Why are game journalists losing their shit over Cuphead's difficulty...

Why are game journalists losing their shit over Cuphead's difficulty? Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect?

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Normally game journalists just don't play difficult games, but because of cupheads artstyle they feel compelled to play it anyway and then rage because they are playing a decently difficult game.

This is what happens when you have a generation of gamers raised on Animal Crossing, Minecraft, and other "games" with no real challenge, who eventually grow to write about their "love of games".

>Why are game journalists losing their shit over Cuphead's difficulty?

Do you have evidence for this?

Sauce please, image search gave nothing.

I know Seven Dollar Joe lost his shit at his viewers when they were making fun of him for sucking complete dick at the game. Also his review only has Isle 1 footage.


You want sauce?

>Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect
god hand

Its a good feeling knowing that there are so many people that are so fucking shit at this easy game


>Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect?

There isn't one.

What it is, is a "Gamers/Gamers who measure their self-worth by the games they play" disconnect.

It's a "People who play games for fun and aren't afraid to say a game is difficult / People who would rather kill themselves than admit they're having difficulty with the one aspect of their lives they can convince themselves they have control over" disconnect.

Are you a sadist? Please give me the sauce.

They are doing it to defend Dean Takahashi and make it look like he did nothing wrong. Journos cant play games so they need to pretend like any moderate challenge is DARK SOULS or they will lose their jobs

its in the pic you fucking idiot

Game journos want to beat games as fast as possible so they can get their review made quickly so they can have them ready for when the embargo is lifted and get hits on their site
They hate hard games because it forces them to get used to the game and adapt, which means more time spent on the game

I don't know but I think it's time to fire up the ovens.

>Buy movie
>Can't select Act 2 on DVD menu until watched Act 1 first and answered a pop quiz to prove you understood it
>Everybody understand having movies work like this is a dumb idea, if you bought this shit and want to see Act 2 who the fuck cares
>Say games should work the same way
>Suddenly the most retarded arguments are thrown around about something that does not affect the people who don't want to skip it at all.

>Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect?
many times

t. journalist

Game journalists and reviewers don't even like video games. That might give you your answer right there.

I think it's really dumb that I can't deadlift 6 plates. Why should I have to work my way up? I just want the experience of lifting 6 plates. This is stupid gatekeeping bullshit by the fitness community.

Any review I watch or read for this game that makes any mention of Dark Souls I disregard.
This game is Contra.

they're clamoring to put in a boss skip button in a boss rush game
if you think buying a game you're entitled to see all the content with no effort on your part you need to leave this site and never look back
go to youtube, its even free and you see all the content the game has to offer with no efforts
don't take the only thing that differentiate games from other media away from them

who is this idiot?

Everyone blames ZQ but honestly this is when the true Gamergate started. The amount of 10s that got thrown at this as if these bloggers had never played a third person action game in their lives.

Unironically what did he mean by this?

>still fetishizing skill
Come on.

The real question is, will the fanbase be taken over by horrible forces beyond our control?

There's already retarded tumblr-tier Cuphead fanart

>Why are game journalists losing their shit over Cuphead's difficulty?

They have lost their credibility as journalist.
They are being shown that they can't even play games yet they want to dictate to gamers what "difficulty" is.

Essentially ever since Gamergate their existence has been in question on a daily basis. All a game like Cuphead does is shows that they have no place in this industry to tell gamers what a game is and what score they deserve when they can't even get past an easy tutorial.

All these hacks are doing is spreading their bullshit propaganda.

we squandered our chance to prevent all of it a long time ago

Because the industry isnt about video games anymore its all about spending money and pushing agendas

I keep hoping the fucking thing just collapses on itself but it just keeps getting worse. Now you can pay for power in games

Gaming journalism is a dead end career choice. You eventually get tired of doing traditional reviews and start to write think pieces, eventually that leads to you being more of a personality than a journalist and at that point you're just trying to make patreon bucks. These people have chosen an absolutely dead career path with no sustainability.

But Cuphead is actually good.

It honestly reminds of that weird time period when Dark Souls exploded and these cunts had to do a complete 180 and pretend that they always loved Souls while failing to understand what made Souls so fun in the first place.

I guess Cuphead might actually be the new Dark Souls.

>Reddit and memey
Not even Tumblr has a big enough neckbead for r&m

>Raised on animal crossing
Nigga the people who played Animal Crossing are not the people who are having difficulty with this game.

No because Cuphead is the only thing in that image which isn't an SJW nightmare and actually requires some skill to play.

>This is what happens when you have a generation of gamers raised on Animal Crossing, Minecraft, and other "games" with no real challenge, who eventually grow to write about their "love of games".

Sorry but those old farts are anything but part of the "young generation". It's just lazy fags getting a check because of their "voice" not because of their "skill".

>defining game by content rather than process

So yeah, you're taking expectations from one medium and using them to evaluate another.
And then wonder why people don't take you seriously.

I never saw the big issue with having a "skip gameplay" button.

Surely, if you want the full experience, you'll never use it, right?

Also, it's forgetting that most of a game is the artistry that goes into it. Artistry that goes to waste if over half the people playing it never get to experience it.

The lack of a "skip gameplay" button is exactly the reason the back half of basically all modern games absolutely suck, or are just retreads of the first half of the game, because why put in the effort if basically nobody's going to see it?

If you're a HARDCORE GAMUR, then you'll never need it and you get one more thing to brag about. If you're not, you still get to experience the game as originally created, and if you're a game creator, you get to actually put effort into your endings, resting easy that more people will actually benefit from your hard work.

So what exactly is the problem?

>five nights at freddy's
>sjw nightmare

Rick & Morty requires some skill (IQ) to watch, didn't save it from the retarded masses though

Except I played those when I was younger and don't have problems with these games. The reality is games journalism runs on ad revenue and the way they seem to be getting the most clicks these days is pandering to a very politically correct crowd and contentious, egregious articles that generate shitstorms that always leave them with a boost in revenue. I'm confident everyone here knows this but likes bitching too much to stop it from happening.

'gaymer' reviewer here.
Please click my shiddy cuphead ardigle.

I know man. Rick and Morty is so easy, just like Seven J

Isn’t the purpose of the beginner mode in the game to help players get better? I know you can’t progress on the isles till you clear normal but I assume players who struggle are meant to maybe test the mechanics in easy mode and then slowly ramp up to the point where they can scrape by on normal. It may be repetitive but it’s fun getting to understand and conquer something that gives you a challenge is it not? Isn’t that the point of a fucking GAME? Sorry you can’t blow through all the levels of Contra 3 in a weekend if you’ve never played it before, if you can’t beat it just say so in your review, literally nobody gives a shit about these pansies or their stupid popcorn articles about screen games

Because games aren't movies bitchboy.

>why do I have to go an extra 4 years of school to be a doctor? Lol like why can't I just skip to doing surgeries or prescribing drugs?

>Unironically what did he mean by this?

Stop judging me because I don't understand what games have in them. Yet allow me to tell you what makes it worthwhile.

They were trying to push a game version of "you can't judge a book by it's cover" so buy it and be a good goy.

>I never saw the problem
It's no longer a video game if you skip the game. Developers don't want you to skip their game. People deep in the hobby don't want you to skip the game either because now you're trying to come across as an authority on the game's quality, when you skipped half of it. Or you're trying to interact with them. Eventually people who skip the game part can and do influence the design choices of future games, making them worse for people who actually enjoy the games.

Take a good look at why steven universe got popular on tumblr and then you'll see what made it popular cuphead lacks

>Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect?


yeah the back to future parody is so deep man

Honestly it all comes down to reviewers wanting to get a review out asap, strike while the iron is hot etc. They probably just got butthurt over not being able to get through the game quickly and whined about the difficulty for that reason. I imagine that review quality will improve over time, as writers have time to actually finish the game

>but they had time to finish by now, theyre shit at games bawww
I would presume that this isn't the only thing that journalists are playing - or even if they play a lot of games in their free time

>Isn’t the purpose of the beginner mode in the game to help players get better?

Nope because you never learn.

The purpose for beginner mode or easy mode is for fags, with no skill or bitches that are too lazy to manage their shit if the game requires it, get at least to the end of the game.


There's a fuckload of awful gay art on tumblr of R&M though

more and more retards will come to gaming and expect gameplay to be skippable, destroying your hobby in the long run, you will become the minority

Because journalist don't actually play vidya, you could compare cuphead to any other old run and gun game like contra and metal slug and it will be the same shit


At this point these fuckers wouldn't even get past education PC games from living books.

Just as a reminder this is the guy who thought Myst was terrible but gone homo was amazing

He's purposefully playing dumb with people in the comments, clearly trying to bait someone into saying something offensive so he can call them out for a future "Gamers are so toxic!" article. He keeps asking what people's definition of gameplay is then purposefully ignoring them or reducing them to hbroad generalizations. At first I thought he was being stupid then I realized he was actually being manipulative, he wanted the commenters to become frustrated,

I'm an 30+ fag very familiar with hard game and I thought Cuphead was difficult as hell, so I don't mind other echoing that.
What did piss me off were the clowns writing about how the difficulty was "elitist" and "exclusionary".

instead of game reviewers saying shit like "based on the previous game in the series this sequel does x better or does y worse" they want to talk about diversity and other horse shit

>threatens to ban people for telling him to "git gud"
>tells people to "Get over it because Twitch" when people call him a dick

How did this faggot ever get famous?

fuck you, I had almost forgotten about that

that's more of a paying journalists/the companies that publish them problem

There needs to be a list of gaming "news" sites and game "journalists" who compared it to Dark Souls.

>Why are game journalists losing their shit over Cuphead's difficulty? Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect
It's easier than Souls series.

Cuphead is a pleb filter, so it won't be as easily contaminated.

>I never saw the big issue with having a "skip gameplay" button.
You don't deserve a skip gameplay button. You're being lazy because you can't learn the basics of the game. THE BASICS. YOU CAN'T EVEN PASS A BLOODY TUTORIAL.


Cuphead difficuly seems average, don't know how Sup Forums has a hard time beating it

Left side of the page friendo


>play baseball
>Can't run to 2nd base until hit ball far enough and ran fast enough to reach it before getting tagged
>Everybody understands having games work like this is a smart idea, if you played this game and want to skip to 2nd base tough shit
>Say games should work the same way
>Suddenly the most retarded arguments about equating games with things that are not games are discarded


>Why are game journalists losing their shit over Cuphead's difficulty?
Journalists just like a lot of gamers pick easy mode whenever they play a game and would never think in their life to pick hard or anything above that, this is why when some game comes around like cuphead or souls that forces you into a difficulty that may not be Master Ninja tier but actually forces you to pay attention they can't fucking handle it.

>retard in his profie pic
Is this real?


>cup head has simple mode option for every boss fight
>"why can't there be an easy mode"
it would seem that the ability to simply read is now no longer a prerequisite for games journalists

The only way to stop it is for people to stop actually clicking on the articles, which threads like these aren't helping with.

I think that the "simple" mode in Cuphead take out the last phase of the boss and also don't give you their contracts, meaning you can't pass King Dice to access level two.

>Hot plump girl
>Great premise for story
>Only 3 pages of penor in vagoo


>Why isn't there a fast forward option when I go to the theaters?

You meme but i hear nonstop from my retard friends how hard it is for them to watch full movies in single sittings without any other background distractions like phones.
Literally too casual for movies.

I don't think this game in particular is the problem, rather I believe gaming """"""journalism"""""" has been steadily getting worse and worse and it just happened to reach a point where it's much easier to acknowledge that it's all terrible

yeah but it's still there, and if they're going to make shallow surface comments about the game then I'm gonna return the courtesy to what they consider writing

i suddenly want a sidescoller souls from FROM

I wouldn't really call FnaF fanbase tumblr, it's more youtube or deviantart territory. Likewise, R&M is more reddit. As for Cuphead, it lacks the narrative and ""deep"" lore/themes the others have, so I think it's safe. At worst there'll be a minor pestilence of bad OCs.

>Has there ever been such a large gamer/game reviewer disconnect?
Off the top of my head; God Hand, The Wonderful 101, and Furi.

youre an absolute retard mate

>People losing their shit over a game that just appears to be Gunstar Heroes with a 30s cartoon aesthetic
The game doesn't even look all that backbreaking, it looks pretty manageable honestly. What the hell am I missing here?

>Slashy Souls
its a broken and shit endless runner but it is sidescroller