WoW players didn't deserve this expansion. It was really good except the 1 year content lull

WoW players didn't deserve this expansion. It was really good except the 1 year content lull.

But you all bitched anyways because "Muh edgy medieval fantasy is ruined because panda." Monks are good/cool. Pandaren are goofy and odd in the setting but Pandaria thematically, story, questing, raiding, PvP and most other things were fucking rock solid.

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>actually played WoW beyond TBC

Eh, pandaland was a good time.

Should have said INB4 vanilla and tbc fags.

Sorry bud, story and themes are irrelevant when some goofy, dumb obscure race from a fucking tiny level of WC3 are used as an entire game expansion.

>support races can't evolve into solid story arches

How old are you?

Should've been Murlocks instead.

>MoP was actually the best expansion after Wrath
>Had things for everyone
>Professions, pvp, challenge modes, isle of thunder, krasarang dailies
>People shit on it because LEL PANDA

pity about the dungeons

>support races can't evolve into solid story arches
Not in a Blizzard game

it wasn't a good expansion for lorefags, and if you're not a weeb it wasn't good either.

i liked working on professions in it though, thats it.

>support races
you mean a one off april fools quest in wc3

TBC was when it all went downhill, underage. Vanilla was perfection.
>giving ERP race to horde ooga boogas
>giving paladins to horde ooga boogas
>giving alliance trannies shamans
>not fixing racials
>flying mounts
If you want an inferior experience that strays away from the artists' original intention then why aren't you playing Legion?

>playing WoW in the current year

I actually miss Timeless Isle

MoP was like four years ago

fuck off I enjoyed MoP, everything after it has and will be complete shit because Blizzard isn't the company it used to be.

You still play WoW anyway.

nuh uh

it kind of did have a little promise. Except its message was that eternal war was the cause of hardships not the solution to them, and the fanbaseof Warcraft doesn't want to hear that.

>literally kung fu panda: the DLC

>monks are cool
true. Wowmonks are not cool however.
>pandaria story
butchered Garrosh from Cata
braindead easy as usual
first tier sucked, last tier was 2 years too long
>most other things
dungeons fucking sucked ass

Never got to experience Timeless Isle PvP in any great measure because PvE server. The 60 minute CD on the ash item to kill your factionmates was bullshit.

Was WoW ever fun? I mean I played it for a couple hundred hours because friends memed me into it but it's clearly not fun and just a big elaborate joke, right?

> hear of MoP. hate the idea
> Know that Pandaren predate Kunng-Fu panda but they still reminded me of him too much.
> One day, I roll a Pandaren Monk for the fuck of it.
> Might as well try it out.
> by the end of the starting zone, I was fully on board with their culture and world view.

They just want to be chill, like to drink booze, and do kung-fu. I judged the Pandaren too early. I really liked that expansion and their whole theme. I still play that Monk to this day. Can't believe the character I rolled as a joke was going to become my main.

>like the Warcraft universe and characters
>fucking loathe MMOs now
I really want something different using Warcraft as its guideline. Shit, give me a fighting game with a bunch of the characters, I dont give a fuck, so long as its not MMO related. Make videogame spinoffs for minor characters like a Lili Stormstout platformer or an Orc Jesus adventure game about smoking weed and talking with the spirits.

The divide always existed being trite fantasyfag and whimsical fantasyfag in WoW. Pandara brought it to the forefront.

Some people lack imagination to enjoy things beyond what Tolkien tells them is fantasy. This is a larger portion of the playerbase than need be, and they need to fuck off to ESO already.
I play WoW for the goofy fuckoff from Warhammer it always was. It was never meant to be taken seriously, and it shows from how fucked up the story and characters have become as the devs try hopelessly to make a world filled with talking walruses, fairy dragons, and dark crystal zones filled with repetitive, boring drama.

>They just want to be chill, like to drink booze, and do kung-fu.
wow so this is the writing of a AAA company....

not bad


No, its just highly, highly, highly addictive. WoW has always been like the digital equivalent of crack cocaine. Its not really "fun", but it constantly gives you that little bit of incentive to keep going.
Its an evil game.

>Story that is about the Alliance and Horde's war that indirectly empowered the Sha and fucked up a peaceful continent until Garrosh went too far
>Shit because of Pandaren who were used twice
You're why WoW's went from "Fun with friends" to "Total shit"

The trailer made me laugh pretty hard.

What's a good alternative to WoW if I hate the visuals and animations but I also hate lolis and weebs?


I hate people who cling to the Tolkien idea of Fantasy as well. Discovering a hidden continent with a people and culture you've never knew existed is exactly the kind of thing that spells "ADVENTURE" to me.

best raid coming through

That's IF you actually bother to read the story.
Let's not try to pretend that the main focus wasn't the pandas. The deep lore is put secondary to "I'm gonna ook you in the dooker"

I played alliance on a horde dominated server during timeless isle, so pvp there was like non-stop for me.

My experience is pretty similar.

>monk was the only thing I really was looking forward to in the expansion
>didn't know what race to make my monk
>eventually made him a tauren and play him for like a day
>got bored and stopped playing him
>a few days later decide to make a pandaren just to see the starting zone
>make him a monk because of the local flavor
>finished the starting zone and deleted the tauren monk

Became my main up until Legion when I really started to hate what they were doing to all the classes, but the monk in particular. I still consider him my main though.

Black Desert Online

You know they made not one, but two of those games right? In two entirely different genres even.

WW Monk was one of the few DPS specs I could stomach in Legion. They definitely got dumbed down like everything else but I liked their mobility and the rhythm they have going on with their rotation.
Shame about what happened to BM and MM though.

You're only getting Sylvanas' YAS QUEEN Adventure and you're going to like it.

Says he hates weebs
this fag recommends a weeb game


>Started playing in 2015/2016
>had to take a break because my final college semesters were gruelling
>play again trying to recapture that comfy feeling
>specialization is now chosen for me
>my lv 20 warlock can't summon a succubus anymore
>my goblin cleric that I never got out of the starting area can no longer heal, making all her quests boringly grindy
>my first character, a lv 20 monk, can't dual-wield swords anymore
Feels bad man.

>Shame about what happened to BM
Aw shit, what'd they do to BMs? My favorite character was a troll BM monk.

>WW Monk was one of the few DPS specs I could stomach in Legion
Fucking this, they are simple but they feel so good to use and yet Blizzard keeps nerfing them. Is that faggot who plays the game with a tablet the one responsible for balance changes?

Yeah that was my problem. I mostly did BM, and sometimes MW. I still do not forgive them for taking my fistweaving away.

Legit it was the second best raid in the entire history of WoW.

Ulduar, ToT, then whatever in that order.

Didn't they just get like +9% flat damage in a hotfix?

I don't know how BM is doing now because I quit awhile ago, but the way their damage mitigation worked was apparently really wonky to the point that hardly anyone played them.
You would have to ask someone else since I didn't play my monk much at the time, but I remember that people constantly complained that they were just unplayable.

What’s sexier? Fem Panderian or Fem Pandawa?

I actually really enjoy the whole rhythm style of DPS WW shifted towards. I love mixing in Chi Wave as a filler so that I don't have any dead moments in my gameplay.

Trick question. Male pandaren

Pandawa. They have the added bonus of more than one body type too, in the shows at least.

Pandas unironically killed the potential for MoP. No matter what anybody says furries are hideous regardless of their design. I don't say that as a hater of the largely autistic/cancerous furry fanbase, but as an observer of furries design. The fur looks absurd, along with their proportions, and their awful looking hands and feet. Furries do not make for A E S T H E T I C characters in fiction.

If you disagree you either have shit taste or are an actual furry. Hell, I can barely tolerate Draenei because of their ridiculous hooves.

>an observer of furries design
This is how I know your opinion is worth less than trash. Kill yourself you degenerate scum.
Also pandas are alright

I'm no furry-lover, but you seem like a faggot.

>people have spent decades just doing Tolkien over and over to the point that Tolkien seems bland

friendly reminder that MoP was shit and the only reason you might see a dissenting opinion about it on Sup Forums is because the faggot trannies on /vg/ managed to put a guild together during MoP and convinced themselves that they were having fun.

please do not listen to /vg/ trannies, they are mentally ill

>let me tell you how to have fun
You're beyond autistic

ok tranny

>Is an MMO with RPG fantasy gameplay including ammo, challenging zones, etc. fun?
Yes, vanilla is pretty immersive.


>assuming that anyone did, or wanted to play anything with anyone from /vg/

I didn't know anything about that until just now, and I don't care about any of that shit. MoP was good.

well you're wrong

>Getting urge to resubscribe again
Stop me

Don't. Just don't. It's not the game it once was.

Pandaria had nonsensical amount of dailies you were meant to do for rep if you were a raider, it was awful for months.
Then the loot island was a slap to the face.

Don't bro.
Legion is horseshit, pretty much worse than WoD.

Now hold on up there. There's nothing wrong with some oldschool Tolkien inspired fantasy. But I just hate the people who start screeching autistically when the devs of a game want to try something completely new and fresh. Like I said, discovering a forgotten realm sounds like the very basic concept of "Fantasy Adventure" but people just want more Orcs vs Humans, featuring their lesser buddies: The Elves and Dwarves and shit.

Wait til next expansion. Legion has no good catch up mechanics and playing at a casual level just doesn't feel good anymore.

Play the expansion, hell take a week off for the first week of release and go ham, but the first 3 months of an expansion are almost always the best.

no es fake

That's the only time worth playing.

>new expansion drops
>a bunch of new stuff to see, as well as class changes
>play it for a month or two
>drop it and wait for the next expansion

This is the only way to love the game anymore.

I actually played longer this time, I had a good guild for Nighthold and I pushed out just long enough to get cutting edge Guldan. Couldn't imagine going further though.

I did too, only because of their stupid legendary system. Stopped playing right before Nighthold because of bad luck.

Yeah.. meanwhile for me it was
>oh, here take your three best possible legendaries
>oh and since you're maining Mistweaver, take all this gear with obscure stats nobody else wants

>"look at how contrarian I can be!"

>Didn't they just get like +9% flat damage in a hotfix?
Yes because they don't scale with weapon damage. Which means while everyone else basically scales with their item level monks only scale when they get more agi.

Its bullshit.

>fellow mistweaver

I feel your pain. Our legendaries sucked balls, and blizzard refused to accept that their change to soothing mists was a mistake.

I mean we (top monks) warned them in beta about everything. We told them the second they nerfed Viv and renewing that EF spam would be a thing and they ignored us.

Ah well thank god I had prydaz/wrists/velens/boots/legs/chest in that order.

>I mean we (top players) warned them in beta about everything. We told them the second they did X terrible thing Y would happen and they ignored us.

Is this the story of every blizzard balance problem ever?

> Is this the story of every blizzard balance problem ever?


> Hey Blizz. You made this spec play like shit!
> Nah, you're just doing it wrong.
> I have literally played this spec for more than a decade fuckface.
> Yeah, well. You're wrong. Enjoy.

>It was really good
>except for the half of it that was bad

Pretty much. We even had Celestalon in discord talking to us in real time. We literally sat down with a systems/combat designer and said "this will be a problem, address it before launch", and it was ignored.

At this point I can only assume they do it on purpose.

Why do people even bother making this shit?

Yes but nothing amazing. There is always something to do which is why it's addicting but everything takes forever for no other reason except to force people to keep subscribing which makes the game pretty grindy and shit overall. But if you can get through all that there were some seriously fun raids. I never liked WoW's PvP but some people really enjoy it and had shit ton of fun with it.

But the walrus people did? Or the pig people? The cow people? The horse people? The lizard people? The fish people? The hyena people? The wolf people? The cat people? The bird people? The rat people? The dragon people?

Face it, your game has always been about furries.

>Not in a Blizzard game
Says who? Are you the owner of Blizzard? You don't get to execute on that assumption. Especially not in the face of overwhelming precedence to the contrary.

All of them besides the naked walrus men are fantasy staples.

If we had a naked walrus men expansion, I would be just as mad.

MoP was better than Cata, WoD and Legion by far.

I miss how retarded Destro was.

Where the fuck do you see small talking fish people in other games?


It's kind of funny to see the line slowly move.

>WoW went to shit after Vanilla!
>WoW went to shit after TBC!
>WotLK was when WoW was at its prime, just look at the sub numbers!
>After Cata it all went to shit
>WoW players didn't deserve MoP. It was really good except the 1 year content lull
What's next, WoD wasn't so bad?

>What are demographics?

WoD unironically has good class design, especially for PvP.
