>"Mercy is too mandatory so we're going to rework her"
>she's even more broken
What the fuck?
"Mercy is too mandatory so we're going to rework her"
Problem solved.
it's not that i think the development team don't care about balance
it's just that i think they're fucking retarded
Every team needs a mandatory mommy
>players think D.Va is too strong, so we're going to remove her ability to be a tank and instead make her another pseudo-offense hero
Its because of cry babies like you that she is actually going to be bad next patch. They've made her worse in the PTR, and that change will go live soon.
>being surprised that Blizzard still can't balance
you shouldn't be
>Banning keybinds
hold on, i don't play Overwatch, but does that mean that you now have to manually click ever ability or what?
contrary to popular belief, overwatch is not* a moba
*its a really shit first-person moba
One of the other healers that competes with mercy (lol) can wallride. After his last wallrode tweaks people were able to keybind to do it much more effectively, Jaff called it cheating and removed the ability to keybind it.
>tank main point is soaking damage and bodyblocking skill shots
>every tank HAD a talent for HP regen which was mandatory thanks to the mediocre regen per sec
>blizzard consistently removing said talents
>tanks are now useless without healers and a drag on the team even with healers
Man, remember when Blizzard could balance games really well?
Congrats, OP, you just witnessed Blizzard balancing at its finest.
what the fuck man
nu-blizzard cant balance for shit. I'm amazed people still play their awful fucking games.
people actually play HoTS?
I thought the blizzard blancing issues were a meme since I never really played a blizzard game but after playing OW holy FUCK my condolences to anybody that put up with this shit in other games. Do these guys balance strictly on player feedback? Do they not test these games hands on? Where is the QA where is the outreach to top players? This shit even has a PTR and the game is balanced like a fucking KMMO. Playing OW and dealing with the balance was like a fever dream.
it's because the guy in charge is hilariously unqualified
The only game I could think of in the Blizzard line-up that was remotely balanced was Brood War, and that was more due to custom maps and accidental balancing rather than Blizzard doing anything on their end to intentionally balance anything on their end.
>people actually play HoTS?
i played it longer than i should have. I really enjoyed it for a while because of map variety in pacing but now blizzard just shits out neww heroes so idiots pay $10 for each of them. nothing is balanced and new maps are awful
>people tell me that creative writing is a waste of time subject
>this guy ends up at the head of blizz' overwatch team
Is English better than STEM?
>people actually play HoTS
I like the presentation and how many heroes play, too bad they are fucking up EVERY character I liked.
I recall Warcraft III being pretty balanced.
>people actually play HoTS?
Yeah more than you'd think now with the overwatch falloff. It was a good strategy and it pulled people in from having playable OW heroes.
>quit the game at GM because of Mercy BS hide and seek
>thinking of coming back for Halloween event
>Mercy rework makes her even a more mandatory pick
She's fucking disgusting to play against
only if you have good connections with people who are nepotistic as fuck
Blizzard games have always been operating on "taking turns" being overpowered or underpowered. Literally all their games have had FoTM. WC3, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, WoW, Hearthstone, HotS and OW. They have all suffered from the same shit.
spoiler alert: That's exactly what life is
Dosen't matter how smart you are, all that matters is who you have connections with.
Jump being rebound to scroll wheel has been a thing since launch not just since the wallride jump speed boost buff.
Most of the parkour stuff on youtube and the like all use the scroll wheel jump bind in order to continuously jump up the same wall gaining height and speed.
Depends on what you do with the degree and what connections you have. A STEM degree is "marginally" better than an English degree, but means jack shit if you don't have any connections to get into the industry of choice.
why don't you just play dota? I always end up asking this question to myself whenever I hear of someone getting mad at LoL or some other ASSFAGGOTS game because dota is free, all the heroes are free, and it's got a higher skill ceiling. only legitimate complaints I can think of are the shitty camera and that the game can be overly complex for some people, but people get over those obstacles with enough time.
Can Bastion get something to make him better please? A defensive move, smaller turret spread, something.
>Get a kill
>Mercy rez
>Get another kill
>Mercy ult and rez
>Mercy becomes a flying Lucio
>Mercy outheals Lucio
>Our Lucio ults
>Shields don't last long enough
>Mercy is still flying around at the speed of sound healing everyone
>Zenyatta ults
>He helplessly hovers around to keep everyone alive
>6 seconds later his ult is gone
>Mercy is STILL flying around healing everyone
>Lose the fight
Jesus Christ. You need Mercy on your team and the first team to kill Mercy wins.
gee I wonder what could've possibly caused this underqualified person to be put in such a prestigious position?
It wasn't true for Elon Musk though.
All they really need to do is have his Ult transformation speed increased so it can be used to get yourself out of shit, just like fucking Winston can.
Blizzard wants equal win/pick rate for each character.
The problem is that you're only gonna pick 6 and then you're only going to pick the best
>a thread where no one is defending this shit
is the blizzard shilling finally over for this pile of trash?
With the Hog and Doomfist nerf, Mercy can just fly away and regen, there's no way to kill her reliably fast if she's not a dumbass. Prove me wrong
cry babies dictate this game's balance since the beginning. it's just YOUR turn to feel it.
I'm glad. she was fucking terrible as a support
>Jump in and drop the beat
>boost someone
>make everyone invulnerable and heal them instantly
Meanwhile, figure out a way to revive everyone when like the other team is right there.
tigole bitties doesn't like fast gameplay so he nerfed one of the few fun characters in his ga- I mean """""esports"""""
>Overwtch completely fucked in balance
>Faggots will still play just for new skins
>banning a keybind
>not a macro, a fucking keybind
>in a first person shooter
you actually cant make this shit up.
>Hanzo still one-shots heroes by scattershotting their feet
>this has not been touched since launch
>Those kids on CS from back in the day that accused everyone of cheating finally grew up and this is the fucking result.
>Blizzard wants equal win/pick rate for each character
Not only are they failing, but they're failing harder than I have ever seen for an AAA game.
Every patch there are like 3 mandatory heroes, 4-5 more viable heroes, and everyone else is F tier.
I mean I know Overwatch is bad, but they really haven't said anything that stupi-
>some dps characters were actually able to kill things unassisted if they caught the enemy by surprise
haha can't have that in our slow paced mob- uhh first person shooter xd
Is there any PvP game that balances healers well? And I don't mean multiple healers necessarily, just having healers in general. It always feels like it fucks things up.
having healing only characters fucking ruins games. they're boring as shit, take no skill to play, and they have to be played or you'll lose. one exception is dirty bomb, which makes healers just as adept as other classes in combat because they can heal themselves but have moderately weaker weaponry. The TF2 medic is barely acceptable because while he's very vulnerable by himself, he takes a good amount of skill to play (crossbow shots, positioning etc)
League of Le--
>ardent censor
Dota. There are plenty of healing-centric heroes, and they're balanced.
>play healer in overwatch
>helplessly dance around as my team gets fucking murdered because they're shit
>fire my 10 dps peashooter at the enemy as I run at a crawl-like pace away from the action.
>get shredded
wow this is fun. clearly game of the year
>reduce the duration of Defense Matrix by half, lessening D.Va's ability to tank damage
>but it's okay because you get some missiles
just post mummy mercy feet already you fucking retards
yea that's way better because she's an Official Assassinate Mercy Character.
They want to attract more girl gamers by making mercy mandatory and the way females play games by sitting behind Defensive Males.
DV A is pretty good because she can assassinate mercy.
I like how I knew how this whole thing played out after reading the changes and no one believed me in PTR.
>assassinating Mercy
Yeah... not really. Half DM means her survivability has gone through the floor, and her missiles can't be reliably used as the same time as her fusion cannon due to being slow projectiles while her left-click is hitscan. You need to be in her face to use both at the same time, and any good team will never let you get that close, even less so now that D.Va can't defend herself anymore.
She's a complete mess of a character, and the missiles add pretty much nothing to her kit. She's in dire need of a rework.
The latest changes did make her considerably better at taking out lone Pharah's though, so that's somewhat nice.
you're supposed to Lose your mech in the engagement.
the important thing is you can retreat back to revive distance with DVA and get revived.
really it's optimal for DVA to dive every 30 seconds to sync up with the revive timer.
The missiles are just extra DPS she has and you only need the defense matrix when you're starting to engage.
you don't NEED anymore because you're going to lose the mech and die but it doesn't matter because you'll get revived.
>it's okay this character is shit because the character can be revived after doing anything remotely useful xD
Kill yourself
D.Va is literally the worst character to revive due to being extremely vulnerable out of mech. Mercy's rework was an indirect nerf to her, more than anything.
If you're supposed to lose the mech, why not give her the HoTS buffs as a rework like a cooldown piercing laser and dashing?
Lets be honest, the circlejerk against mercy is so unrelenting you wont be happy until she is deleted from the game
i'm so glad i dropped this game and its abhorrent, DPS only focused balance
If you're not playing a damage hero, the devs flat out dont give a fuck about you
Because the character dynamic is different. HotS mech is a lot weaker while mini DVa is a lot stronger compared to Overwatch, which places a lot more emphasis on the mech.
Ideally (in Overwatch) you're supposed to lose your mech, activate ulti before ejection, call down another mech and continue.
>activate your ult while diving and feeding charge to the enemy team
>barrier heroes completely invalidate your ult, and if not for that, any team that is not braindead will simply hide behind the smallest of walls and survive
>If you're not playing a damage hero, the devs flat out dont give a fuck about you
But it's the supports who get the most changes, so what are you complaining about?
If by "changes", you mean "nerfs", then sure.
It's a fucking (well, supposed to be) a shooter. What did you or Blizzard expect?
Because they constantly get nerfs to stop them doing their job to benefit dps
Lucio has had many nerfs, Mercy got reworked to do less healing/ressing and more dps, tanks got nerfed across the board - zarya bubbles and damage down for example, hog gutted because dps babs cant into positioning, Matrix gutted but look, MORE dps missiles!!!!!
The game is literally balanced around popular streamers like Seagull who advertise the game and play Damage heroes
That's why you USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN and wait until the enemy team is distracted or in a vulnerable position.
Just shoot the enemy mercy you fucking mong. Jesus Christ if I get matched with another fucking team that ignores mercy I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. She isn't broken in the slightest, you just have more chromosomes than recommended
>you need to dive and die every 30 seconds
>ult when you die
>except when you don't
You're advocating for feeding the otber team, mate. Current D.Va is terrible and in need of buffs/rework. Deal with it.
a class based shooter you autist
meaning other classes than just 'me do damage'
if there are other roles in the game literally listed on the character select menu 'Defence, Tank, Support' there is clearly an intention for those roles to exist, dont be obtuse
>If by "changes", you mean "nerfs", then sure.
I wasn't aware Lucio, Symmetra and Mercy had only ever received nerfs. But you know more than me :^)
>Because they constantly get nerfs to stop them doing their job to benefit dps
The only character who's ever gotten constant nerfs was Ana. Which actually supports the second bit of your argument seeing as her Nano Boost movement speed was removed to "stop them doing their job to benefit dps".
To be fair have you seen some of these playerbases? I mean I honestly have no idea how half these kids function in the real world .
I am pretty sure Lucio has actually only ever received nerfs. the change in playstyle recently I wouldnt' say is a nerf but is just exactly that, a change in playstyle.
jeff "tigole" kaplan was leader of one of the best guilds in everquest back in the day. he was infamous for posting long winded rants about how shit the game is and frequently insulting the developers on his website.
someone at blizzard read this and thought "yeah, that's the kind of guy we need on our developer team for world of warcraft!", and that's how jeff got hired by blizzard. and 15 years later, he's the guy complaining about "toxic behaviour" in his game's community.
Lucio has recieved tons of nerfs what are you on about? Nerfs to his damage, his wallride speed, his overall healing, his radius
Mercy was cried about so hard they didn't just nerf her they removed her character identity entirely - and oh look, gave her a more damage oriented ultimate
Symettra got a rework and with it came, guess what? A ton more damage by holding M1 and leaping all over the place.
Blizzard has no idea how to balance Tanks or Supports. Or even defence heroes. Defence heroes have been competitively speaking the absolute bottom of the barrel since the game released, outside of a brief glimmer of glory for Bastion after his rework
Funny mentioning his rework, literally everyone who played PTR said it was absolutely retarded, to not put this in the game, then they did, and it was absolutely retarded and got gutted
The incompetence is staggering
>GA exists
>Mercy can bhop out of GA
>aiming vertical when the 4-5 other teammates are in your face on the ground
It takes 2 hitscan to kill Mercy and it's fucking difficult unless they are terrible or have a discord from Zen
nope, im convinced the first starcraft was a fluke.
I mean, sure, if that was all there was to it. The Lucio changes just makes him better for all-in comps. Smaller range (nerf) coupled with vastly improved healing/speed and lower ultimate requirement (buffs). The only thing actually new to his kit was the speed boost from jumping off walls. Overall it was a huge improvement to Lucio, particularly since it gave him more of an identity.
Are you autistic? The latest change has seen him with more damage, speed, healing and ultimates than ever before. At the cost of his radius yes. But if you're going to sit there and tell me that the new Lucio has a worse role than before, you're absolutely retarded.
Similarly, Mercy's whole role was decent healing until team fights where you go hide in some corner until your team gets decimated. That's about the most uninteresting and intuitive support design that I've ever seen. And her ultimate also gives her a lot more personal survability and outward healing, you fucking idiot.
>A ton more damage by holding M1 and leaping all over the place.
You really must be stupid. Her damage wasn't buffed. And god only knows what you mean by "leaping all over the place".
Please, seriously consider killing yourself before you procreate.
He's a speed boost bot so the range change was a massive nerf
If you're healing more than boosting with him you're team sucks
Zen and Ana are the only fun healers to play as in this game.
Mercy is just hold left click at health bars, and Lucios method of healing is just too unsatisfying.
Dota is an absolutely garbage game that is only played by third world mud-eaters because it's free though.
What's the matter, can't handle a game that needs skill?
Except he's not? He's absolutely picked for his healing ability just as much as his speed is, which works well in conjunction with a character good at single-target healing.
I didn't know Jeff was Tigole. That makes a lot of sense, even though I only knew him from the MS Paint comic from a decade ago.
unbalance is the best balance sometimes
overwatch beta certainly was more balanced than it is now and so was world of warcraft.
In between healing amp ups, speed is more useful during fights. A tiny bit of passive healing isn't going to make the difference.
no one is broken if everyone is broken
It's time to go back to the OF
You clearly don't watch how the pros do it. Healing is virtually always on during team fights. Speed is only ever used during skirmishes or when the character needs to get somewhere quickly.