It's out.
It's out
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Oh shit, the Switch is gaining on the PS4
Something something is finished
>new console ALMOST beating a 4 year old one
At least Nintendo's exclusives stay exclusive. There's literally no point in buying a PS4
No. This can't be. Japan was Nintendo's.
What was the point of moving the goalpost?
There's actually a lot of PS4 exclusives. If I listed them you would just say those don't count.
Interesting that the Switch sells so well in NA
Meanwhile Europe and Japan still buy 3DS
Based Japan
>There's literally no point in buying a PS4
Then why is it outselling everything else?
>Less than 5 minutes to move the goalposts.
Can we have one day without the Sony Vs Nintendo shit?
I had no idea the Xbone was selling that poorly.
>switch's best exclusive can be emulated
>bloodborne can't
>august 19th
Everyday until you like it
>Vita US sales are actually higher than Xbone Japan sales
The same reason why Big Macs outsell filet mignon: most people have awful taste
It's like the 64 era all over again.
>everyone is wrong but me
Unable to deal with other persons opinions is a clear sign of autism by the way.
There's no Sony V Nintendo.
It's Sony outselling everything month after month after month and nintendo fans spamming and shilling on Sup Forums 24/7
>The 19th of August
>Picking the one day when Switch was at its lowest sales on media create
>Not the the week before it, 87k
>Not the week after it, 67k
really bing bing's my wahoos
>Nioh is coming to PC
>Switch has 35k sales in Europe
Are they sick? Those fags literally hate Nintendo judging by the shitty thread qualities during euro time.
Gundam Versus
>tfw the only good games in Switch are Wii U "exclusives"
Man, Switch and PS4 are going really great.
The biggest thing I take from this is the fucking Xbox. I mean, jesus... I would feel so insecure being an xbox-only gamer.
A Ferrari 488 is objectively better than a Toyota Camry, yet the Toyota sells more. Retard
But the PS4 has sold like 70 million compared to the Switches 8-ish million. Your analogy is shit.
Not for it's exclusives, that's for sure. For the masses the PS4 is just the go-to machine for multiplats
>Switch sells fewer units in Japan than in NA and Europe
Japan 1:0 Switchdrones
The Switch has sold less due to lack of supply, not lack of demand you idiot. No one is lining up for hours to buy a PS4
>Xbone: 103
>Literally can't even outsell the PS3
Why is the switch so popular in the US? Or rather, why is it only popular in the US?
No one is lining up for hours for the Switch either.
Ferrari 488 is Nintendo and a midsize sedan is Sony. Do you actually have any idea what you sound like?
Not all of us, some of us actually have taste and have a Switch. Sadly many europoors think Nintendo = children's console, it's their loss. The Switch is still a massive success.
america is filled with manchildren
same reason Sup Forums is majority nintendo fans
demographic of manchildren
>Nintendo releases new console
>gets btfo by Sony 4yr old system
>gets btfo in Japan
Jesus Christ
>most of the PS4 owners are from Europe
Really doth makest thou think.
UK is Sony country.
Plus it goes way back since the Master System sold way better than the NES due to supply problems.
lul @ everyone saying the ps4 isnt a new console. its literally the latest generation you dumbfucks, what other things would people buy if it werent for the ps4?
>ps4 vastly outselling Switch in Japan
Sup Forums must be on suicide watch, holy shit.
Half of Switch's "exclusives" are fucking Wii U ports
Not to fuel the shitposting, but Switch has been outselling the PS4 in both NA and Japan since June/July or whatever, and that's ignoring that the highest sold current console is still the 3DS (last i checked at least)
most console trash sales are in murica
really activates my almonds
>2078 Wii Us sold
I bet you that most of those were for Hax.
>At least Nintendo's exclusives stay exclusive
The Switch's only worthwhile game is a Wii U port and was emulatable on PC weeks after release
>Expecting people who use VGChartz as a source of data to use actual sources of data like NDP and Media Create
Is it emulatable on the PS4? No, it's not. I rest my case.
Glad I triggered you user. Have some more salt.
This, nintendo winning= real data
We fucking did it
damn i really love playing mario, splatoon, zelda and uh... *sweats*
Not really. Microsoft was pretty much only ever popular in the states. The rest of the world prefered playstation and nintendo.
I don't know why though, I guess it has something to do with americans wanting to buy american products.
Why are we looking at August's sales numbers?
The people that dismiss Nintendo in european countries aren't the kind of people dedicated enough to gaming to go shitpost about it on Sup Forums, stop with this boogeyman
So every PS4 game that is not on Switch is exclusive? Got it.
>emulatable on PS4
Holy shit kys sonybro
Alright, "dedicated gaming device"
Only 2/21 total exclusives are Wii U ports (Fast RMX and MK8 Deluxe).
I think you might be retarded.
>Sonybulls won
Well they're going to claim Zelda is a port, and Splatoon is an expansion pack.
>there are people ITT right NOW who don't own a Switch and a PS4 for the exclusives
God it must suck being poor or still living with your parents
Is 'NO GAEM' actually true or is it just a meme?
>Sadly many europoors think Nintendo = children's console
That’s because it IS a children’s console. I was playing Mario+rabbits for the first time and stopped after 30 minutes because I felt retarded and embarrassed if anyone saw me playing it
You do know that these kind of threads are just console war threads right?
It's a simple matter of history, Xbox could never sell as much as the PS in Europe because compared it's still a new name that has to prove itself. People buy for convenience, they already know the PS brand so they go for it, Xbox started stealing some of that thunder only during 7th gen when more and more people opted for a 360 thanks to early piracy and cheaper price
Because it is and because it is.
Zelda is a port tho.
hi, german here. if anyone thinks of gaming here, they think of fifa and pes on ps4. glad i could help.
>zelda and splatooon
the two (2) exclusives anyone even care about :^)
Sonygros have literally nothing.
Both are true.
Guys.. I'm fucking scared.
I'm fucking nauseous. I stayed up all night because how worried I was. Switch is our last shot to prove that Nintendo has a future in the console market. If it sells poorly... then it's fucking over, bros.
I wanted this to ship 20 million units. I want this to FORCE sonybros to buy a Switch. I want them to cry as they're forced to withdraw $400 to purchase this console.
But it doesn't look good. It has mediocre sales, and was revealed to only have Wii U ports, even fewer exclusives than the PS4. We fucking lost, Nintenbros...
How do I calm down? How do I ease myself as we get closer to release and I have to face the inevitable that Nintendo Switch is a blunder?
switch has nothing to offer apart from first party shit, and kiddy games
LOL the itty bitty baby doesn't know what a stock is! So cute!
Same reason they're one of the most pawned consoles ever. Cheep and a regret purchase.
>Not even Japan wants the Switch
Despite the cuck-memes yurope still has a lower percentage of numale manchildren than the US.
>heh stupid sheep *pushes glasses closer* only i know whats really going on this matrix we call reality
>its a shitpost/circlejerk thread
Guarantee that article is only talking about NA region numbers
Would you retards please stop posting these charts. I say this every single time. THERE ARE NO WEEKLY NUMBERS FOR NA OR EU. VGchartz is 100% making them up because THEY DO NOT EXIST. I posted this last time when the Switch was on top and I'm posting it now when the PS4 is, so don't whine about bias. These charts aren't real numbers. VGchartz pulls them out of their ass for views. Nintendo will be releasing their sales numbers I believe at the end of the month, so stop being impatient and wait for that.
It's not really a port when it released simultaneosly on both consoles, it's a multiplat release, the Switch version didn't come 1 or 2 years later than Wii U so it's not like who owns it on Switch is "enjoying the scraps" of the previous Wii U audience
t. played it on Wii U
Can someone please explain the appeal of the Switch to me? So far theres only a Zelda game and a Mario game. Is that really worth a 300 dollar consolle and 2 60 dollar purchases since nintendo games never go down in price?