Who were those 10.
The devs
I don't think this is something that needs to be continually reported on. Cliffy deserves it but do we need constant updates on how dead the game is?
Imagine putting work into this game knowing that you're making a piece of shit with horrible direction. After like 2 years it's finally out and you basically dont have a job afterwards
People just like to see others suffer.
>Resident Evil Outbreak, a failed PS2 online experiment from 10 years ago, has more online players than the latest game by the designer of Gears of War and Unreal Tournament.
Billion Zimbabwe dollar franchise!
i love watching people suffer
Building a game for a saturated market with no unique features or waifus. What did anyone expect? Really?
I saw the character designs and gameplay and was instantly put off. Nobody plays games with edgy shit characters like that. If I wanted fast paced gameplay I could play Quake or Tribes or Unreal.
It was just one massive fuck up.
its funny because those 10 people can't even get in a game together because they're spread out on the whole planet and it probably unbearably laggy
is this game that bad, or what happened here?
How the fuck can any game be that dead? Is it literally unplayable or is it a self-sustaining meme?
Taken positively it's a cry for help. It won't change anything unfortunately and will just result in more people laughing about it.
>15 posters in this thread
>more people here than people playing LawBreakrs
Just rip the band-aid off and make it f2p Cliffy, it's not even fun to laugh at anymore
It's ok but not enough to make a difference in market saturated with games of the same genre with tits marketing consisting in: "This game is better of Overwatch, please buy it".
I won't lie, it feels good seeing a cocky son of a bitch like CliffyB fail so spectacularly. His game is shit, he himself is a piece of shit. He deserved it.
This is divine retribution.
Jesus Christ man, how fucking dead can something even get? This is just sad for Cucky B. Not even Battleborn is this bad.
This is what happens when you're an arrogant fuck and cheap'ed out on marketing by using chink/shitstain marketers.
It's called schadenfreude, even if in this case it's more like being happy for a piece of shit to finally receive his right karmic retribution.
shit game. it could go f2p and people would still play overwatch. I hope cliff learned his lesson.
Here is your billion dollars cliffy.
Fortnite became f2p recently, thats where the people went. Bad timing. Maybe for christmas.
But then he'd admit that he fucked up and it would seem as if he's begging people to play it.
>saving on server maintenance this way
It's a brilliant plan, they're playing the long game.
The only saving grace for Battleborn was that it went free to play. Why Lawbreakers didn't go f2p way sooner than this is the mystery.
He DID fuck up though, actually admitting it would honestly be a bit respectful
would kill for that amount of players regularly
I honestly did not expect something to crash so much harder than Battleborn.
What's next, yet another hero shooter that's only played by one person after the launch window?
At this point would anyone still care about it going F2P? Hell I didn't even know about this game's existence until it was shilled here a week after it came out. Around the time Crowbcat posted his video. Shit I even went to E3 and barely knew about it then. I saw they handed out a patch for the game and didn't know it was for Lawbreakers when I saw that video with the same logo. The sad smiley with two X's for eyes.
What happens when the game cannot sustain enough people for even one game? I don't mean like maybe at 3am in the morning it only has 5 players or something, I mean it never reaches 10 players.
This is Cliffy B we're talking about here.
They solved the problem of matchmaking, just put everyone in the same game.
I've had more than 10 people playing a game I slapped together in a week.
Just what DID cliffy do to deserve this? I don't really know much about him. Was he just an asshole like tameem?
I wonder how the devs that are still working on lawbreakers feel about all of this.
I'm thinking the hero shooter might have reached it's nadir with Overwatch. They're never going to let go of that game, so multiplayer shooters are just going to have to find something new, or revert back to the boring but safe CoD/Battlefield model.
Shit, even CoD tried the hero thing, and it wasn't that great.
Pretty much, but he also was ultra progressive on top of it instead of just a "too deep for you" artist.
Even at this point it won't help for shit. You have PUBG, Fortnite, Overwatch with their Halloween and upcoming winter events. It's too damn late for this shit now.
neotokyo is no better than lawbreakers. Game is dead for a reason
It's a game that has a definite niche of gamers who would enjoy it. The game probably could have survived fine with a few thousand concurrent players, but PC gamers are just obsessed with numbers. As soon as people saw that it wasn't at the top of the charts it became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
He's a tremendous douchebag. He's known for talking shit about PC in the past and then he chooses to not release Lawbreakers on XBone and repeatedly trash talks the same people who made Gears of War the success that it was. Whenever he would give presentations about Lawbreakers, he would brag about how rich he is from his invest in Oculus Rift. He deserves to see his game fail this miserably. Not even Battleborn, the game that is known for failing, wasn't this damn bad.
Nah, fuck Cliffy. Fucking asshole that kicked his Xbox fanbase while they were already down. Fucker deserves to have his career permanently marked with this fucking horrible failure of a game. Participating in petty fucking gay-ass console wars as a dev outs you as an honest piece of shit, especially when you're shitting on the fans that got you to where you are today.
but that's just a thousand millions
To be fair, Outbreak is fun.
>"We worked on this game before ever seeing previews for Overwatch"
>Thinks it's still a secret inter-business news doesn't travel at light speed months to years in advanced so they obviously knew
There more people lurking the subleddit (probably Sup Forumsirgins mining salt) than there are playing the game.
All he had to do was keep his fat fucking mouth shut and it wouldn't have been as funny.
But he was so full of himself and so narcissistic that it makes this whole fiasco 30x funnier
>finally download Brink since I was busy every night or away from my pc since it went free to play almost a month ago
>oh good it still has 400 players I can get some matches going, I can relive some earlier times!!
>there are only 4 players using the server browser aka playing multiplayer
>everyone else is too much of a stupid dumb nigger to figure out how to enter a mp game and is playing solo campaign alone vs bots
Even Blunderborn as more people than this.
ahh I see...
Well I'm sure the dlc will save this game.
I was going to buy this game but then I watched a streamer play it and got a headache after 10 minutes of just random shit flying across the screen.
Needless to say , i didn't buy it.
Which game will close down their servers first? Place your bets, boys. Randy isn't going to release any more content for Battleborn, but LawBreakers is on life support.
thanks for letting us know
anglo-fags call that a billion
Cliffy Bazinga's Daikatana
Welcome to the JUSTice League
Battle royale mode When?
It worked for an almost dead game
Sounds like you're not Sup Forums as fuck, user.
fortnite never was as dead as lawbreakers, but I know you're just trying to start shit, so whatever
For the US and I think UK and other anglo countries a Billion is what other countries call a thousand millions and what we call a Trillion is what other countries call Billions.
Is Lawbreakers PC only?
I would probably be one of those 10 players if I didn't get tired of solo queueing in competitive games.
It was fun enough during the betas and alphas, but even then you can tell the game was going to face problems.
Each new beta had less players than the previous one, which is why I think the game would still die even if it went f2p.
It's on PS4 too, but it isn't cross-platform iirc and the PS4 version had some bad stuttering issues
>My boss Cliff tells me my work is essential to making LawBreakers a better game for the community.
>Work long hours, stay late.
>One day Cliff comes in, branding his typical "Fuck Xbots" shirt, but he has tears in hia eyes.
>Cliff whats wrong?
>"Our game is dead, 10 players this afternoon..."
His words trail off into a whimper.
>He goes into his office shortly after.
>Its been 3 weeks since that happened and I havent come into work at all since. But I'm still getting paid to do nothing.
sjws/leftists are not people
watching trainwrecks is Sup Forums culture
it's all over but the crying.
Devs dont give a shit, they salary is the same at the end.
The CEOs and managers are fucked tho
>more people working on the game than playing it
>more people in this thread than playing it
More people are playing fucking Special Delivery in TF2 right now.
desu if Special Delivery wasn't ctf I'd play it more often, map is neat
So what killed the game?
Ice age
we did it for battleborn except this is doing even worse than battleborn did
>Fuck PC
>Fuck Xbox
>Fuck White people
Who the fuck would do business with that piece of shit.
The Trump curse is real
The main problem with this game, other than Cliff's failed marketing tactic, is that the game has a high skill floor. Despite how that might sound good, it's not a formula for a thriving online PvP multiplayer game. Kid Icarus Uprising tried marketing its multiplayer and nobody played it even though it was good. Warframe also has PvP and its far fewer than the guys playing missions on the solar map. Once you have too high a skill floor, new people won't be coming in, and older people will eventually leave because people gotta change up their entertainment from time to time, so eventually it'll be dead if new players don't join in from time to time. As much as we hate scrubs, they're integral to the experience and are necessary for a good time.
Tl;DR Lawbreakers was dead from its inception, not because of marketing but because of game design.
You're right. I played the COD WWII beta and the maps were basically corridors, the guns practically have no recoil. People can just spray down lanes and get kills.
That's what people want. Mindless fun. It's the same with Overwatch. The skill ceiling is incredibly low.
Agreed, I think this is a big part of it, and also explains why they were losing players even in the beta stage.
And there aren't any real noob friendly classes where you can feel helpful even if you're shit at targeting.
I feel like a lot of new players went for the assassin for that reason and they probably found out quickly that it's not actually any easier.
I'm a casual in shooters but the sad thing about it is that shooters are mostly aim a mechanical skill. Overwatch has that problem of having tons of optiosn to enjoy the game without great aim but you will never reliably climb unless you eliminate the other team. I wonder what is the ideal balance. Thats why I find myself playing shooters less or sticking to consoles which is still a dumb idea.
I can think of a few online games on PC right now that have such low player count:
>Pirates, Vikings and Knights 2
>Lead & Gold
>acts like a douchebag and spouts his opinions consistently
I don't think "from legendary game designer Cliff Bazinga" did the game any favors. Most people who even know his name probably hate him for some reason or another by now. I personally glanced over the game because of him. Maybe I would have considered it if it did end up with a big fanbase, I'm not that cynical toward him, but it did at least make me not an early adopter.
Stop making fun of Clifford!!!
>Resident Evil Outbreak
can it be played on pc? I didnt know
Those 10 players must be #skilledAF
>There are more people over 120 years old than people playing lawbreakers
So is this gonna be an e-sport?
If you jump in now you can claim to all your friends that you're in the top 10 in a competitive esport
Does anyone know where I can register my team for the first tournament?
I purchased the video game lawbreakers ask me anything.
But the gender nuetral bathroons