"Congrats! Now give me those souls like I asked (aka the point of the game)"

>"Congrats! Now give me those souls like I asked (aka the point of the game)"

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


That the Devil is a fag

That you should keep the souls and become greater being than the devil.

It's the devil you stupid retard

>game has "Don't Deal With the Devil" in the title

>What did they mean by this?
Don't deal with the devil

>game tells you not to give him the souls
>lol why would that be bad lol

It's clearly a political portrayal of Trump you dense fucks

You didn't bring him to the negotiation table for the purpose of making your demands clear, so you sandbagged and simply took the worst he had to offer, leaving you quite in dire straights.

the tag line of the game is 'dont deal with the devil'

checkmate logic nazis

>making a deal with the devil goes bad
WEIRD. This also makes me laugh at any and all Satanists. "The devil will treat me right, LOL!"

Isn't that the entire game, though? Trial and error bullshit?

Undertale reference?

>satanists are devil worshipers

devil isnt real tho

>Trial and error bullshit?
>in a game about patterns, and skill
Okay tumblr.



What are they, then? Satan is literally in their name.

I wasn't implying that it just makes me laugh that, if the ultimate evil did exist, he'd be a bro to whoever worshipped him


ah yes

they only worship the devil ironically. how could I have forgotten

what part of "Don't deal with the devil" do you not understand? Elder Kettle even advises you to make the right choice at the start of the game, did you forget his words?

>dying repeatedly until you memorize the pattern isn't trial and error
i know this is bait but fuck off

>What are they, then? Satan is literally in their name.
Satanism is worshipping yourself.
It's not devil worship. That's something else.


Don't compare this amazing game to Tumblrtale you massive faggot.

I read into it and yes, you're right, they separate the two. However, the article says they base everything off of Satan and his ideologies, so you're grasping at straws to say they don't think the devil is neat.

Who cares about historical fact and years and years of research that has been to accurately pinpoint when and where new ideology and ideas were introduced into a culture, i.e. the devil, which wasn't a concept until the new testament and the result of centuries of theological extrapolation

If you don't think the devil has been a real entity since the beginning of time, despite the huge amounts of evidence against it's existence, you are an obese, acne riddled creep who wears fedoras.

I kinda wonder if the tone of the game was changed. Cuphead looked like he was enjoying himself more than he should have here.

it's not like getting the bad ending matters, since you can immediately return and get the good ending anyways

assuming you're good enough to beat the devil

>dying repeatedly
that only happens if you are bad

>first person shooters have "first" in their genre
>they aren't the first games ever made

What the fuck is the point then?

This, Satanists are the most cucked people in existence. The only thing the devil seeks is to corrupt and destroy everything he can before his time comes. Worshipping the devil may work for you in the short-term, but you WILL be driven to madness before you finally die, and that's not even taking into account how you'll miss out on chilling with the BASED GODHEAD for all eternity.

>What are they, then? Satan is literally in their name.
Find out for yourself. I'm not here to spoonfeed you.
They don't worship the Devil, faggot.

The devil isn't real and if you think you have struck a deal with him you are delusional or mentally ill.

I know y'all just meeming but for those who actually don't know
Satan isn't a name of anyone, Satan is the concept of going against the church in general.
If you don't believe the universe revolves around Earth, or if you believe that gays are to be accepted; if you believe in evolution in general, you're inherently satanic according to most legacy Abrahamic church.
"The Devil"'s name is Lucifer and the following of the "devil" is luciferianism and it's all horse shit for edgy teenagers
all of it, everything above this line

This has to be the most retarded post I have read today

It's called first-person because it's in FIRS-PERSON

So they aren't the first games to ever shoot persons?

Oh fuck I just realized the devil is furry shit

It's the fucking devil your retard

Sup Forums's autism strikes once again

Cuphead just loves a good brawl, soul contracts or no

Don't compare Tumblrtale to this amazing game you massive faggot.

So it boils down to humanity being inconsistent as fuck and muddying up everything

So um does this guy have porn yet?

I adore how fucking straightforward and to the point this game is without attempting to be edgy. The game is literally named "Don't Deal With The Devil" and you get a bad ending if you deal with the devil. Your objective is to become strong enough to dominate the devil and liberate yourself and your friends on the Island. Such a wonderfully spiritual, uplifting game.


Oh fuck now I'm twice as attracted to him

>community college
>have to take credits in arts and letters
>pick a religion class because no way in hell am I taking a language
>one guy in there is allegedly a former satanist
>said he was atheist at first but started reading
>left because he said he got bad vibes from it and is now atheist again
>everyone's fw
Wow, it's almost like he was worshipping evil.

>diceman doesn't let you through until you get all souls
>still doesn't let you through when you get all souls
>you weren't planning on giving souls to devil anyway

it boils down to fucking ergot induced partial psychosis being inconsistent as fuck. That's where religion generally came from.
If you eat bad rye it has ergot in it.
Ergot is what you process to make LSD.
Unprocessed ergot is the same thing but with panic attacks and horror times fifty.

Whats the title of the game?


I'm pretty sure Satan is (or was at least) the angel tasked to test humans by trying to get them to stray from the path, and got lumped together with Lucifer over the years to the point where their names became synonymous

Can you tell me how high of an IQ one needs to appreciate the game fully?

Lucifer was God's righthand man, got full of himself, tried to stage a coup and got BTFO. Instead of repenting like a sensible person and apologizing he doubles down in his autism, goes full on edge, changes his name, and decides to fuck with humanity until he gets eternally BTFO for good.

The Devil is just a massive faggot all around, nothing much more to it than that.


>it's a catholics pretend to be real christians episode

Probably, there's another black and white screenshot of cuphead filling up with booze before a fight. Odds are they intended for each boss fight to end with these kinds of slides but cut the concept

Do you seriously, unironically believe the devil exists, user?


laveyan satanism is secular. true satanism, which probably goes by a different name in most cases, is the idea that christian sin is always a part of human nature, our emotions and sexuality. therefore, satan, who encourages these things, is actually an advocate of humans, whereas god would punish us for our nature.

good thing all religion is bullshit

I wish you'd die

Not really.

Then uh
He wasn't really worshipping """""""""""Evil"""""""" because the devil doesn't real.

that meant the same thing

He was worshiping the idea behind it though.

Doesn't help that he was almost neckbeard tier. I think he was just baiting, trying to get a rise out of people because a solid chunk of the class already said they're christians.

It's the Asian Alex Jones

Satanist believe that God is the evil one. Satan rebelled against God because he didnt like that God was so cruel.

Can you name me a single thing that Satan did wrong?

But ideas don't really exist either, user.

>religion class with all christfags

he failed the coup

You don't say.

This is very wrong. Galileo basically said the Earth wasn't the center of the universe but he wasn't ever called a "satanist" in any istance. He was excommunicated by the Church, sure, but he was never defined "satanist", not then and not now.

What pic?

Enough fedoras in this thread to open a hat shop.

dem titties


>because of this pic everyone thinks the devil is a goat

>Not usurping the throne
what are you gay?

they look fake.

Cuphead: Don't Lewd with the Devil



>Elder Kettle specifically says DON'T give the Devil his souls when the chance comes
>Trusts the goat monster over the wise elder who has been there for you Cuphead and Mugman for all of their lives

Satan sounds like a massive faggot honestly,the original sasuke uchiha

>But ideas don't really exist either, user.
You must be a very fun person to be around.

I'm sick of fags confusing Baphomet with Satan himself too.

>Can you name me a single thing that Satan did wrong?
Not winning against God and being relegated to being the "bad guy" for all eternity.
Satanists are a bunch of edgy goth manchildren, so if they don't believe the devil is bad, it doesn't matter. Majority of people think he is.

Lucifer was an idiot. He could have stayed in heaven and arrange his plans from there, much easier.
Now he has bad reputation forever.

You realize elder kettle is behind everything right? He's literally a secret boss in hard mode, you don't even get a contract for killing him so
1. He's probably god
2. He's making you take out the devil so he could take over

Man I can't wait for Shin Megami Tensei: Cuphead and Mugman no Densetsu . Personally I'm gonna pick the Mugman Chaos route

>that design
>a literal furry
The Devil and his worshippers have the absolutely more cancerous tastes.

satan is the word for "accuser", it can be applied to literally anything, even an angel that god has ordered to test someone

Where are you people getting this shit?

>Woooow dude if I was the Devil I woulda plotted against God from Heaven and kicked his ass
You know what is even funnier than edgy devil worshipers? Edgy internet tough guys.

>The Bible says that the devil appears to people "as an angel of light"
>The Bible says that his true nature is that of a skulking, writhing serpent and in many passages calls Satan "the dragon"
>Satanists decide to up and depict the devil as a baphomet-esque goat man which is every bit as repulsive and evil-looking as you naturally think the devil would be
Why do they think that's a good way to bring people to their cause? Are they all just that edgy?

You kid but would actually be really cool if they make a DLC filled with new bosses and Run and Gun stage(s) and Elder Kettle is the secret final fight

To all those people saying satanists dont worship satan because they say they dont worship satan.

since has the fucking devil been truthful. You think they're just going to tell you they worship satan? you dense fucks

Satan doesn't exist.

Challenging the Chad God while being a virgin creation. Chad God had the grace and love to make the virgin creation Lucifer his right hand. Instead of chilling out with Chad God the virgin creation Lucifer went full autist and tried to take everything for himself. Chad God could have ghosted virgin creation Lucifer on the spot, but realized that in and of itself would be virgin creation logic. So He decided to let virgin creation Lucifer stage his little faggot coup and allowed a "war" to take place in heaven.

I use quotes because it was less of an actual fight and more of a glorified series of arguments and debate; an actual fight would be over in literally less than a second against Chad God. Everybody made their choice and Chad God cast those out who didn't want to be there and get along. Chad God also realized that virgin creation Lucifer would go on an autistic virgin rampage and fuck with His beloved Chad human creations, but was prideful that we wouldn't fuck shit up. Of course we fucked up but Chad God didn't fret and gave His beloved Chad God Son on our behest, so that those of us who want to chill with Him may when the day comes.

In short, the Devil is a virgin who did everything 100% wrong and God is a Chad who we should all look forward to spending eternity with.

I always thought he was accuser in the sense that he felt he could judge humanity ss inferior and not worthy of God's protection and love. But I suppose it's all just interpretations.

Demons > Angels, so says my dick

Shouldn't you be burning at the stake right about now, you protestant scum?

Furthermore, consider these facts:
- empires have waged wars in the name of God, or for some other holy reason, multiple times in the past two millennia. No wars have been waged ever in the name of the devil.
- when a baby or a child dies due to illness or lack of food or so, it has not done any sins so it gets an automatic pass into Heaven. So it is in the Devils best intention to raise the standard of living in third world countries, so more kids can grow up and potentially commit enough sins to get into Hell.

The Devil does more good and more charity than God, and more sins have been committed in the name of God than the Devil.

Who really is the good guy and the bad guy?