I'm using the money I would've used to purchase a switch to build a low end PC. Red pill me on pc gaming and vr

I'm using the money I would've used to purchase a switch to build a low end PC. Red pill me on pc gaming and vr.

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It's shit, honestly. Doesn't even have Mario Odyssey.

It's great. Have fun.

>low end PC
Pick one

Look up games for PC. Do you like them? Buy a PC. repeat for vr.

You're a moron if you go through with this decision. Any pc you can build for 500 bucks won't even touch what the switch is capable of, not to mention you won't have access to good exclusives like you would with a switch. If you're building a pc with anything less than a ryzen 1600/i7 7700k plus a 1070 or more powerful gpu then there's no fucking point. You may as well just get a ps4 or xbone.

They're both a huge meme.

If you're a poorfag just buy a console. A PC that costs $300 is almost certainly not going to run games well.

What is the switch capable of?
What good exclusives?
What good games are there on PC that even require high end specs?
It's safe to assume the OP is somewhat new to the whole thing, so there are likely many older games he hasn't played. Maybe he's played a popular PC game or two in the past, but he won't be missing out on any of the good stuff by going low-end. Also, I didn't know PS4/XBONE could play PC exclusives.

I was going to shill 500-600

>If you're building a pc with anything less than a ryzen 1600/i7 7700k plus a 1070 or more powerful gpu then there's no fucking point.

>$300 for a VR headset and a PC that can run VR
Maybe in a decade or two.
Just get either the Switch or a PS4.

PC has no exclusives besides esports you dumb fuck. The whole point of a pc is playing multiplats with a tolerable framerate and resolution.

put a little bit more money and ditch the VR

But I want to molest Waifus

PC hardware is expensive as fuck right now.
Save up until you have like 1000$ and then buy something decent.

Otherwise get a PS4.


Why does Genos' hair never get messed up? Is it also made of metal?
Where did he get the money for rent before he joined the Hero Association?
Will season 2 cover the Garou arc?

>ultimate budget build
>console performance for twice the price!

If your going low end just don't make the mistake of getting a PC case which doesn't have a goddamn disc drive.

2/10 thought it's real for a solid 4 seconds

I mostly plan to play gmod, anime games, and the occasional shooter.

A cheap PC is absolutely fine. The best PC games are either well optimized or old enough to hit 1080/60fps on a toaster.
Don't fall for the PUBG meme.

There's no point in building a gaming PC for less than $800. Despite the retards saying that an i3 is "enough", you really need a good i5 or a Ryzen 1600 with a GTX 1060 or RX480 to enjoy modern games.

Your brain has fucking melted if you think the truth is bait.

Works on my machine.