Mario Odyssey has its first 10/10 review

Edge just gave it a 10. Game has been looking outstanding. Been a while since I have wanted to play a mario game this bad.

Dont ever really preorder games always end up buying things a week or so later. Gonna make an exception this time

Other urls found in this thread:

I preordered it but mostly since Best Buy is giving a $10 kickback.

Though I probably would have anyway because I need more Switch games.

If Mario just had it's first review 16 days before release how come it isn't releasing sooner? It's clearly finished at this point.

>there are nearly as many moons in Odyssey as there are Korok seeds in BOTW

>bing bing wahoo souless remix
>a new hat in time refreshing and fun game



>a new hat in time refreshing and fun game

You mean the game that literally apes all its ideas from past 3D Mario games?

Probably that's what their distributors agreed to.

Old news they have it a 10 a few days ago.




Take away the Nintendo bonus, and it's a 7/10 too

You seem like the kind of person that uses the word "memeing" often.


>he doesn't like bing bing wahoo

From the review:

>Gamers are dead. Long live players.

>Nintendo has always put play to the fore in its career, from the simple joy of Pokemon's nostalgia for a rewilded childhood to its roots producing card games to ensure even during Meiji oppression, people could play. We are, after all, pan ludens - the playful ape.

>Mario Odyssey is all about play, in ways that will doubtless anger self-described gamers. Gone are the finicky platforming challenges of Sumshine and 64, replaced with simple exploration of the game's beautiful worlds. Cappy abilities let you interact with these, but - much like Breath of the Wild - gamers expecting a curated, cinematic skill-heavy challenge like Dark Souls or Cuphead will realise Odyssey is not for them.

So without the Nintendo tax, factoring in the Mario compounded interest rate divided by the Sony Bonus that's a solid 12/10, not bad at all.

I AM meeme lord yes :)

>Nintendo bonus
Quit this meme already.

I like how he has a M on his hat. It helps me to remember who he is, because I often get him confused with his brother. Luckily his brother has a L on his cap!!

>even 5 years after gameur gate he still had to shit on gamer

fuckign marxists saSTGET OUT


ol nitnedo was good but new since weiii no

>Edge also gave Skyward Sword a 10/10

>>Mario Odyssey is all about play, in ways that will doubtless anger self-described gamers. Gone are the finicky platforming challenges of Sumshine and 64, replaced with simple exploration of the game's beautiful worlds. Cappy abilities let you interact with these, but - much like Breath of the Wild - gamers expecting a curated, cinematic skill-heavy challenge like Dark Souls or Cuphead will realise Odyssey is not for them.
Nice fake

de ntneindo rebate ;^)

dont voomplian about it or ur a sonybro!!!

Skyward Sword was a good game I hate to burst your silly bubble but it's the truth.

The ACTUAL review


Really, that's weird because I played Skyward Sword and I remember it not being a good game

>Dont ever really preorder games always end up buying things a week or so later. Gonna make an exception this time
I really honestly kinda despise anons that cry shill at everything.

But come the fuck on.

Yes, and

Skyward was a good game

it also gave Bloodborne a 10


You might be confusing it with Wind Waker. That's a fair mistake though.

Good job user, you could have done rhe hard thing and not be a faggot hypocrite.
You did the easy thing.

No, it was definitely Skyward Sword. I distinctly remember Skyward Sword being awful.

>It’s tempting to say say mario’s never felt better under the thumbs; he’s certainly never felt better in the palms.
>Odyssey already feels like the spiritual successor to Mario 64 we never quite got
>Link may have more Korok seeds to find than Mario has Moons, but not by many.

10? Well let's see:
> -1 Nintendo bonus
> -1 Mario bonus
> -1 Manchild (nostalgia) bonus
> -1 Easy bonus
> -1 Disabled bonus
Oh no, looks like the new Marios is only a 5/10. Sad!

>wind waker

nigga are you stupid

subscribers cover

From that VERY magazine

The loved
Mario - 10
Divinty: Original Sin 2 - 9

The liked
Destiny 2 - 8
Absolver - 8
Steamworld Dig 2 - 8
Project Cars 2 - 8

Marvel v Capcom - 6
Metroid Samus Returns - 6
Starfox 2 -5

Op here not bullshitting

End up buying games week later, then have issues finding time to play them. Took me two months to complete BOTW.

Probably wont even play south parks new game until several months later. Even though I really want too play it asap

Having a job does that too u : /

>game isn't even out yet and Sonyfriends have to meme about it "actually" being a 7/10

Why does Nintendo inspire such raw bitterness?

>Metroid Samus Returns - 6
It's over, pack it up

how long till the game is leaked?


>there are almost 900 moons to collect

Genuine spoiler - seems like we might be going back to Peach's castle from 64.

some copies are apparently out in wild. figure their to busy playing actual game so their not leaking it

Can someone make a parody of the Link fucking Aloy (Horizon) with Mario and the girl from A Hat in Time? Thanks in advance.

>EDGE gives Bloodborne a 10/10
>EDGE gives BotW and Odyssey a 10/10

Every time

well they better hurry up.

This is just a tip, or a fragment, of the iceberg really. You could have "games reviewing well" as 'X' and swap out X with a great many things and the question would still be applicable. Like the BoTW season pass, I'm not going to say that any people having issues with that were in the wrong or anything but the reactions were incredible, people taking it personally that there would be DLC in a Zelda game. The Splatoon 2 voice chat nonsense, a ridiculous and embarrassing thing to be sure, but that got incredibly ugly fast, people attacking others who weren't as outraged as they were. Then there was E3 2015, the January presentation of course and heck some lowlifes couldn't even just reign it in in the aftermath of Iwata's untimely passing and had to have a dig or two there as well.
It's just the Nintendo game that sets people off it seems, is it the nostalgia? The company image? The consistency of their quality games? How unpredictable and risk taking they are? I don't know, you'd have to ask these people to hear from the horse's mouth so to speak.
It's not just hating that Nintendo makes great games quite often at least to me, they hold them to a ridiculous standard for everything they do despite the fact they're just a publicly traded company like lots of others and treat any slight deviation from that to be criminal.
It's all just weird and not logical basically.


there's meant to be more unannounced worlds.

I like video games from Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, and PC.

>gives Samus Returns a 6/10
Now Metroid is officially dead

So, when are the other reviews out?

>fanbase when something good happens for them
>fanbase when something bad happens to them
anyone who has ever typed a post like this kill yourself unironically


The other Odyssey game I meant.

From now until the game launches, and maybe some reviews after it launches

It's nice to see children's games get recognized every once in a while.

I want Sup Forumstards to literally kill themselves.

If you only had bloodborne and horizon zero fun after years of waiting for a killer app you'd be bitter too, nintendo got BoTW, Splatoon 2 , arguably MK8 and Mario Odyssey in less than a year.

because nintendo stopped evolving after the gamecube, it's only been shit gimicks and rehashes since then

I thought we didn't trust video game journalist sites?

how tolerant

What are you talking about? TW3 was recognized 2 years ago.

How did the other companies evolve?

As long as they give Nintendo games good review Sup Forums respects them and worships them to appease their mod masters.

deeper and new gameplay forms

instead of just gimicks and gimicks and gimicks and rehash

Don't forget that ebil Meiji oppression that Nintendo rebelled against by making playing cards.

Games journalism is filled with Marxists fresh out of their community college English program who see everything they write as an opportunity to empower the oppressed instead of just writing a fucking informative article

the only thing wrong with this post is the reason for ban

I want Sup Forumstards to kill their literal racist selves.

>deeper and new gameplay forms
Such as?



I want Sup Forumstards to kill their literal racist selves painfully and slowly.

Is there a better console than the Switch right now?


>a hat in time is refreshing, unlike nintendo
>it literally uses wind waker's ripped character mesh for its protagonist

Come on, dude


I can't wait for mudslimes to murder every single one of you degenerate fucks.


I want pol/tards/ to be killed painfully and slowly by the thing they fear the most. Minorities.


I have a PS4 and a Switch. As much as I love my PlayStation, you're kidding yourself if you don't think the Switch hasn't had one the best launch years of any system.

Sup Forumstard KILL YOURSELF

you have to go back

You have to kill yourself.

Except he didn't ask about which one had a better 2017 year. He asked which was better overall. So obviously the console that's been out for a while has more to offer, ya dingus.

why are you spouting hate speech

Oh really? Please explain, I'll wait.

Holy shit someone ban this underaged fucktard

Why are you spouting words when you should kill yourself

shieeeeeeeeee edge mufuggin raycist mane

But the PS4 doesn't have any games. Even Nioh is coming to PC now.

It has way more games than the Switch. The Switch only has kiddy games.

Sega Dreamcast