why don't more vidya companies sue cheaters? they ruin the reputation of the game, ruin the enjoyment of other players, and hurt sales. every cheater should be publicly outed and sued by the dev. people who played with the cheater should be informed so they can sue the cheater as well.
Why don't more vidya companies sue cheaters? they ruin the reputation of the game, ruin the enjoyment of other players...
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to subway
>order a BLT sandwich
>ask them to hold the lettuce because you don't like lettuce
>sandwich artist says it comes with lettuce and refuses to remove it
>pay for your sandwich
>sit down
>remove the lettuce from your sandwich and start eating it
>sandwich artist comes running up
>tell him to fuck off
>a week later
>knock on the door
>you get served with a lawsuit filing
that's how retarded you sound like right now. if you buy a product, it's you right to modify it as you see fit
It's typically a lost cause to do so, as they usually either don't get money or the defendant plays for time until red tape drowns the case to oblivion.
Stuff like that is just a scare tactic to stop people from fucking around since Battle Royale is free, so banning accounts doesn't often stop all of the cheaters. Having the threat of a lawsuit brought down on you, however middling it would be, is enough to scare the typical cheater.
You do not have a right to cheat in a multiplayer game. Fuck off.
Fuck cheaters
>Copyright infringement
Kek want to see that stand up in court. There are no laws against cheating in a game. Sueing over piracy is something they'll have to get lucky with to prove.
>Food analogy
>On top of being wrong
Really nigga?
yes you do.
This is horrible bait.
This is a step in the right direction, but I think insufficient. What we really need is for game companies to put a hit on the cheaters. Literally just hire an assassin and have the cheater killed, in real life, physically dead. Doing that just once or twice would scare the shit out of people and send the correct message.
You have a right to cheat and they have a right to ban you forever. And then its transaction over.
>BLT sandwich
No, you don't.
See , and then .
Hi, I am Epic Games. Whoah, the weather sure is stormy today, I guess I'll have to sue Zeus.
Are they actually suing cheaters, or the cheat makers? Cus there is already precedent for suing cheat makers.
These posts are my favorite
lol you should screenshot this for your 'ebin bait' folder
How do we define cheating? Is wavedashing in Melee or Snaking in Mario Kart DS cheating?
>dis bait
no cheating is using outside programs to give yourself an unfair advantage in a multiplayer game
cheating in a single player game is fine
Not likely to stick
When the game itself is altered to give a distinct advantage over other players, or a secondary program is used in conjunction to gain an advantage. Lawfags get onto it, I suck at drfining things properly.
Modifying a game to cheat is not copyright infringement. See Nintendo v Galoob
>Go to YouTube
>Watch uploaded movie that is clearly copyright infringement
>Somehow piratebay which did not even host videos are killed but YouTube survives
Wow it's almost like the ((law)) doesn't affect ((Google))
Bread Less Tomatoe
Fair enough, that's reasonably.
Are saying then that abusing infinites or clipping out of bounds falls entirely on the devs to patch out rather than ban players for using such tactics? Assuming these tactics are used entirely in the confides of the game and not aided by external programs.
yes it is entierly on the devs to set the games internal rules if a glitch allows someone an unfair advantage its the devs job to fix said glitch
A lot of ToS for games say exploits aren't allowed, although I forget the exact language they use to define an exploit. So they're definitely allowed to ban you.
That was during the pre-dmca days
Essentially the publisher is punishing their own user base that paid for and/or support their title.
>go to McDonalds
>order tendies
>ask them for szechuan sauce because its in your favorite show, Rick and Morty
>neanderthal McDonalds employee says they are all out
>pay for your tendies
>sit down take a deep breath while deciding what to do
>run up to the counter
>he tells you to fuck off
>security kicks you out
>week later
>knock on McDonalds HQ
>serve them with a lawsuit for false advertisement
that's how intellectual you sound like right now. if you advertise a product, it's your responsibility to supply it as I see fit
Yes, just like how people get rich by exploiting others, it's God's fault. Criminals exist because the devs haven't patched society.
It refers to Bit blit (also written BITBLT, BIT BLT, BitBLT, Bit BLT, Bit Blt etc., which stands for bit block transfer)
Assuming that not alterations are being made, and no money is actually being lost (Which can occur in sime cases), then it does fall on the developer to fix it. That said, they should also probably be ready to perform maintenance like that while also allowing players to do something else. Early Access is screwy though, and makes that a bit stranger to work with.
people who get exploited bring it on themselves if people would learn to be less trusting of people they dont know people would not get exploited so easily
why just sue them?
cheating lowlifes should be shot
Are you telling me criminals wouldn't exist is people never trusted each other? You would go straight to Anarchy, no devs, no patches, no servers.
Do they really call them "sandwich artists" in USA?
That's what they're called everywhere I thought. In Subway chains only at least.
no im not saying they wouldnt exist im saying dont give someone full access the minute they meet you make them show they deserve trust
>sues brazilian
>gets hue'd
Well they aren't cooks for making a sandwich so what else would you call them.
So people should not have full access to products they buy? You prefer having your computer monitored by DRM software and your revokable licenses?
Cheaters ruin the experience for others, which develops a negative reputation for the game and directly hurts sales. So no.
counter assholes
Those cheaters they are suing most likely sold their cheating tools to others using the Fortnite brand, and that can be grounds for a lawsuit.
no a product you buy should obvious be yours but that doesnt give you the right to use an external program to ruin anothers experience anypart of the program left incomplete or bugged is the fault of the devs
I really doubt it'll hold up in court. Permaban sure, but lawsuit for cheating is just silly.
they are suing the ones selling them not the ones using them
>it's the fault of the consumer
>not the fault of the company for not having proper servers and anti chat measures
Yes let's protect the interests of a giant company over a real person good thinking OP.
Give it up, OP. Most people on Sup Forums won't understand, they don't even see anything wrong with screen peeking.
>sandwich artist
this has to be a burger thing
>it's the fault of the consumer
>not the fault of the company for not having proper alarms and anti theft measures
Yes let's protect the interests of a giant company over a real person good thinking user.
Shouldn't it be the company's duty to ensure players are not cheating in their game, not the government? And how the hell is cheating copyright infringement?
>Someone steals from a store.
>It's store's fault! That person was innocent!
This is some retard-tier logic.
Nah, "sandwich artist" is legit what Subway employees are called, not just in burgerland.
Do you guys really think when you buy or download a program you have legal rights to modify the code?
In online games, no. But if it's a single player game, damn right I do.
I don't like it. Seems like it's setting a bad precedent that could be construed as any modification to a game can get you sued. Plus companies should be working on good cheat detection rather than lawyering up.
You don't, but since the only thing that forbids it is the EULA, they normally can't take the action against you any further than by banning you in their own private domain.
Only as long as you don't distribute it and don't affect others with it.
Yes, because I bought it so It's my right to do whatever I please with it including changing it's name and selling copies to others
Except for the person has paid for the right to use the software like everyone else? Where the hell are you getting theft from?
The publisher/devs have the right to ban you for cheating but anything beyond that is so ridiculous it borders on unwarranted aggression.
OP is a paid marketer trying to push stupid software rights agendaa.
You typically only hack the client side of a multiplayer game. That's not any different than giving lolis in your weeb game naked textures.
Unless you have evidence to the contrary, I'm pretty sure it is. Most EULAs probably have clauses against it, but those are simply agreements and not laws.
When you buy or download content you only get a license to use that content. How you use it should then be up to you.
The solution is to not cheat. It's really not that hard.
In technical jargon no, but law is more than that. You can masturbate naked in your house, but you'll get in trougle if you do it out in the streets.
the thing is no matter how good the cheat detection is someone will get around it same with DRM
More like the judge and key people involved in the TPB case was paid off or had connections to some of the companies that sued in the first place, for example one of the policemen that was involved in the raid for TPB servers, who then got a job at warner brothers. Fun thing, apparently he is now back at the police force in sweden.
When reading up on the case I lost all fucking trust in the court system, especially since the judge was fucking proven to have a connection to a copyright group yet was not considered biased.
It's not the same, but it is equivalent to the retarded argument you're trying to make. You agreed to a terms of use. You break it, you're liable for legal action depending on the wording. That's how it works.
And suing people won't stop cheating just like it didn't stop music piracy. It just makes your company look like cunts and forces yoy to put time and rmoney into something that isn't a game's development.
>Waste money trying to sue third world trash that has no money
Not like your legal department develops anything other than EULAs.
Except that if you don't try to defend your ip it's the same, legally speaking, as saying your shit is free to take.
ToS and EULAs can and has been thrown out of court for being worth less than the time it took to read it. Fuck, wrongly worded contracts in Sweden can be immediately nulled in court for containing shit that is just not allowed, for instance trying to sign away someones legal rights. ToS and EULAs are not necessarily binding at all.
Cheating is abhorrent, but it is not a matter of law.
Copyright has long stopped being used for its intended purpose, and we certainly don't need to expand it any further.
The depressing thing is, Epic fully knows the lawsuit is stupid, but just the mere act of being sued is immensely costly to the target of the lawsuit. Large companies do this all the time (And copyright is their favorite one to use, because it's such a shit show of a legal area now that just about any stupid theory could potentially win with the right judge).
>Sue person threatening $250,000 statutory damages
>Most of the time they give in to demands
>If not, go to court and win
>The target of the suit is now bankrupt due to legal fees even though they won.
Even if we hate cheaters, that's what these companies do. They pick a hated target that no one can defend and do these shitty lawsuits so that they can set precedents to further expand the authority of copyright.
It's no surprised that all of the attempts to weaken Section 230 are marketed as "protecting children from child pornographers"
no it probably wont just like its never stopped much of anything
anyone have any idea why eminem a white guy is headlining the BET awards?
I'm actually working on a little project that's gonna take cheating to the next level
watch this space
Yeah no kidding but that doesn't justify legal action by any means.
>multiplayer map
>manage to get on top of a building because the developers made jumping just high enough to use some crates
>get banned
You don't own the games you buy, numbnuts. You purchase a license to play them.
Once or twice? Nah hackers should be lined up and put into concentration camps to do hard labour. At night they are only allowed 1 hour of vidya but only 1 game, cup head on a sticky keyboard that's designed to have input latency of 150-650ms(randomised every 6 minutes) and when they finally finish it they will be allowed to leave the camp and be free.
That analogy would work if it was a single player game but not a multiplayer one where cheating ruins the fun for other people, you fucking melt.
>It's another Sup Forums is the ultimate authority of morality
You know jerking off horses is a real job ?
why do i get the feeling that thing is going to be REALLY irritating?
>spineless faggot can't handle debate
t. cheating piece of shit
Cheaters deserve everything they get tbqh fagalams
What the fuck are you talking about? I was using music piracy as a point of comparison that litigation doesn't stop these types of issues. No one's losing their IP because their game has cheaters.
Replying to ebic b8
Cheating is murder
cheating is worse than dropping two bombs on an asian country
Bisexual lesbian transgender sandwich.