>Super Mario Odyssey gets a 10/10
>It's not the perfect game for everyone
is this not the living, breathing definition of paid reviews?
inb4 Nintendo shill mod fucks me hard like a virgin
>Super Mario Odyssey gets a 10/10
>It's not the perfect game for everyone
is this not the living, breathing definition of paid reviews?
inb4 Nintendo shill mod fucks me hard like a virgin
A 10/10 doesn't mean a game is perfect, asswipe.
Reviewers being bribed is nothing new. Nothing about this is surprising other than the fact Nintendo is smart enough to do it themselves.
Not perfect
You get 100% on a test or an essay even if you made mistakes.
10/10 should not exist ever in an official manner of critique/Review. It’s impossible to have THE perfect game, It’s just a fact, it’s all subjectivity. 10/10 are for personal preferences. To me, Okage Shadow King is the greatest game ever made and I’m well aware it’s not anywhere NEAR perfect but it’s a 10 for me on my list of favourite games.
??? 9/10 would be not perfect... 10/10 is like 100%
10/10 doesn't mean it's PERFECT you idoit. Do you think 5/5 means flawless as well? Do you think anybody will give the game 100/100?
10/10 or 5/5 or whatever, simply means that the game is so good the reviewer wants to give it the highest recommendation their scoring system allows.
People crying about paid reviews and Nintendo-bonus are simply salty faggots. Nintendo have a pretty good track history of developing outstanding games.
It's almost like reviews are 100% opinion based
>10/10 is like 100%
No, it's nothing like it you mongoloid.
>hurrrrrr durrrr what is numbers adurr i voted fer trump derrrrp
Numerical scores are dumb.
>p-please tell me what i like game journalists...
Fuck off, pussy, real chads understand that reviews are completely subjective so a 10 is a fine score to give something.
A number is about a thousand times more valuable than yahtzees inane rambling and nitpicking.
It's almost like having a number with out context is worthless
To be honest the lack of a hub world is the only thing keeping Odyssey from being a perfect 10/10.
This is why Scaruffi is the only critic ever that actually understands what he's doing. Has never rated an album higher than a 9.5/10
pfft, let me know when a games score is better than perfect
An out-of-10 scoring system gives the reviews 10 possible scores to offer.
An out-of-100 scoring system gives the reviewer 100 fucking possible scores to offer.
By your retarded mongoloid logic an out-of-5 scoring system would eqate a 4/5 score to 80%.
Do you think 4/5 is the same as 9/10? No? Well you're wrong. Its a way of expressing an opinion in an easily digestible way.
4/5 or 9/10 means the game great, almost brilliant. 5/5 or 10/10 means the game really IS just brilliant.
You'll never see a reviewer offer 100/100 you dunce.
a critic being critical. Surprise surprise a lil fag boy like you doesnt get the concept. Ya weak as fag boy.
basically this, a number means nothing if the person who came up with it personally doesn't like or know anything about that style of game (or loves it, but you don't)
a simple "recommend/not recommend" and a sufficient amount of reasoning for that is far more useful because it forces you to actually read/listen to what the person is saying as to why. sometimes criticism of a game will spur me to buy it because the person criticizing it dislikes something that i personally do like
numbers are more meant for stupid or lazy people who can't be bothered to do any research before spending money on something and in practice are usually only relevant in the context of internet flame wars (like on this website)
>pff reviews don't matter
>oh my god nintendo gets a perfect score this is worst than hitler
so which is it?
yes it does you fuck