Dokkan battle thread

Yu fuck this banner yo,wasted 90 stones and didn't get shit

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Is dokka battle any good?

>mfw I pulled the Masked Saiyan on my first single

Fuck you,post proof

Why are you doing this?

Who is the mysterious masked saiyan???????

No it's a lootcrate system with a overly simplistic game attached to it.

>ss3 angel goku
>masked saiyan
>ssj vegeto
>ssj3 teq gotenks
>phy brolly
>str ss3 vegeta
>goku black

This banner is actually fucking good. Pretty fucking good.

SSJ Vegito and SSJ3 gotenks and angel goku are enough to go all in

>400 stones banked F2P
Pull or save to bust a nut for Gogeta/Janemba


do a few single pulls
there no advantage to multi this one

Yeah if you're very selective about dbz mobile games
90? Try 110, 2 multis and 2 yolos The only ssr was the agl ssj vegeta, whos rebirth isn't even good on jp

I'll save for int gogeta

I'm doing the latter, especially seeing that the unit I'm more interested in isn't dokkan exclusive.

Though the temptation is strong. I haven't done any pulls since Cooler, and the lack of any good god leads is killing my ability to do these new events.

You need 510 to bust a nut on the 3+1 for both Janemba and Gogeta. So save. Plus SS3 Goku Angel will be on INT Gogeta banner.

>SSJ3 Goku Angel will be on the INT Gogeta banner
Not confirmed, they released him so late that they might replace him with ssj4 gogeta

not that guy but i fucked up and only have 100 stones left
how fucked am i ? any big event on the way that give out stones ?
i'm almost done with the story too

It's great at first especially if you're a Dragon ball fan obviously.

But then when you get repeatedly shafted on banners and re-roll and re-roll and re-roll, it gets old.

It's definitely worth a try, it is a free game so you have nothing to lose.

I personally stopped playing a while back. There is Crash Fever which is a similar type of Japanese game. Same "falling orb" type of gameplay but with 99% more waifus.

>i'm almost done with the story
You dun fucked up boi. You best pray for a 250M DL Celebration

Is it worth to buy Ssj2 angel goku now that he got a Dokkan awakening?

>Ssj2 angel goku
>Ki +5 and ATK +12000 as the 3rd attacker in a turn
this looks fucking weird
also i personally couldnt even get those 35 medals probably
what else are you going to use the gems on tho ?


That's actually not bad, pretty much meant to be a floater

Wait, where did you get that? The one he's talking about has
>Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +7000 at start of turn
after he dokkans into SS3 of course but his original passive is similar
you can see the dokkaned version in that page too
is it different in game ?
might not be updated on the wiki yet

Yo. Got 700+ stones (f2p) saved up since I started playing during the 200 mil celebrations.

Did pulls when I first started and got great cards with one godleader, SS4 Gogeta (have a couple fusion cards to use with him, namely Gogeta).

Been saving for the INT Gogeta banner and have skipped every banner since I started playing, is it worth pulling on this banner? How are the rates?

P.S for those curious, I have done shit all for story, like stage 13 or 14 all on normal.

No, not until they introduce guaranteed a banner card from each multi pull on every banner. Nothing feels worse than farming stones for a month only to get nothing but R and SR from a multi pulls. Makes you feel like you are waiting your time with the game.

Should I even go for this banner as a f2p? Vegito seems nice for the counters. And I guess Goku black for awakening/SA

Baby Goten Black

That's not the one in baba shop

Depends on your box.

>SS4 Gogeta
You can use the SS3 Angel Goku on his team.

Super teq is pretty strong with ssj3 Goku. Everyone thinks int gogeta will arrive next month. Honestly its probably not worth pulling on this one due to the lack of legendaries.


So like I said in my post I've done no summons on any of the banners since the celebrations (a couple decent cards from the F2P WT banners, pilled AGL Godku earlier today) so my box isn't the greatest. I also got Goku JR rainbowed, working on Hercule, Piccolo and Androids, Goku LRs.

My strongest units would be STR Gogeta, Teq Gogeta, AGL SSGSSK Goku, AGL Rose, Teq Golden Frieza and maybe that mini INT Nuker Vegeta. I have a dozen more SSRs but they aren't really that relevant to the meta so I won't mention those.