Whats the verdict? I enjoyed the first one back in the day, recently tried to play it again but turned it off after an hour. Should I buy it?
still waiting for /fitgirl/ repack. come back in a couple of days
Just pirate it, it's literally a $60+$40 game that's designed to sell loot boxes on top of that.
Warner Brothers don't need or deserve your money.
The intro and the way the world introduced itself just didn't do it for me so I also turned it off
Enjoying it atm. Have some crazy ass orc bastard that keeps coming back to life despite me killing him ~7 times so far.
I love and respect the first one for incorporating something entirely new into the good ol' open world game formula and I'm really loving the second one so far. I spent like 4hrs in the first Act2 area just fucking around with new nemesis system.
I guess if you like the first one, you'll like the second one. But even if you dont, War is better than Mordor in almost every aspect, so consider picking it up used
>I love and respect the first one for incorporating something entirely new into the good ol' open world game formula
>entirely new
I hate neo/v/
name 1 (one) game that has procedurally generated bosses
it doesn't look interesting enough to pirate to be honest, the first game was already vastly overrated
I liked the first one and I love the sequel.
It's exactly what a sequel should aspire to be not some destiny 2 bullshit.
Ignoring the lootbox fiasco ofc.
how is it not new you fucking stupid shitcunt slag.
Íts more of the same.
kill ur self
What went wrong?
Did you get this orc in a lootbox?
Only a few hrs in but it's decent so far. Basically more of the same but bigger. Doesn't try to shill the lootbox bullshit in your face at least
I don't know if I'm really lucky or not, but a lot of my legendary orcs are either world spawns or cheated death spawns.
Also after you shame Bruz, he always has the "It's you fort" lines even if you shame him back to 1, or if he somehow becomes overlord again.
like the first one gets a bit draggy on 20th hour, but they improved the first one.
It's way too easy to OP the sieges though, just kill/recruit everyone, but you can roleplay as ninja castle crasher
more orc interactions, you can herd orcs even more than in first one
That's only for European copies which come with multiple languages. The game comes with a ridiculous amount of voice lines for orcs to say. American version was 65-70gigs
legendary orcs aren't rare
stop listening to retards on internet
Played it for 30 minutes or so. Same as the first one.
>tfw decapitating Koug the Beheader
Should I get the first game or jump right into this one?
get first one, and play this one year later
it's direct sequel, you wouldn't understand the heck is going on
first game is much shorter though. about 14h
this one is about 30-40
Wait till this game is on sale than get shadow of war. All you need to know from the last game is that your character is the undead husk that houses the soul of the elf lord who helped Sauron create the rings.
Also that this game is mostly LoTR fanfiction
Gameplay wise the first is barren compared to this it seems. That said you can pick it up for $5 on sale and wait till you can do the same with this one in a year or so.
>Upcoming repacks
>⇢ Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, from 23.9 GB
If you don't accept the terms of service at the start of the game, the only time loot boxes are advertised to you is in the bottom of the pause menu. They're never mentioned in game and you don't have to deal with the multiplayer bullshit. It's the correct way to play the game because you're literally not allowed to go to the marketplace to buy loot boxes. Also, legendary orcs and gear aren't that rare.
These are the kinds of people who are shitting on this game
Literally just angry + ignorant
All my legendary orcs are work spawn and cheated death spawns. Retards literally made it sound like legendary orcs only came from loot boxes, but I killed one in the first 30 minutes of the game. Never listen to retards on the internet.
How does this one build on the first one?
no, if you want to play it, its already cracked save your money dont buy games with microtransactions
more lore rape
Gee I dont know user my fucking torrent wont go above 100kbps because 16 thousand faggot ass anons have their upload limits set to the minimum and even though there's 700 seeds across all of my trackers I can apparently only draw on 3.
So I'll let you know my Sup Forumserdict in the next week and a half or so.
Wish they'd sack the LoTR background and just make their own standalone world. Hate LoTR "muh lore" fags.
Hell, what I'd really love to see is this in the Warhammer 40k 'verse.
Are they just scrapping the 4k texture packs and all the language shit? That seems like a lot of shit to cut away to get it to 24 gigs. Unless from implies it's the jumping off point and absolute minimum they can make it.
All those lootbox shit is hilarious over played. You literally have no need to buy any, and if you do, you can use the currency that the game fucking shoves down your throat constantly.
LoTR lore is shit, go force yourself to read the Simarillion again. Almost as much fun as reading a bible!
"waaah this thing I'm not paying for isn't going faster"
does it run well on a pc that ran the first one well?
I'm poor as fuck and had no opportunity to upgrade since then
Seriously, why do these people not understand that they enjoy the "lore raping" modernized film version, THAT is what made LoTR popular to boot, it certainly wasn't the original work.
Besides, if you're more mad about MUH LORE than this trashy lootbox fad that is poisoning the industry, then you are a goddamn turbo autist who's opinion literally means fuck all.
So tell me about a handfull open world games with this kind of responsive and procedurally generated bosses. I'm dying to know.
It's fucking fanfiction at this point. I mean the second final boss is literally Isildor, who apparently became a ringwraith after getting shot by arrows, and has the power to raise the dead spirits from Minas Ithil.
After you beat him, Calebrimbor betrays you when he reveals that he basically wants to become Sauron 2:Bright edition, takes his ring and fucks off to 2v1 Sauron. Then the MC takes Isildor's ring in order to take Minas Morgul from the witch-king. Calebrimbor then loses against Sauron and gets absorbed, while the last part of SoW is the MC keeping Mordor in a state of perpetual war in order to detract them long enough for man to survive. He eventually becomes a ringwraith, and then supposedly the events of the movies take place.
MC basically fights Sauron and then 'joins' him in the end. Fun story if you ignore how obvious the how obviously evil Calebrimbor acts compared to the first game, and LoTR lore rape
I don't get why anyone even thinks it's interesting, it's a set of random words and skins an orc can have with random weaknesses and strengths. It is new, but it added absolutely nothing to the game for me, it was the exact same as if I was fighting a hand crafted boss. They weren't even bosses, just the exact same enemy but you had to use a different weapon to kill it or something.
shit game
>conquer Gorgoroth
>decide to walk around and do some side quests
>three captains betray me at the same time
>one of them is my bodyguard
I'll get it 4 years from now in a bundled Steam sale with all the bullshit added in for 10 bucks. Just like everyone who might want to play it should do.
I can't imagine it running worse on toasters. Shadow of Mordor manages to look better somehow and I played that on a Phenom 965/6850. I don't know how they fucked up the visuals so bad.
>find cool looking orc
>break him
>get ready to brand
>mix of other orcs and my own guys keep getting in my way
>keep draining everyone but the guy I'm trying to brand
I like this game but the targeting is shit
You gotta get the ground pound
Second wraith upgrade
>brand orc
>he betrays me 5 minutes later
First thing I noticed when playing the game was how insanely common legendary orcs were.
More of the same with the same shitty combat but this time with lootboxes and a 30 hour grind you can skip with said lootboxes
Pirate it if you really want to play it
>public trackers
Another annoying thing is that it locks you into dodge animation and sometimes targets an orc a mile away so you get locked into running at the orc and can get smashed by other orcs on the way
t. Haven't played the game
Uh what? Pls explain
I want to buy it, but fuck this lootboxes in a single player game that already costs 59,99 and has a season pass.
First game I've pirated in months.
>trying to dominate orc captain
>get interrupted one by one from 3 other captains giving their speech
literally legendary orcs come out of everywhere, more common then epic orcs. the only things i got from the free lootboxes where orcs that died right away... all my strongest orcs got that way from playing the game, you can level up any orc in mins with the arena and even if they die you get the orc who beat them as long as you're not stupid. the game is just as easy as the first one once you level up a bit (on normal difficulty at least) so who ever is talking about a paywall is just bad at videogames... i almost beat a level 40 orc when i was level 21 i only lost because i was an idiot wearing armor that had an 18% chance to cause any defeated enemies to blow up and he was immune to them, so i was ragdolling around in the cascade as he just killed me once i fucked up and got caught in the orcsplosion
How big of an army can you build?
Your army is limited to the orc captain/warcheif/overlord. You automatically get a large ivasion/defense force
Agree with this one.
It is the same stale hierarchy principle that gets style after 10h+
The story isn't good enought to keep you engaged.
How many of those can you dominate at a time?
Memessis difficulty is kicking my ass early on sometimes which is satisfying instead of just steam rolling everything, like I'm lvl 12 and fightan lvl 20 captains, it's all good.
Still need to do the chapter 2 quest so u can start your own army but with the stuff I gathered so far I notced that if u hunt down a bunch of dudes you gave death threats you can destroy the gear giving you a fuck ton of points, with these points u pay for the loot boxes and other upgrades.
Even when I cannot build an army yet after a 10 hour grind of simply roaming / murdering the first 2 area's I've gathered a full roster of common and legendary capatains from loot boxes alone w/o paying anything, I'll make my own legendary captains myself, looks more fun than paying for a loot box they jump out of
So far great fun, runs fine on my r290 although 1 or 2 options ruin the entire perfornance i,e, tesselation
If you loved the first one then you'll love this one. I'm only building my army at Nurnen right now but my main take away is that everything is BIGGER. Bigger/more maps, more Uruks, more in depth nemesis system, more abilities, more customization, completely off the rails story, etc. It's honestly a bit overwhelming at first.
The only downsides are that the character models somehow look worse than SoM and even though it's definitely more difficult, it's still pretty easy. Thinking of bumping it up to Nemesis difficulty because I've been killing so many of the captains I meet in my first encounter with them.
The loot boxes are completely overblown. There's literally zero reason to ever buy one and if you do, you can buy them with in game currency that you're practically swimming in.
Buy it from one of the key selling sites for cheap, if you don't like it then don't get the sequel.
>no mumakils or easterlings anywhere in mordor
also does the game even give you a little bit of the LOTR atmosphere? it looks so generic to me, there nothing that makes me feel like this is related to the movies or the books
To think that Polygon claimed that legendary orcs were not attainable at all without lootboxes... Can't believe what a shit show that website is
I assume it's 24 gigs with every optional file not used. As in no hd textures, 4k movies, or alternate languages. All of that plus compression and it's possible.
Do we know how much grinding, in terms of hours, the endgame requires, if you don't use any greedy boxes?
>all these people saying you don't have to buy boxes
Post proof of you getting the true ending along with time played. Otherwise shut up
Sub optimal build, but awesome nonetheless
t. Half-Orc Druid
What the fuck happened it was going so well
Talion: "wahh wahh bright lord ruling middle earth is just as bad as dark lord wahh. I will not allowe you do this!!!I" what a dumb fucking thing to just shove that i there as I was about to fight Sauron with my full army that I spent hours gathering
Gotta make it """"canon""" somehow.
Personally SoM lore > Movie lore
Is this a good grindan game?