as well have a binary rating system

I do what I please.

>might as well have a binary rating system
Well, maybe we should. Sup Forums seems to operate on the idea.