How did the artificial difficulty meme start? There is no such thing...

How did the artificial difficulty meme start? There is no such thing. Why do people get so upset that they're bad at games? Pic slightly related

No clue. It's the worst kinda cancer, though. I have yet to find a game that's too difficult.

Im playing super ghouls and ghosts on the snes mini. Contra is ball crushing and ghouls and ghosts is just retarded. But that just means they're really hard with stiff controls and poor/old game design sometimes, not that the difficulty is artificial

Buy or pirate BUTCHER.

I think it started with Dark Souls. I don't remember it being a phrase earlier than that.

I remember hearing about it when the xbox ninja gaiden released, terrible camera control and enemies shooting you off screen etc
I'm sure that's not even the earliest either

Still not artificial.

didn't say it was, just saying when I first heard it
I thought that was what the thread was about

The only hard thing about Super Ghouls and Ghosts is getting into the true final boss.

Artificial difficulty would be something along the lines of beating a boss, but there's only a 10% chance he dies, or you have to start over.

Yeah. I know. I was making a point.

Still not artificial. Idiot.

Difficulty is calibrated by the developers, so all difficulty is artificial. What's more interesting is, pointing out that this particular challenge is artificial implies there's some video game challenge that's authentic. Which sort of makes it sound like the authentic difficulty game was unearthed in a geological dig or something.

That's the definition of what would be considered artificial difficulty, you fucking moron. You win but RNG dictates otherwise, forcing you to start over.

Artificial difficulty is losing because the game is badly programmed, like bullshit RNG you have no control over or shit hitboxes.

>Being this stupid

It started out of a quasi-valid criticism when the game came out on PC. It basically means "trial-and-error" as in in certain parts of the game, there's no way to know what to do the first attempt.

Fuck off, Dobson.

Probably around when DaS got popular. Most shitty casuals first “hard game”

Fuck off, Dobson.

My favorite example is rubber-banding in racing games, where the opponent AI cars suddenly go into Warp Factor 9 to catch up with you.

He's an idiot and so are you.

Found the cuck.


>It's a "Noone knows anything about the topic" thread

Nice how you got btfo and have no more arguments other than fucking Dobson. Come on kid, reply to me with another shitpost. Give me that (you)

i started it on here
i said it one time and it took off on it's own
strange because i never intended it to become a "meme" but it's still true
shit controls really make a game difficult for no reason other than controller limitations (cant do two concurrent actions at the same time because that would interfere with the small brain linear programming techniques)

me again
also it will interfere with the "WOW SO REALISTIC" animations

Still not artificial. Stop whining.

Still not artificial.

Contra still plays like a dream. The only issue is slight slowdown. It's also maybe not really hard at all, even on hard. Just stick to using crush missles and get good.

Ignore the 'maybe'.


Do you literally mean the meme or the concept? Because games have been difficult on purpose since they were still limited to arcades.

The meme I only really remember starting to see around when DaS came out (2011).

>There is no such thing

>Because games have been difficult on purpose

As opposed to accidentally?

I suppose you COULD say difficulty due to bad programming is artificial difficulty, such as when you beat a boss there is a 50%chance bug you have to start over, and it never gets fixed. But what game has that??


>There is no such thing.
people made a virtual game that has difficulty. every game is artificially difficult.


skyrim on legendary difficulty is an example of artificial difficulty

dark souls is an example of genuine difficulty

I bet you thought you were real smart with that post but yes there are games (or at least parts) that were accidentally difficult because someone entered a wrong number in the code or something when they were making it.

It's not artificial. It's just bad implementation of difficulty. Pumped up numbers doesn't make the difficulty artificial, it just makes it stupid. Same thing with rng.

Picked this up yestarday.
It's much easier to parry than in Dark Souls, right? I can reliably parry on Bloodborne and I usually didn't even bother trying on Dark Souls.
I'm just not sure why

This is noy a bloodborne thread

However yes parrying is much,much, much easier in bloodborne. They wanted you to ditch shields in favor or parrying, and be aggressive.

>I bet you thought you were real smart with that post

No user, just pointing out that what you said sounded dumb.

>it's difficult in a way I don't like so I'm going to call it a buzzword that I keep hearing around because it rolls off the tongue
>I am a retard


>didn't even bother trying on Dark Souls.
parrying in 2 and 3 seems like it has an arbitrary window. for fast attacks you have to practically predict when enemies will attack. reaction based is much more straightforward and natural.
also 3 seems to punish you harshly for parrying, successful or not. you lose health and a massive amount of stamina.