Why did you stop playing this masterpiece ?


I want to impregnate a Human

No sense of community when cross server battlegrounds were introduced.

when it stopped being a masterpiece

Stopped sometime in 2.4 due to education and lack of funds. Came back to retail in MoP enjoyed Pandaria but once WoD hit i lost all passion after the first raid was released. It's just not as appealing as it once was, shits been streamlined and the lack of interaction outside of RP servers is just dead compared to what it was.

Still boot up my Wrath/Vanilla server every so often just to roam around the world, just a lonesome as playing retail.

Go look IRL, then, faggot. WoW's for impregnating elves and Draenei. And goblins and trolls.
Or humans getting impregnated by orcs/Tauren/trolls.

so when ?

Those legs tho

When they started spoon fisting me exp to get to their shitty endgame.

never played it. is it worth to start now?

I lost all interest - in the mechanics, the lore, the gear grind, everything. It's boring.

>the lore
I honestly couldn't imagine them fucking it up more than they did with some of the retcons in TBC but god damn Cata, WoD and Legion just completely railed any magic the world had in the arse so hard it shit it self.

Gave up the NEET life and now I don't have time.

I played from vanilla to cataclysm, stopped during MoP. I had multiple level 85s that took forever to get properly geared and made in a way that allowed for heroics/raiding. Then MoP came out and all of that was basically pointless. I realized after a few hours into MoP that the grind was getting super old. Spend hours and hours mindlessly doing dungeons/boring quests to get to max level, then spend hours mindlessly doing dungeons for the right gear, to then mindlessly do heroic/raids for better gear that you almost never get. Then, when the next inevitable update/expansion comes out, do it again.

I stopped because the grind was becoming so long and so boring (especially with how dull MoP could be) that I started to realize how pointless the cycle was. I wasn't enjoying exploring the game's world or playing with other people like in the past. My sole enjoyment came from new gear, which was just and endless grind loop with extremely rare bouts of success. I was tired of dealing with silent dungeon runs, asshole raiders, cities being used as waiting rooms, and boring quests that had improved very little in regards to making them less tedious.

Summed up, I got bored with the gameplay loop due to two dull expansions in a row, realized how little I enjoyed the game in its current state, and realized how 15 dollars a month could be better spent.

last patch of tbc was the nail in the coffin

actually the zul aman patch was also many nails

op here.
i start two weeks ago. its awesome for now

The game stopped being about a Fantasy world and instead turned into an alien-fighting space romp with spaceships and too much of a focus on having your character being the strongest of their class. When everybody is special, nobody is.

Legion was the first time I actually participated in raiding since I was a neet at the time. I eventually got the best gear I could out of emerald nightmare heroic and had nothing else to look forward to because raiding was really the only thing I ever wanted to do in my years of playing wow. I immediately lost interest in every other part of the game so I just stopped playing

After the Nost/Kronos/Elysium fiasco and any chance of a decent BC server being lost I just burnt out and gave up.
I'd still go back for official legacy that wouldn't get fucked with but that won't ever happen.

Same guy.

Legion's class design for rogues / hunters (ability amount, depth.. mobility..)

WoD-Legions crafting system


Because Cataclysm had finally destroyed it, of course.

>those blurry armor textures painted right on to the skin, not even an armor model to go with them

this is a vanilla screenshot, right?

Enchant scaling affected the AH / gathering metagame.

Realistic / roleplaying elements like ammo and pet-feeding are fun.. as well as challenging zones, farming loot for that character and the AH, low-level gold amounts being relevant..

.."Cross-realm" mechanics are best exclusively merging realms (e.g., AH and cities). Zone phasing is ludicrously awful for any sense of permanence (looking out over the front of a city, noticing characters, then coming forward to them disappearing)..

I get too addicted, and I have a real life to tend to at this point. It's still the best MMO on the market if you're into that kind of thing, simply because wpvp actually exists. There are next to no other MMOs that aren't Korean grinding games with wpvp anymore.

I feel the twinge to return every couple of months but fight it back most of the time. They completely gutted Hunter, and rogue is still the same as launch almost. Those are the only two classes I care to play.

LFG queues for dungeons, cross server battlegrounds, transmog, pvp going down the toilet in general, boring content in new expacs

*vanilla armor

Nope. I did find out you could stop the exp overload but by then I had already quit.

Can max your artifact out 5 minutes after 110.
Don't need community to obtain best crafted epics.
Don't even need to talk to someone to setup a group.
Raid finder.
Heirlooms make 100-110 like 10 hours at max.
Literally grind rep, to gain access to grind more rep.
Hey here's a new tier of gear for almost free after you worked for all that other crap.
50,000g an hour mining easily obtainable ore.

I've made a million gold in the past week. I could buy enough WoW tokens to not pay for my sub for the next 5 years. But I, really don't think I want to play anymore.

Is it just me or is rogue survivability complete garbage now? Could be my gear but being at 20% health after a single mob seems busted. Even with stuns and self regen.

Because the story went to shit. I played for the story. Quit for all of pandas, came back for a little bit then quit for good.

They either are nearly unkillable in an expansion, or paper. There's no in between.

There is no fiasco regarding Kronos. People having been ignoring a chinkless server with no lag or crashes all year. Private server players are retarded and don't deserve official legacy.


tfw I'll never level up in the Elwynn forest while meeting new and fun people.

It was a meh game. What made it big was the community, that comfy/evasion feeling and the effort-reward equilibrium. Now it's a direct game where everybody is a shiny almighty god. It will never be the same again.