Daily reminder that the annoying contrarian faggots that hate on every popular game that Sup Forums starts to like are...

Daily reminder that the annoying contrarian faggots that hate on every popular game that Sup Forums starts to like are fucking canadian leafs.

>yfw cuphead was made by canadians

why you hide the rest?

its basically anons translating cuphead in their language

wtf i love canadians now

because he's too much of a brainlet to crop images


This picture is a perfect example of the leaf meme
>1 leaf shitposter

Not him, but when Sup Forums was merged with Sup Forums for a day, all of the currently hosted shitpost threads were also from Canadians. It's completely true.

And sure, that's 1 leaf, but that's also the ONLY leaf.

ok now prove it

That's retarded.

>he wasn't here when /vint/ happened.
Leafs, Brazilians and Mexicians/Portugal are the major shitposters.
At least Aussies are honest with their shitposting

they were playing up because they knew they would get a rise from you. and they did because people still talk about it
>wow someone on Sup Forums took the chance to annoy people

What's wrong with canada?

Australian "banter" is just a meme, they're actually just boring as fuck posers nowadays.

>merely pretending
fuck off reddit.

I rather have that then "merely pretending to be retarded" posters.
The most infamous namefag shitposters that derail are Canadian.

that doesn't really work here because they clearly have triggered you

>being this SHOOK by some light shitposting
Sup Forums is full of babies

Having to live in the same country as the Quebecois can take a toll on its population.

/vint/ revealed the massive amount of leaf shitposters this is no surprise.