What video game reviewers do you fully trust?
Pic related for me, has God tier taste and skill
What video game reviewers do you fully trust?
Pic related for me, has God tier taste and skill
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>I don't trust this Literally Who from a gaming magazine because he might be influenced by sponsors
>instead I only trust Literally Who's from YouTube who are definitely influenced by the sponsors who help monetize their videos
trust with what?
Reviewers are all idiots.
That's why they chose that profession in the first place.
>god tier skill
>can't beat the nameless king
>fully trust
no-one, develop your own fucking taste, child
He beat CupHead
>Trusting a person who walks into a devil room with brimstone and guppy and ends up walking back out without taking anything.
I trust a man who doesn't deal with the devil
>Getting over it
Best NLSS game since issac.
does that faggot even play games?
>trusting ecelebs
i only trust myself nigger
I like his voice, it's a shame that he is a cuck
Egghead is the best let's player/reviewer/nigga we want but don't deserve. His only downfall is Kate. For all his blessings he was punished by the gods with her.
I hate his friends though, especially austin
>Trusting yourself
That's about it.
Kate is
>unable to get pregnant
>Korean (she'll look cute well into her 50's)
>a gamer
>perfect body
at least imo
id call you ryan but even he knows that he doesnt actually have skill
He said in a NLSS from this year they were in a open marriage.
oh poor NL
lucky for josh i guess
>being a stupid nigger
kek is nl top left
Please provide source
but he did beat cuphead though
Oh sorry I'll speak your language
>Trusting yourself nigger
Do you trust him Sup Forums?
>trusting ryab ever
>not based GOLDMAN nek
literally the best NLSS boy
>Kate used to be a fan of NL and married him because of his dark souls LP
Reminder to start a youtube channel so you too can get a cute azn gf.
Nick is literally the fucking worst.
A literal cry baby unfunny autist who ruins funny bits all the time and forces his own unfunny schtick.
He is an undertale.
Give source fag.
cause you dropped the naughty n word? the language you used is still the language of a retarded retard
I liked the guy until he turned in a sellout when he started streaming in Twitch.
Now everything is about donations, subscriptions and shoutouts to the chat.
He only does his chat shoutouts at the end of the NLSS and his youtube videos are not stream rips.
Kate can't get pregnant? Did she say so on stream or something?
jesuschrist she's hideous, NL could do much better even with his baldness.
No, there's actually no proof but I read it in a Sup Forums thread once and I believe everything on Sup Forums.
Yeah, pretty quickly too.
the revisit to Rimworld was a VOD taken directly of Twitch. With subsciptions sounds and comments of chat unedited.
Yeah the mini rimworld series was a sunday stream upload. Only the NLSS and sunday streams are stream videos on youtube.
Not sure why you'd complain, it's more free content.
Kate is adorable though
twitch.tv videos 113727020?t
am i a brainlet for agreeing with pic related on basically everything
yes you are
>God tier taste and skill
but he legitimately has some kind of learning disability
have you seen him trying to manage an inventory in an rpg
its not even entertaining its sincerely worrying
He can't help that he got a 1 in Perception 10 in Luck
Somecallmejohnny is probably the one I agree with the most, in fact I'm pretty sure he's my spirit animal, but we still disagree from time to time and he's not exactly an in-depth reviewer.
just watch him in any PUBG episode.
constantly doing shit like picking up useless attachments and passing up ammo he needs, and then 10 minutes later dumping everything and begging for ammo he just had tons of but dropped.
he has like literally no spacial perception. shit is ridiculous
NL is too fucking retardeded sometimes when he plays Isaac. Like holy shit how does he not know basic combinations despite having 4k hours in the game.