How do I stop video game anhedonia? Pic not exactly related

How do I stop video game anhedonia? Pic not exactly related

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By getting a boyfriend

Try working out
Cleaning the house
Doing the dishes

Really anything else that's constructive that will take time out of your day and create a feeling of reward when you actually sit down to play something.

thats the hardest thing of all

What did you expect, swallow magic happy pill?


Take breaks. Play an old favorite. Step back from the hobby and reassess things.
>why do i play
>what genres do i like
>what do i like collecting (if you collect)
>is there anything I'm doing I really don't like
Despite what Sup Forums may tell you, it's about fun. Make sure you're overall having fun based on your subjective parameters of fun

Good luck

Wait, how did you know OP was a girl??

Can you tell what sex I am?

Get another fucking hobby

im not a girl

Sorry, but love doesn't come in pill form.

by becoming enlightened

Try low carb high fat diet.
It increases dopamine levels, for some time at least.

>implying girls browse Sup Forums
If a girl was a streamer or attention whore she'd go to twitch or youtube, if she actually cared about vidya she wouldn't come here to discuss it.

Girls don't browse Sup Forums, there's just nothing of value here for them.

Everyone can tell what sex you are when you post gays ass pics like that.

>implying community college is bad
>tfw masters degree and making a decent living on my own
>started from community college
Classist people truly are an enigma

That sounds like something a girl would say.

I would be disappointed too if my son fell for one of the most cynical, obvious marketing ploys in recent memory.

Please dont be mean to me, I'm not good at making a good post.


Just say "Game" is bad and post cropped porn.
Concrabulations, you are now a Sup Forums super star.

I'm in the same boat lad. I have tons of 360 games that I've been buying cheap and I haven't touched more than half of them. I get burnt out fast on games that I remember being excited about when they first released. Half the time I just drop them during the tutorial segments.
Even when I want to go back to a game I lose my place and groove and end up nuking the save and starting over again, just to quit again near where I quit the first time. I've done this with RDR three times now. Trying to enjoy New Vegas but the whole thing just feels like a slog no matter how I try to change it up.
I enjoy fightans the most but I have terrible internet and no friends that like fighting games so I can't really play them.
Life is suffering.




tried this, nutrition and fitness and health are memes