>tfw no will to start playing my backlog
Tfw no will to start playing my backlog
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start with vampire, trust me
>even having a backlog
why buy something you don't play? do you just buy stuff because of have/have nots mentality?
>his backlog is only 5 games and he is complaining about it
I think I'm over 200 now
None of them are worth your time, trust me.
skip divinity. it's shit after Act 1
alpha protocol is a shit game but fairly fun because of the conversation aspects.
but for real tho, like i always say to people: don't have a backlog. play games as they become interesting to you. living like this lets me play like 6-7 games a month without pressure.
i think I'm getting close to 200
do you find yourself installing a bunch of games then only playing 2 or 3 over the course of months, user?
I buy most games when they're on sale for less than 5 yuro, never more than 20
Dishonored 2 is 2016 goty fucking play it right now.
What a sad year
Honestly, just dive in to one of those. I would be worried, though. Aside from Alpha Protocol and Dishonored 2, all those games have time sink elements that can derail the main game. If you are one of those people who don't enjoy filler, be cautious which you chose to play first.
This coming from someone with over 400 hours in Dragon's Dogma and a hundred in D:OS.
Speaking of Divinity: Original Sin, it's best to play it with someone else, though it is a reasonably long game can can be hard for both people to be motivated to finish.
dishonored 2 is really comfy
there's that buzzword again
>tfw made a lot of backlog progress throughout the last weeks
>beat some games I hadn't played in years
>down to only 5 games, of which I'm already playing 2 and making good progress
Gensoukyo is near.
I buy stuff that I want to play but it is hard to get myself to start the games.
>Just Cause 2
Still better than 3. Get a mod to weaponize the agency's little jet and enjoy
Stop masturbating
I'm serious masturbation and videogames are bot escapism, you're sapping your will to do other things by masturbating.
This, I only pick up games I will start playing immediately.
What is the point of having a backlog, anyway? If you aren't planning to play it as soon as possible, you will inevitably forget about the game because something else got your attention. In the end you are paying to have even less motivation to play these games because each new "75% off must buy!" game will just make your backlog list is stupid huge.
>have to replay all the old games i used to play because i forgot them completly
>backlog gets even bigger
who /droppingvidya/ here? ill complete a few GOD tier games again then do something productive
add me to play chess, 100% oj, melty blood, csgo or just to talk
>anime profile
closed the window, deleted cookies
How the fuck do you even add a private profile