Reinstalling - what's currently the best graphic mods for this? Morrowind Overhaul?

Reinstalling - what's currently the best graphic mods for this? Morrowind Overhaul?

Morrowind thread.

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Morrowind Overhaul
Select the most lore friendly options when installing
Disable all sound mods in the Launcher
After installing, update MGE to the most recent version, Disable retarded blur effects like Depth of Field, install any other desired mods, then regenerate distant land

There you go, HD Vanilla Morrowind.

Beautiful, thanks amigo.

don't listen to him, the "Morrowind Overhaul" is outdated and buggy as shit. Take a look at the pastebins from /tesg/, they should be on as well

Tried following the guide on /vg/s site and it broke my game. why put Tamriel Rebuilt in the guide if it cant be used with the rest of the mods?

it can though
you should learn to read readmes :^)

Morrowind is an extremely enjoyable game to play if you enjoy milking the experience. If you are one who just want to hack, slash, and run through the game to completion within a few hours, you might not enjoy Morrowind. If you love exploring and really immersing yourself in the world and lore the developers have created, then you will absolutely love Morrowind. Coming over from Daggerfall, I played Morrowind when it was released so many years ago. I've played through Morrowind perhaps a dozen times by now. It is my favorite game and I have it installed on this pc.

Let me give you a head start down the road toward enjoyment of what is truly an absolute gem and classic game. Install Morrowind and its two expansion packs, Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Then, install the 1.6.1820 update. Then install MSGO 3.0 (Morrowind Sound and Graphics Overhaul 3.0). Then, I recommend the following mods and plugins - Galsiah's Character Development Lean, Random Passive Cliff Racers, Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attack v2, Tamriel Rebuilt, Oblivion-like Combat Tweaks, MrBig, and Master Index.

To help you even further, I strongly recommend you watch the following videos

[Morrowind] Modding Guide for New Players - "Modernizing Morrowind" (Modding Gallery)


Morrowind Overhaul: Sound & Graphics v3.0 Installer Tutorial


I want a game with mods similar to the ones Skyrim has but isn't Bugthesda shit. Is that too much to ask for?

It's not buggy as shit. Just install it, but then install the most recent mcp over the old one. Using the pastebin guides takes a lot of time that not everyone has.

>takes a lot of time that not everyone has
it doesn't though, it takes an hour at the max. are you a brainlet?

Is Autism transmissible?

It takes much longer than an hour to download all of those individual mods, and to test them properly after installation.

What morrowind mods let me be a cute girl with a penis

You realize that there's a separate board for old games don't you?

I read it my dude, dont pretend like its well documented.

Stay mad.

>better than oblivion
this is what morricucks actually believe.

Can the mods please start deleting or moving threads to if the game is old enough to belong there?

I thought this board was for newer games?

>not reading the sticky