Itt: game engines that "feel good"

itt: game engines that "feel good"

Source engine has felt outdated for years

Titanfall series using source 1


RAD Engine 4.0 rapes the fuck outta every other engine.

is that true or are you talkin shit?

Heavily modified source engine. It's true

interesting... how heavily modified?

Never played Titanfall, but all current source, even Dota with source 2 feels dated. I wonder if there is some sort of comparison chart/video between source 1, and 2.

Nonsense. Day of Infamy, Insurgency and Titanfall 2 all feel excellent.

Every iteration of UE has felt great, even when I go back and play the the original Unreal it still feels better than most modern shooters (although it's largely in part because of consolization)

Shame UT4 is barren

That I don't know. Enough so that no one could tell it was Source unless they looked into it.

Only comparisons you'll find is Dota 2 source 1 and 2. When you say Source feels dated, are you strictly talking graphics? Asking because is completely right.

How about the entire Quake family tree?

I heard that in the HL2 beta there was still some quake code left, not sure if it's still around

do you mean idtech?
quake is a game that runs in the idtech engine

Id is not very consistent in id tech naming up till id tech 3. The doom engine is technically id tech 1 but is just called the doom engine, quake isn't called id tech 2 just the quake engine, and the quake 2 engine is considered to be id tech 2 but it's still called the quake 2 engine.

quake/goldsrc is the apex of movement in video games



Titanfall 2 is as much Source as the latest Call of Duty is Quake 3.

Quake, gold source, source, and whatever the fuck engine the splinter cell games run on. Tightest shit imaginable. Going to throw fox engine and whatever the fuck the witcher 3 is using into that equation too. Pure fucking optimization magic.

Excuse will I execute an accelerated backhop out of this thread

gold source

I want to say Overwatches engine is pretty nice as well, but I can't really tell how well it would look with more realistic graphics.

That's not unreal engine 4

literally any engine that has smooth and responsive mouse input
>mfw unreal

>literally any engine that has smooth and responsive mouse input
so just source then huh

It has some of the works phsyics and movement I've ever felt in a fps game

unreal engine always feels shit. mouse movement and movement in general never felt good. too many unreal engine games have fucking mouse smoothing on by default