Serious Question;

How do I may friends in Video Games in 2017? It seems really impossible nowadays.

FPS - It's either kids yelling or infighting
Fighting Games - If you suck they won't even bother, if you're too good they get salty. If you're on the same level they'll befriend you, but if you eventually evolve and become better than them they get salty.
MMOs - everyone is gay, everyone is infighting, people just disappear and never return.
Co-op games - The play them with their friends so you don't even get the chance to meet someone.

Sup Forums - they're gay, they're depressed at all times and need someone to talk to, just way too much fucking baggage.
Normal Forum - they're all fucking normalfags that only play the most casual shit and cannot keep up.

this is a big problem, I find.

steam friend threads used to be ok, but then it devolved into gay shit, unfortunaly It might never come back

my advice would be to try and find some obscure place on the internet and go from there

you could also try through anime,
since many people that like games also like anime

>fighting games
literally go to any fighting game tournament held by any store in your city
tonnes of nerds chatting me up outta fucking nowhere about the FRAMES DUDE THE FRAMES ITS NOT EVEN FAIR, oh i'm ramsey btw
ok cool
nice 8^)
its not that hard

steam threads were always tranny garbage for a bunch of suicidal dogfuckers
don't bring them up or you'll summon them again no doubt

what if I live in third world?

just kys senpai

Those games are single player. And when anime does have multiplayer those are the most cancerous people imaginable. Just look at Xenoverse.


I mean actual anime


wow ew I was gonna suggest you to become my friend but I only hang out with middle class or avobe white people from the first world


work on you grammar, maybe you'll get someone next time

I like the racism though, the social class segregation is also a plus, definitely a quality shitpost

i know what you mean

tons if gay/trans/furries that browse here and always whine to be treated like a needy girlfriend

all i want are assholes to shit things up with. not some gaylord with an identity crisis saying hes gonna kill himself if i dont “respect” his pronouns

you're also part of the problem, Sup Forums has enough toxic people to go around, dont need another one

You're just as bad as the degenerates

>Co-op games - The play them with their friends so you don't even get the chance to meet someone.
false, I find lots of soloplayers who are just looking randoms to have fun with. Join a random survival or campagin server on L4D2 and small talk with people.

fighting games are your best bet. i've met some great people playing guilty gear, both online and at locals.

MMOs are the only thing you can really bet on. Thing is that it'll take a long time to get past just being acquaintance level "friends". And yes, they do have lots of faggots, but even so, there will be a few dudes who are alright as well, and those are worth getting to know.

I had an alright time in the warbros guild for Warframe. There are probably some Sup Forums guilds for FF14 that are decent too if you just know how to avoid cancer. Don't go for any of the bigger guilds, they're the ones that attract all the cancer, the smaller / more niche ones will most likely be much more tolerable. Can't really help you beyond that since those are the only MMOs I've played.

u can go back to your safe space

there's a difference between safe space and openly admitting to wanting to being an asshole and spreading misery on the board.

>haven't made a single friend since moving away
getting a job was easier

Just spend alot of hours playing a game,then its by chance.

I played Archeage on release and found a friend after a few months.From there you find more people you get "close" to.

>join in-game community and eventually their teamspeak or whatever
>lodge yourself in there
>be the most annoying cunt ever to attract positive and negative attention
>stars align
I'm stuck at the beginning. Maybe it's because I can't stand video games anymore.

That advice is so full of shit I don't even know where to begin.

I'm horrible at small talk, do you a headset to talk or do you just randomly receive a friend invite?

just play wow

siege can be a nice way, get a headset, communicate with anyone that also has one, send friend requests

Maybe stop being a cunt?

Go to the nearest bar, they'll have an arcade machine

No they don't, they have a cigarette machine

In guilty gear everyone plays in 8 player lobbies which lets you text chat after or in between matches. It makes it easier to talk with people than a ranked mode. Also the game is somewhat niche so you see a lot of the same players over a long period of time. Makes it ez to make friends. I don't know how easy it is in other fighting games though.

just get a harem of erp traps from steam friend threads

nice, thanks for the tip

people also talk a lot and ask for matches on the guilty gear discord, i forgot to add that.

>Fight dude
>Return to lobby
>Sits back down
>Opponents little Chibi character gets up and leave as he is disgusted by your scrubby-ness and doesn't want anything to do with you.

Fucking liar.

make a lobby and name it "new players". also you're not gonna become friends with everyone.

Schierke is cute.

>tfw not the 90's anymore

>Make "new players" lobby
>Nobody joins because there aren't any "new players"


>Make "new players" lobby
>Get one or teo
>minutes later, 3 super saiyans gods enter your lobby
>it's a freaking takeover

Fucking liar.

whats this

Make friends outside the game and play with them. Making friends while playing with randos is a rare event that usually happens when one displays pro skill in support of another. I made a few steam friends playing a pro TF2 medic but nowhere else.

>How do I make friends?
Don't bother.

you can also just look at the skill icons before you join a lobby, where an equals sign means similar skill, and up or down arrows mean higher or lower relative skill.

it's color coded, where lowest to highest skill is light blue > dark blue > dark green > light green > yellow > orange > pink. You can also kick people from your lobby

stop playing shitty games

Honestly I haven't made a real friend in videos games since like 2007. All the friends I play with now are my friends in real life. Either been friends since school, or are coworkers, are you know, just the kinda random people you meet at a bar or a concert and become friends eventually.

Seriously been a decade since I met someone or a group online and actually stayed in contact. I get added occasionally online (and add a few people myself) but like I never play with said person again for some odd reason. I just forget who they are

I wouldn't say so. I have never once made a friend by trying to put myself out there and actively make friends. Every online friendship I've made was on accident or through coincidence.

It's hard. I have a group of close friends, but we are all from different countries and continents and most of them stopped playing games or just play single player games. I've hung around them daily on IRC for like 10 years now.

I've been trying to branch out and find new group of friends to play coop and online games with but it's so fucking hard. I tried discord and it's full of either massive reddit-tier communities where everyone is a normie and/or is just too large to make any impact or know anybody for real. I've tried reddit and it's cringey as fuck. I play MMOs and most of the time I am playing solo and just joining PUGs, we talk for a bit but most people are like 15-16 and me being 30 has a massive age difference, it's just so hard to relate.

I just want to find comfy people to hang out with and chat about random stuff, maybe get a new game together and go "hey dude, wanna hop on and do some coop?" as we explore the game.

The closest I have is playing GW2 with a friend but I'm US and he's Europe so we can't even play together, we just talk about the game itself. It feels really lonely. Almost like I'm too old for videogames.

Is there an 'oldfag' community I can join or something like that maybe? People above 25 who aren't screeching faggots and just want to chill together.

>be an old timer PC gamer
>all my 'friends' on steam (more than 100 people)
>90% of them don't play anymore or I don't talk to them anymore
>buy a PS4 to play some chill games on it
>had the PS4 for 1 year now
>friend list is empty

How do I find new people to play with on PS4? I've played a few online games but console communities feel so hard and awkward to make bonds with. Like, I played Destiny and in PvP there's barely any time to even talk to other people and the PvE campaign is just a snorefest.

>Fighting Games - If you suck they won't even bother
I love teaching new people how to play.
>if you're too good they get salty.
I wouldn't. I would praise someone who improved to be better than me from my teaching.

Do you actually play fighting games? I'd love to teach you.

>Post SFV
>Do you actually play fighting games?

Do you?

How much experience do you have with fighting games? What rank are you in SFV and what previous fighting games have you played at a competent level? I've found that most Street Fighter 5 haters actually don't play fighting games and just shit post about them on Sup Forums with no evidence to back up their claims, parroting whatever everyone else says.

Almost all of my online friends I've made came from f2p fps games. Almost everyone was at least in their 20's at that point or if they were younger they werent that bad. Best bet is probably joining something new where the community isnt infested yet

I made friends with a couple of guys by reviving them in The Division Survival and giving them stuff to team up. We even managed to extract. Shit was cash

But do you still talk to them and/or are a part of a community together? Do you play games together still?

>How much experience do you have with fighting games?
SF2Turbo - SFEX3 - SF4
Tekken 2 - Tag 1 and 2 - Tekken 7
Marvel Super Heros - Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
King of FIghters 98 - King of Fighters XIV
Melty Blood - Fate Unlimited Codes - Under Night In-Birth
Guilty Gear Reload - Blazblue - Guilty Gear Rev.2
Blade Arcus Shinning - Fighting Climax

So yeah more than enough. I'm not some Capcom fanboy like you.

Yeah, we still team up for Siege or the latest events in The Division and we played through Ghost Recon Wildlands.
I don't know what to say. It was just luck I guess, and thinking that if id died at the beginning of the survival session and someone passed by my body id like to be res. I did it a number of times but this guys stuck with me.

Also try Foxhole, the community is tight

>coming to Sup Forums for advice on how to make friends anywhere
You'll get nothing but "I lost all my friends" or "It's super hard because I am socially retarded but won't say so"

This is assuming they will put the time and effort into actually getting better.
I had a friend who really wanted to get into anime fighters so I told him GG has the best tutorials there are at the moment. He bought it, picked up Mai because I told him Ramlethal might be a bit to involved for someone starting out and after.
I told him a bit about the basics showed him some of the stuff he can do but after he spent a week practicing some combos and doing arcade mode we played against each other and he just got incredibly frustrated, said he can't even try to do any of the stuff he learned and that it was basically wasted time. I tried telling him stuff to look out for but I didn't wanna completely sandbag so I just played off character.

He stopped playing completely the same month and moved on to online CCG's.

Are you on PS4? I'd like you to become my sensei if that's ok.

Nope, PC

And of course. They are always on the opposite hardware whenever I ask.