Why is nobody talking about the new graphically updated DUST II the most popular and most historical map in FPS history?
Why is nobody talking about the new graphically updated DUST II the most popular and most historical map in FPS history?
stoped cs go when the sprays came out
CS:GO is trash.
Wasted 3k hours on it.
VALVe has no fucking clue how guns work, and they ALLOW cheaters to play for months at a time because "muh delayed bans"
I hope CS:GO dies sooner than later.
>Modify/add maps, add more cosmetics, newer crates every few days
>Gameplay is still concentrated shit and gunplay feels like wiping your ass with sandpaper
The reason why nobody talks about this is because the only people that still play CSGO are either manbabies, 7 year olds with microphones or Russians that can't even speak english.
If it actually had the slightest bit of flavour added to it perhaps there'd be more of a topic to discuss on Sup Forums.
CSS.1,6 Sup Forums server when? the older games are far better
Because it's a bad game?
because its exactly the fucking same as the old gameplay wise
>open csgo
>shoot enemy 5 times in the chest at close range with an assault rifle
>he survives and lines up one headshot kill me
>walking down a hallway
>start getting shot from behind and try to escape through a nearby door
>the magical magnetism of the bullets shooting one foot away from me roots me to the floor with the gravity of a thousand suns allowing the shooter to land more shots
>close csgo
I don't know why this game was ever popular. The gameplay is shit.
why white line is drawn to sand?
>the most popular and most historical map in FPS history
I don't think Dust 2 is in PUBG
Looks like fucking source
CSS came out 13 years ago
Learn english, nigger
>CS:GO is trash.
>Wasted 3k hours on it.
the absolute state of Sup Forums
nostalgia fag, no they are not, they aged like crap
>the magical magnetism of the bullets shooting one foot away from me roots me to the floor with the gravity of a thousand suns
Fucking this. Bullet slow makes playing cs go so fucking frustrating. It rewards players for landing a handful of inaccurate shots rather than a few well aimed shots
never noticed that the lines is drawn to sand, now it's bugging me
>inb4 "I don't see no difference HURR"
After they introduced a nigger coloured terrorist with the map I just uninstalled steam.
>for landing a handful of inaccurate shots
>landing inaccurate shots
haha what the fuck
My nigga but remember 90% here weren't even born when CS 1.6 was around, they rather play their loot box simulator
bad for grenades, all the jumps are easier
not really impressed by it tbqh
imagine being THIS triggered
>graphically """"""updated"""""""
>looks like shit from 10 years ago
>Why is nobody talking about the thing everyone is talking about and for which we had 3 to 4 threads at once on repeat since it came out?
Oh boy another map remake because designing an actual new map is too much fucking work for Volvo
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server when? paying 1.6 with Sup Forums was fun last time on nipper maps