This is the best FE game. Any objections are reddit.
This is the best FE game. Any objections are reddit
I disagree, this one just slightly edges out your game OP.
>no jap audio
>not reddit
pick one only
These are kinda like two sides of a coin. Maybe the next game can have both a decent story and good gameplay.
>he didn't hack his 3ds
Not an argument
Can you mod back the petting game by the way?
You being a retard and not hacking your 3ds is a argument. You literally have no excuse.
I grew out of piracy
>I haven't played Thracia 776
Piracy has nothing to do with this. You can still buy the game if you want while you play with superior jap audio.
And you can't mod in back the petting in the english version you have to play the fan translation.
I take it you are "enlightened" right now.
no OP, YOU are the reddit
I looked into your eyes, and knew you were my nigger
>story/dialogue so retarded you skip everything but the gameplay
It is the purest, best FE in this regard.
>everything that isn't the gameplay being pure dogshit makes it the best
Develop some standards user. It's possible to have at least a tolerable plot to compliment the gameplay. Are you one of those people who would be fine if they reduced fightan into hitboxes and functions?
But this is Sup Forums
Does anyone hate Fire Emblem more than Fire Emblem fans?
I hope, when they make the inevitable Jugdral remake, they do it justice, and don't remove any of the more controversial shit. You can't remove incest completely, because the story revolves around it, but they might seriously tone down Lachesis and Eldigan's subplot
Characters, music and look is too too.
Even the best overall game (Genealogy) isn't really that mindblowing in the context of storytelling. The not-gameplay portions aren't dogshit, but ultimately when I am playing an autism game it matters little to me.
I don't mean autism game as an insult, but more of a type of game where I really just enjoy the gameplay above all else.
Genealogy is probably one of the best stories, though.
Unless you count Rudolf from Gaiden, it introduces the first morally grey antagonist. Not a likeable antagonist that is simply working against you out of duty like Camus, but an antagonist who, while doing morally reprehensible shit, is actually still a decent person, and you can't just write him off as a piece of shit
That's not Radiant Dawn's box art.
Smaah fans
>but an antagonist who, while doing morally reprehensible shit, is actually still a decent person, and you can't just write him off as a piece of shit
Eh, the music yeah but the characters look debatable.
If that floats your boat then it's good you had fun with it, but the game is so low quality in so many areas that unless FE is normally an incredibly bad franchise, it's doesn't really make sense as the best.
Advance Wars fans seem like they resent FE for surviving while they perished.
Arvis burns Sigurd and his army to remove any opposition from uniting the continent, but once they're gone he's a fantastic emperor, until Julius gets his hands on the Loptyr tome
Plus, he only offs Sigurd and CO because of Manfroy blackmailing him
If anything I think they're glad AW is dead
You don't. Tiki only beat Nowi because of the last minute bonus, and now Ninian is going to put her in her place. She has been constantly stomping her, even with bonuses active
Are they? They seem pretty bitchy to me, although maybe that's just a vocal minority.
Generally they see the latest FE games and say something alone the lines of "At least AW isn't like FE now"
I'd ask how Ninian is so popular, but being from FE7 + the boost from being a dancer in Heroes gave it to her. I'm just happy all of the lolis got destroyed in round 1. Also Titki > Ninian.
I see. Then maybe Shining fans? They have it even worse than either AW or FE fans (except for those who entered with the PSP/DS ones).
>MFW Tiki actually beats Ninian the same way she beat Nowi
>MFW TittyTiki actually wins because of this shit
>counting out /ourguy/ already
Dragon Cock is taking the whole thing and there's nothing you can do about it.
Why do we always have to start threads with bait?
Nah, Tiki is going to meme her way to victory by being the underdog so often that the last multiplier will throw her ahead so far her opponent can't recover
Man, I'm getting flashbacks from the last Voting Gauntlet
Why? I hated all 3 of this game for commonly stated and obvious reasons. Do you like cardboard waifus with no depth that much?
My man.
Corrin is fucking dead, dude. He was in the lead twice. Both times Ninian immediately pulled a sex billion point lead out of her ass and went back to not giving a shit. There's not enough time for him to get in the lead again.
I hope this happens. I like both but Camilla beating Lyn made that fucking gauntlet. Obviously Tiki winning won't be nearly as big a salt factory but I would still wanna see it.
Almost none of the waifus (and husbandos) in the franchise have much depth.
There's not a single game in this franchise with deep characters.
Alvis is the one who gives the Tyrfing to a bishop and tells the bishop to give it to Seliph. He also helps free children captured by Loptyr mages. Even Seliph realizes that Alvis isn't the true villain and was another of Manfroy's pawns.
>Why? I hated all 3 of this game for commonly stated and obvious reasons. Do you like cardboard waifus with no depth that much?
The problem is that none of the other games are a ton deeper. The gameplay being boring dogshit is a much bigger tradeoff.
To be fair, at that point in his life, that could be chalked up to him just wanting to die. His beloved wife is dead, his daughter has been missing for years, his son is possessed by a god, his beloved empire is in tatters, Loptyr and his cult is running shit, and he sees an out when Seliph shows up. So he hands Tyrfing to the bishop, gives him the kids, sends him to Seliph, and when Seliph gets to him, taunts him so he kills him
You're right.
t. Shining fan
Seriously it fucking sucks.
I know that feel man, I know. The original SF series and SitD are some of my favorites to this day.
How does this image make you feel?
Cute sluts. That's all the new games are for.
Shining was my introduction to SRPG/Tactics games. So it hurts extra bad
>tfw they split all the cool characters between the games
>Gotta pay scalpers for the complete edition
Fuck this two version bullshit
The only Shining games I have played are the Gaiden ones, which i love dearly. Are the others worth playing?
Same here, it was also the very first RPG I ever played.
Why is Sup Forums filled with storyfags? You play a video game for the gameplay, if you want an interesting plot and characters go play a visual novel or something
To clarify, the Shining Force games (1, 2, 3, and CD, plus the remake of 1) are the ones you probably want.
If we wanted good SRPG gameplay we would be playing mods of FFT. Intelligent Systems is best for its writing and characters, the gameplay is good and sometimes great but is not the primary focus of any of their games.
If you played Gaiden then you already have a rough idea of what Shining game generally is. So yeah. I'd suggest playing the Sega CD remake (If you already haven't) since it combines the first two Gaiden games.. There's also Final conflict which is also a Gaiden set between 1 and 2. Was never officially localized but it was translated.
Of course SF1 and 2 are also good.
I play stuff like Mario or Sonic for the gameplay only. Half the fun of an RPG is the plot giving me motivations to go through the battles rather than best time record or a high score. The gameplay is ultimately more important, but the story should be of at least adequate quality to compliment it.
I agree with all of this.
Honestly it's the character design that puts me off playing the Fates games more than anything else, I know I won't be able to enjoy it while everyone looks the way they do.
I did play CD, and it felt so good to see Deanna and the crew from Gaiden 2 again.
Shipping+fandom autism.
After I'm done with a game I almost always go looking for content with ships I like.