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is good game komrade))))))))))))
buy gold birdies))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Waste of time made by stupid wojaks who cant play Flight or Tank Arcade simulators


>Play P-38 against Ruskies
>Go head on against a LaGG
>Kill him
>Hunts another Ruskie plane down
>Shoots him down too
>Minimal damage to my wings and airframe
>mfw I survived Russian planes and their instakill laser cannons.


Fun to play in realistic if you know how to play planes properly and aim and have trigger discipline.

You need to take the game somewhat seriously to enjoy it.

Also, the grind is real.

It took be about 380 hours and 2 years to get my first tier 4 aircraft, which was an American P-51D and that sucked so many balls because it flew like a super heavy bomber when it was supposed to be a high altitude fighter.

I sometimes come back to the game and play since it's fun to shoot Germans/French/Italiano Pastarini's/British Dongs/Russian Hackers and Honourabru Japaneese in my American planes.

sekrit dokumints)))))))))))))))))

>plays Mericans vs krauts
>germans has ufos

Is it worth it if I have VR and a hotas?

If you can get it working fuck yea


It's fun
It's NOT p2w
It is insanely long to grind

What ufos


its a bing time sink for relatively short rounds. its not really worth it imo.

It's fun until you reach the rank above noobie lvl.
I quit after not being able to win battles easily anymore.

>It's NOT p2w

IS-6 disagrees

>First Step
Play this at full volume
>Second Step
Pick patriotic russia tank
>Third Step
Destroy everything with your glorious nuclear shells

Also the devs genuinely believe the Molotov ribbentrop pact never happened and WW2 started with the German invasion of Russia.

it was super fun when i played during finals one year. i was weirdly good at tank battles and pretty meh at dog fighting. got a new computer that summer and never re-installed.

the game was a good time, but as the other user's mentioned, it feels really grind-y. i'm already pretty indecisive in games when it comes to choosing upgrades, and this game exacerbated that feeling.

overall it's worth checking out (it is free after all) if not only for the WW2 bantz.

All these games are kinda p2w but at least it's paying for a tank or plane that's yours to keep instead of slot machine loot boxes.

Starts of kind of fun in the lower tiers, then gets increasingly less fun as you progress into the later vehicles.

Overall gameplay is inherently flawed by the F2P model, as all of these kinds of games are.

*reditspills you*
No need to thank me.

I was willing to give it a chance, but when I realized it was mired by so many fucking CPU bots I kinda lost interest.

It would be kinda okay if they were no more than half of the team, just to make things more agitated, but often I was matched with like one or two other human players aganist the same number, and the rest being bots.

The grind didn't bother me so much considering I'm more interested in the lower tier tanks anyway, but I didn't go far enough to see if the balance holds up later.

No experience whatsoever with aircrafts.

BUSHES are totally not p2w comrade

Shit pay 2 win made by russian jews
pls skip

>tfw cant play this because the sound of a dying engine and struggling to keep airborne when your plane is trashes makes my anxiety go through the roof

I would have liked to play this for a while but I can't take anxiety, it makes me so nervous to have that shit going on while airborne in a game.