Why do so many millennial guys play as girls even when they use the 1st person mode...

Why do so many millennial guys play as girls even when they use the 1st person mode? This btfo of the theory that guys play as girls, because they like to watch the girl run around. In 1st person you can't even see her so there's no point. Just face it you want to be chicks.

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You're a millennial too you know

Feminism has implanted into people's brains the myth that women are just as capable in combat as men.

Sometimes its fun to be someone else for a little while.

I play as a girl because I'm a repressed trans.

>video games are reality

Role play?

That's cool, my cat is a transsexual.

what game is this screenshot from?

This. I'd say about 10% of v is this also.

Fallout 4, but it can look way better with a good enb.


>just face it you want to be chicks.
what's wrong with that

they want to be the gf

Before everyone ITT starts being retards, the majority of Sup Forums are millenials.
The generation is like '82-'96 or something.

Is this the current trans thread on v?
Do you guys want to talk about boys and striped socks with me?



I play in 1st and 3rd person as I see fit for the situation.

>striped socks
alright, you piqued my interest

why is this such a common thing?

no, girls

Okay that's pretty cool but fuck Fallout 4

I'm not actually sure, but I do own some.
Dear god I don't even remember buying them


>being so cripplingly autistic that every character you play as has to be literally you or else its a sign of repressed homosexuality.
Wew lad, Is there something you want to tell us user?

cuz underaged hate being beaten by girl avatars.

I like girls better than boys. I don't want to be a girl. Repetitive bait.

>tfw no vagina

>He projects himself into his character, rather than creating a cool fictional character in your head as you play
>Not seeing himself as the writer of your characters story, unbound to create and play characters that looks cool for the situation

Brainlets, when will they learn?

Daily reminder that man is the only animal to be at war with its own species.
Inconsequentially it is also the only animal to perform sex change operations on each other.

>self inserting instead of roleplaying
How sad.

They are aesthetically interesting thanks to bright colors and simple pattern, hide your man legs, expose only your thighs and actually do a good job of keeping your legs warm when wearing light/little clothing.

If I can customize a character I either make
>black hair in ponytail
>black or red lips
>shiny attire
As my dominatrix waifu
If I fantasy self insert
>blonde pigtails

>projecting your insecurity so much you need to make threads about it

I want to be a cute girl.
That's not going to happen in real life so I have to settle for video games.

I'm a straight guy but I wouldn't pass up the chance to be a hot girl.

"Self-inserting" "roleplaying" thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt. Where do you differentiate the two? Where's the line drawn on whether one is the other or not?

The first part of your statement was a lie.

Yes men play as women because they're horny and/or want to be a girl. If I could be a girl in real life I would. Not my fault it's so appealing. I didn't create the rules.

I mean, I like girls.

It's the difference between playing F:NV as a rooting tooting cowboy who takes to many chems, a mad scientist whose goal is to punch sometime as hard as it can be punched or, "me with a gun".

My cat is a transsexual.

You always crank the boob slider all the way up, don't you user?

You want to have nice big fat ones, huh?

Want to feel them swaying back and forth as you run, feel them getting in the way of things, feeling your arms brush up against them.

Or feeling someone else arm brushing up against them, or sliding a hand under your bikini armor and teasing your fat little nipple.

Now moo for me, you slutty little titcow.

cowtits are disgusting
flat is justice

Noot noot!

your cat is a huge faggot he is

I always play as a chick likely because my dad wasn't there for me as a kid. I'm straight but I've always had mostly female friends.
It may also have something to do with powerful female characters becoming a common theme while we were kids.

Don't pretend like changing gender on will wouldn't be neat. You don't even have to fuck dudes just play with your titties.

if you had the power to transform into a female it wouldn't be gay to fuck dudes

It's a female cat, she wants to be a male.

>tfw straight but literally always roll a female if given the choice, preferably asian

what does this mean?

I always play as a girl and in RPGs my love interests are always other girls.

I think it's a combination of maybe on some level wanting to be a girl, and a compulsion to sexualize or fetishize everything in games and other fantasies. Since I'm not particularly attracted to men I just cut them out wherever I can. Except dicks, but then the rest has to be female (male).

because taking damage and hearing the woman moan from it gives me a chub

I always put the slider mostly to the left. For realism purposes :(

liking dicks is gay

You can't fool us! You like big stinky willies, you girl's blouse!

>Just face it you want to be chicks.
The fact that you assume you can easily find the reason for otherĀ“s actions is a very good indicator that you are too dumb to realize how wrong you are on both accounts.

That's not true, as a straight (male) liking cock is the straightest thing you can do

I'd rather play dress up with a chick. If it's a truly 1st person only game with no 3rd person at all and no menu to look at your character model then I'll play either male or female because in that case it doesn't make a difference except for character voice when taking damage and hand models in 1st person.

If the game has good character design though and has attractive looking males or at least stylish looking males and but ugly females then I'll play as a male. For me it kind of goes beyond male / female and more so goes into picking whatever option gives me the sleeker, more stylish, and sexier looking clothing / armor.

Roleplaying is trying to create something that is not you. Something that holds widely different beliefs and personality from yourself. Actively thinking up a personality beforehand and then playing it along those routes, regardless if it is the "best" option.

It's true, I do (under the right circumstances.)

I want multiple penetrative orgasms instead of just one, and also huge tits. I just don't want to be a rectangular human you don't want to fuck.

My work wifi won't know it's me if the only validation is an 'I Accept' captive portal right?

I try playing as a chick in Rpgs often. But it's usually interesting for all of 5 minutes.

Then I want my character to be a dude again. And I don't want to play two parallel games and do everything twice.

If i have planned a stealthy or rogue build/play style i will play as a female and if i make a strength/tank character i make him male. Simple as that.

>start to be happier with my life
>also become gayer and gayer by the day

what do you think that means?

Man I don't think I can completely disconnect that way, its way over my head. Maybe it's because I don't really roleplay, like DnD shit? I mean the most I've done amounts to personal ground rules like "only fast travel on return trips" "only use such and such weapons" "don't carry x objects" but that's basically gameplay.

That you're gay and you've accepted it so you feel better.

Because Rust forces you

Sometimes I play as a girl on my second or third time through a game, just to see if there's any slight differences or even just for the novelty of it. Even then, most of the time I just play as male on my additional playthroughs most of the time. Maybe I'm just a sexist shitlord, but I don't buy women as being the badass bloodthirsty killers I like to play as. They're more believable as sorceresses, but even then I'm just going to want to go full whispy beard wizard if I play a magic user. In my mind they probably make most sense as the sneaky, manipulative backstabby type (okay maybe I am a bit sexist), but I tend not to like playing that type of character.

I'm not going to judge you faggots for wanting to self insert on pretty girl characters. Maybe it's almost as pathetic that I want to play pretend as some musclebound, ultra virile barbarian in every RPG I play.

I know people are expecting meme answers, but here's my serious take on this: I never identify as the characters I play, instead I'm more like their narrator. I like to tell stories about characters, may they be male or female, or nondescript.


I only play as female on a second run through because (naively) I wanted to hear the gender specific dialogue

You can't fool us, we know for a fact you mean "sexually"!

I guess I do. I at least would like to try it once.

sissy white males are the ones playing as girls

Now that's some sad elitism right there. Especially considering that absolute majority of games usually don't have any real choices to play as some cardboard cutout made beforehand. So you have to be flexible, and that implies picking the most rational choice, aka self inserting.

I took it to mean that many games like this have fuck all for gender specific dialogue (or race specific dialogue for that matter). It's always like
>Hey, is that HERO? I heard they saved the villiage of Greenville from a skeleton invasion. This HERO person of indeterminate gender sure is amazing!

Yeah I know what you mean, its always lazily done too.


>self inserting

Now that's super gay

This. I tried to get into 'roleplaying' in games like this for the longest time. Many times you need to have played the game beforehand so you know exactly what kind of character would be interesting to play. It's no use playing a zealous Paladin in a game where you're not allowed to be a zealot, be racist against the undead or even comment on your religious beliefs at any point. It's usually just more fun to make the decisions that you would make in that situation. What's the point in even making a moral choice if it's already been predecided by the 2 dimensional character you created beforehand? Personally, even if I am roleplaying, I'll always have the urge to just go with the option I'd want to pick instead of the one my character would anyway.


Girls have smaller hitboxes

i cringe everytime i look at a girls neck

do people know that the neck actually is the only muscle that prevents you from getting fucking smashed to death? people are too sheltered from reality

>autogynephilia is a transphobic myth


What are you even trying to say

girls have tiny necks, it's really awkward, they look like giraffes

>all these people wanting to castrate themselves
The white race is doomed

You've been playing too much Persona.

I wanna be like that old sea captain in that Freaky Stories episode who caskrated himself.

who's being castrated

>play d&d for ages
>make character
>roll to decide sex/race/class where applicable
Also I don't think you understand the age range of millennials

it's not gay if the dick is feminine

But what if you like sucking masculine dick?

As if. I'm just going to continue being a faggy femboi unless a wizard appears and grants me instant transformation into a girl.

>cutting your dick off because you have a sexual fetish where you don't have a dick
Isn't that counter productive?

This. Would never consider it unless I could guarantee a complete and feminine voice.

because i want to be a girl. how many times do i have to say it?

femboys aren't real
you are a twink until you can prove otherwise

>In 1st person you can't even see her so there's no point
Most first person games have had first person bodies since ~2003, user. Try looking down.

I use them interchangeably. I'm not a porn star and I don't strip, which is what I associate with "twink". I'm just a tiny, girly little queer.