This is by far one of the worst Fire Emblems

This is by far one of the worst Fire Emblems.

Other urls found in this thread:

Add this to the trash can with it

This is by far the worst of the same fucking thread you've made for the past week.
Do you just want to talk about the game because you like it and think baiting it is the only option? Or do you hate the game enough that you make the thread every day because you hate it so much?

Salty echoescuck.

It's the same thread dude, I haven't even finished Echoes yet.

Wrong. There are more dicksucking threads than hate threads

I don't know man, I saw other people like it so I think I like it.

You haven't seen
>What went wrong
>Why did this game FAIL
>You tricked me Sup Forums
Over the past few days?
And 90% of that thread you posted was just shitting on it.

>t. I started the series with Casuakening
Sorry if Echoes is too much classic FE for your brainlet PAIR UP MUH WAIFU FREE BUFFS XD neo-grindshit gameplay.

>setting up

We have these threads every day. Are they considered spam yet?

back to /vg/ FEredditor

I believe so.

The same people who like Echoes also likes Awakening. Gaidenshit belongs in the trash can.

>3rd post by this IP
Fucking kek

I don't think I like Fire Emblem games.

Every game I've played just seems to be "grind enough so that your units don't get obliterated by RNG" and the stories just aren't very good. I couldn't get through Awakening or Fates, but I chalked that up to the whole waifu grinding buff thing, but even Echoes I couldn't get into.

Sorry Fire Emblem. I failed you.

>no self insert
>no pairing whoever with whatever
>no children
I don't think so.

>one thread about how Conquest is the best FE
>another about how Echoes is the worst
Good job OP

At least it's better than Heroes.

>talking about video games is spam
Not enough wojack interracial bing bing wahoo console wars for you?

I'm the CQ OP, I didn't notice this thread was up when I made it.

Awakening and 2/3s of Fates was bad in terms of gameplay because you could grind anytime. Echoes was bad for a lot of other reasons. You picked probably the three worst games to get a "real" FE experience with.

Heroes is the best FE in years.

>simple gameplay for those with low IQ
I do think so

That's probably true. Which Fire Emblem games pre-Awakening are quality?

>*blocks your path*

So...Fire Emblem?

I want to say 7, but the tutorial might be offputting since you already went through 3 games.
Maybe Path of Radiance? Both are easily emulated, so you can try them and see if you really just don't like the series.

>because you could grind anytime
>others are fine because you can grind only at special stages
Fire Emblem is a shitty franchise. RNG or grind is a choice between shit and shit

The thread is a weird mirror of it too. The first post is a falseflag about Echoes like the first post of this thread is a falseflag about Conquest.

>"grind enough so that your units don't get obliterated by RNG"
Fucking this.
>your character has shit stats because lol randomized level ups
>you got randomly critted and died from some random scrub who should have been no threat
>you have garbage weapons and items because rng didn't think you deserved good stuff
Grinding isn't even possible in most games, so instead you've got to reset and replay the level until rng doesn't fuck you over.

Your average shitty FE

I'll give 7 a try. I've never emulated GCN

It's garbage p2w gambing shit.

>"classic gameplay"
>"challenging gameplay"



Just because you don't like paired ending supports doesn't magically make Gaiden "good" for not having them

Is anyone as hyped for FE Warriors as I am? Do you think it'll be a good game?

I always enjoyed the Dynasty Warriors format so I guess I have a softspot

>remake game
>don't fix any of its MANY faults
one day they'll learn how to do a fucking proper remake


Did you play the game or are you just shitposting?

Even 25 years ago the other Fire Emblem games at the time shit on it.

Maybe when the DLC is out and it has characters I give a damn about.

Shadow Dragon and New Mystery were fun as fuck. Too bad they looked like ass.

I don't like the mainline games that deal with chink fairy tales nobody cares about
Themed spinoffs are OK

>playing nu-Emblem with microtransactions
literally only good for waifufags

>implying mods care

You don't know what that word means

What's with this forced meme? Fates was far worse

Fates was the best game in the franchise.
>b-but the story
Who the fuck cares about story. It's a video game, not a novel.

>Echoes was supposed to bring old and nu fans together
>just split them apart even more

>muh waifu muh pair up muh free buffs

Funny thing about that, Alm and Celica had all three in the original NES Gaiden. Alm and Celica side by side gave Alm an insane crit chance.

>Anywhere as easy as Sacred Seth

I'm a huge faggot, do these games have the romance system that Awakening had?

Sucks huh.
We almost have a full cast of regulars now, it's like tripfags without trips because they're so recognizable here. Same posts, same rehashed arguments, same retarded fanbase wars, samefagging, etc.

I'd say it would seem that the OP of the other thread saw this one and made it, though claims otherwise. It's still odd how they played out.

It's also possible that it's just how it is because the FE fanbase is fucking insane. I would just prefer to like each game for what it does well while admitting their individual flaws, rather than the constant shitflinging we get.

Nope, not unless you count a few characters that will get together. Kind of ashamed since some of the best girls are destined for bad endings.

>Fates was the best game in the franchise.
This is why nu-fe fags have a bad rep

>Angel Ring
>Speed Ring
>Triangle Attack
>Bow Alm

Seth wishes he could be as OP as Gaiden units.

Conquest does, yes.

What's so bad about Fates gameplay and what's so good about Echoes gameplay?

Bitch, I was playing FE while you were still a little baby sucking your mommy's ass.

Only difference is that you don't even need to grind for Seth.
Just throw him in the middle of the map, wait for it to be all over then seize.

Eh, probably the same guy. I wouldn't be surprised given how its happened before.
And just think, it could just be rumors from the villagers because she needed the facilities of Nuibaba's abode to experiment with a cure.

Lategame Seth could actually get killed. Lategame Gaiden is even easier to the point where Alm can kill everything at 5-range or having a Baron eith the speed and mobility of a Dread Fighter.

>he plays Fire emblem for the gameplay
Eugenics and class autism makes the game too easy, the characters are the funnest part of these games
FEH's success proves this

They were made 2 minutes apart, so I doubt it.
Nice quads

what, you're gonna argue the games since awakening don't have them?

He's been shown to be a phoneposter before, so I wouldn't be surprised.

>what are filenames

Yes, because they don't. Its regular DLC not microtransactions

I can post from my phone and keep the default filename when I DL'd the image. I don't see what you're getting at.

>Awakening has empty maps, free grinding and is too easy
>Also waifus
>Fire Emblem is dead
>Echoes has even emptier maps, free grinding and is too easy
>No waifus
>Fire Emblem is saved

So in the end, all that matters to Echoesfags is muh no waifus?

I've only played the 3DS games (and RD) and Echoes is my favorite because it's a DRPG.

What matters is that the waifus can't be romanced by a 'self-insert'. Robin and especially Corrin were very poor excuses for self-inserts, as they are already established and automated characters. You can still have waifus, as Celica, Faye and Delthea show.

>mfw just realised that the people that shit on Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem are probably Echoesfags

I hate storyfags so much, I wish they would go play VNs instead so we wouldn't have to deal with them.

Isn't that just setting up a strawman though?

So in other words, you don't actually like Fire Emblem? Echoes is the farthest you can get from Fire Emblem gameplay.

Big fucking whoop. Avatars are minor problems compared to Gaiden/ Echoes garbage gameplay, maps and balance.

>play rpg
>hate story
This will never ever make sense. Playing a game that is primarily text is a pretty dumb way to spend your time when you hate reading. Go play Bayonetta or something.

>you don't actually like Fire Emblem
Now I see why everyone hates you guys. RD was fantastic and Echoes was great. Fuck off if you're going to be a little "if you don't like the same things I like, you're not a REAL fan" shithead.

>Play game
>Complain about gameplay

Sounda worse to me. Echoesfags should go play VNs if they can't even handle something as easy as fucking Birthright or Awakening.

>play shitty spin-off that wasn't even considered a main game for years in Japan
>Hasn't even played anything before RD
>Try and tell people what Fire Emblem should be

No need to bring RD in to try and deflect criticism.

>trying to tell people what Fire Emblem should be
Fucking kek, are you just retarded or blind? I never gave any statement on what the series should or shouldn't be, I just said which ones I liked out of what I played and called you an elitist prick. Get your head out of your ass and think for a change.

Why do FEH threads end up more civil than mainline ones

FEH has a pretty good balance of representation aside from the Lucina/Xander shilling. It's also it's own sort of thing. Also no one cares about the story in a gacha.

Better than Awakening, Conquest and Birthright, you cuck.

worst in gameplay, best in presentation, best in characterization, best in appearance.

So you're saying Revelation > Echoes > the rest? Wow, what a shitter.

>best in characterization
FE8 beats the shit out of it. Echoes' cast is pretty overrated.

>best in appearance
FE9/10 say hello.

Even then though, I almost never see people scratching at each other or throwing up blanket statement falseflags like in these though. Sometimes I just disregard the OP being FEH and I have to ask my regular FE questions there anyway because mainline FE threads are shitholes.

Fates has godawful unit balance (Ryoma can solo Birthright, Camilia can solo Conquest, Revelations is JUST-tier), also too many gimmick maps like the wind map and the pots map.

Ranks 14/18, so you would be correct. Mostly had fun with it still.

Say it with me:

>Fates has godawful unit balance
Dread Fighter Emblem isn't really any better. Also Camilla definitely cannot solo Conquest.

9/10 have a garbage artstyle, they look like something drawn in one of those "How to Draw Anime" books.

>copypasting posts from last night's Awakening thread
Shame on you.

>Camilia can solo Conquest
No she can't
>wind map and the pots map
Just because they're gimmicks doesn't mean their bad. Hell it's because they're gimmicks it's good

At least 90% of the cast doesn't have a washed-out sameface like in Echoes.

9 looks fucking disgusting.

>defending your terrible unit balance
>defending obnoxious gimmick maps
At least you have to work for Dread Figher Emblem, Fates just hands you broken shit on a silver platter while its players think they're hardcore for beating it.

Really? I loved it, beautiful art style, great music, fun dungeon crawling. Felt really good to play.

No? No version version of Fates beats Echoes, or any other entry in the series minus SD, 3 and 1.

FE9/10 have passable anime art but they're uninspired. The in game graphics are trash for the most part.

4/5 trump the entire series. The only good self insert FE was 12. 6/7/9 are good vanilla FE games.

>best in characterization
Is this a joke? The characters have barely any characterization due to the pathetic quantity of supports, and Alm and Celica are some of the worst protagonists in the series.


Camilla is one of the strongest units but she's definitely not broken in Conquest. She can't be everywhere and she starts out in a pretty mediocre class. Also some people refuse to use her because she triggers them.

Out of anything to complain about in Echoes, the artstyle is not one of them.

Sometimes less is more
>he thinks that Fates characters are anything but stereotypical anime cliches