>the absolute state of Blizzard
what went wrong?
>muh diversity
The absolute state of Blizzard
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I don't think anything went wrong
Everyone's money is green, user.
Don't you understand?
>making a separate section for "diverse" people is segregation and discrimination!
I can see it already.
>make 3.6 billion in profit
>virtue signal to socjus for PR shilling instead of actually producing any new content for your cash cows
blizzard have always been slow and lazy so i can't even pretend that's new.
I agree that diversity is cool. But the obsession with diversity nowadays is just weird. What could they possibly mean by conversations about inclusivity and diversity? What is there to talk about?
>I played overwatch with someone from France yesterday, they were really nice!
Is that it?
easy good PR that also distracts from the real problems killing the industry,which are all boring and unfun to discuss compared to non issues that make for better shitflinging and soapboxing.
they want everyone arguing over 'that' so they can get away their money laundering and price gouging etc.
wtf are you talking about they've been pumping out content recently. Do you want a new expac/hero/card set every week?
>I played overwatch with someone from France yesterday, they were really nice!
>french people
I don't think you understand what they mean by that. A "diversity meet up" is sort of like the Charlottesville rally flipped upside down.
EA does it and ActiBlizz is gonna do it too. Any and all criticisms can be deflected by being progressive.
Wish I had the image, but someone post the EA logo shielding itself with the gay pride flag.
>Let's take all the retards and group them up and put them in this corner so all the normal people can also have a good time
How is this bad?
absolutely pathetic
White people better not be allowed.
>embrace our inner geek
Probably. I don't think it's going to be a case of
>I played Overwatch with someone from Russia yesterday. It was awful when are you going to stop them joining EU servers?
Which is more along the lines of what everyone thinks.
I'm fine with it as long as the designated diversity safe space is a gas chamber.
You see my dude, I'm a pretty left wing guy and I'm all for diversity, but what companies like Blizzard or Bioware or whatever do isn't push for diversity. Their only interest is in attracting "diverse" audiences (meaning: people with money) and the easiest way to do it in the current climate is by doing this sort of thing.
I will never understand how people miss it, of course they'll pander to "diverse" people, they don't really need to pander to the straight white male market because they've always had it, and no amount of angry neckbeards "boycotting" (we all know it's bullshit, you're still playing it and probably even paying for lootboxes and shit) will take away this market. And if it does, good for them, indeed, it's not the easiest crowd to please (harder than SJWs, wether you like it or not)
How much you want to bet it'll be nothing but white guys at this thing?
Diversity is fine. You should like it.
Can they just go back on strike instead?
Isn't enforcing diversity at an event just a form of minimizing white attendees?
isn't blizzcon already a diversity meetup with those irl trolls, orcs, and humans
Being based in Commiefornia brings a high risk of cancer.
in this case no, because the majority of blizzcucks are wypipo and the majority of libcucks are wypipo too so you cant really minimize your sole demographic. a "diversity meetup" at a fucking vidya con is basically going to be all trannies (who are huwyte)
Nothing went wrong, Blizzard games are great man. Even WoW which the contrarians like to whine about even though it has more raids, content and systems that blow every other MMO out of the water.
Especially you FFXIV faggots. Have fun sitting and queing for your roulettes and your one raid with one difficulty that remotely matters.
>brown people, faggots, and other mentally ill individuals are treated like such children that they need their own play pen
wew blizz
>getting triggered by babby's first PR stunt
Nope. Diversity is only skin deep to people who champion it these days. If you're white, you're not diverse. If you aren't brown and/or a woman you aren't diverse.
>omg this dev is not natsoc and redpilled as me fuckin race cars now gas the bikes
This is not true.
Look at what happened to the comic book industry, especially Marvel.
Over the last couple of years, but especially over the last 2 they have driven away a large chunk of their fanbase (20-40 year old, white, straight males).
But they weren't replaced with anyone, because the SJWs aren't a strong consumer base. They love to complain endlessly on twitter and post fanart on tumblr, but they aren't buying products in any significant numbers.
A lot of the new "diverse" runs of superhero books have already been cancelled (like the BLM version of Black Panther) because while the usual suspects all applauded, noone bought it in the end.
You don't have to pander to your original customer base to be successfull but you better not piss them off over a longer period of time.
diversity is really just a bunch of people who look different but all think alike.
Sup Forums is more diverse than most diversity clubs.
Even Sup Forums is more diverse.
Diversity clubs talk about two things
1) Being oppressed by white people
2) Where they want to stick their dicks
Comics have been in decline for a while now. The internet was the end of the real good times and from then on the market has never been the same.
What you perceive as the cause is a symptom: when shit gets bad you throw ANYTHING at the wall to see what sticks.
>Sup Forums is diverse
hey now, it's plenty diverse!
It's got white supremacists from the US, Western Europe, and Australia. It's even got Russian sock puppets!
You are aware marvel has been SJW since the 60's, right? What is this meme that marvel went SJW recently? It's always been SJW. You were just too retarded to realize until someone told you. You know the xmen were direct commentary on civil rights and portrayed people against those rights as uneducated retard hicks?
You know they had a black Captain America before? And a female Loki? And a female Hulk? Did you know they've added dozens of minority characters for brownie points and have been doing it since the 60's?
russians are pro BLM ackchyually try checking the news every once in a while
I know right
They run all the twitters for BLM and Antifa it's crazy
>I agree that diversity is cool
Retard. Enjoy getting fucked in the ass by power-obsessed sociopaths while you're trying to act "reasonable".
>Diversity Meet-Up
>It turns out with 95% White Beta Males, many of which are game journos
>4% fat white women
>and 1% White Males pretending to be women
It used to be called "changing it up".
They didn't used to make rule 63 because of diversity, they did it to break monotony.
>retail owners complaining to Marvel at comic-con because their shitty decisions are driving customers away from comic shops
Always a good laugh to read about some Marvel comic shitstorm.
I don't even feel anything anymore
My dude, Superman, the original cape comic, was extremely left-wing. Marvel's problem is not being "SJW", considering my favourite period was late 60s / early 70s and those comics were written by hipies on acid, their problem is that most books suck.
I never see anyone complaining about Grant Morrison being SJW despite the fact that he's as left, if not more, than me. The same goes for Alan Moore or Milligan or most of the british invasion guys who were pretty hardline communists / anarchists mostly, because they can write good comics.
I've been getting desensitized to seeing this shit, and been playing fewer and fewer Western games. Send help.
>I agree that diversity is cool
pandering then going on to disagree. Hey reddit
Yeah, it's not like Marvel has a number of rule 63 characters done for reasons not related to comics.
Nothing went wrong.
Blizzard are more successful than ever.
Not their fault your opinions don't match up with the majority of the gaming public.
Diverse in this context means some combinations of:
>not male
>not white
>not straight
>not regular gender
>every account is an active player
>Proud to have never bought any of their games
Zim Bob Whey
Also, how deluded do you even have to be to think politics have anything to do with comic book downfall? Comics were already bad on its legs after the 90s bubble burst (which is something that indeed, Marvel is to blame for) even before the rest of printed industry started going down the drain. Retailers dissatisfied with Marvel have nothing to do with politics either, they're pissed at other retarded practices both Marvel, DC and Image have done in the past. I don't really understand the ins and outs of retail floppy sales but I'm sure some Sup Forumsmrade can explain it to you so you can ignore it further and blame it on those got dang SJWs
Lot of azns are trannies, you just don't notice.
>global and diverse
>spectrum of cultures, genders, sexual orientations
>global community
>celebrate and support each other's differences
>Blizzard Diversity Meet-Up
>diversity in gaming and in life
>diversity and inclusivity
>supporting diversity from a workforce and hiring standpoint
>enrich how we interact with each other
>embrace our inner geek
B-B-BAZINGA! Why can't I hold all these buzzwords?
Glad I stopped buying their shit years ago. Saw the writing on the wall.
"used to" I said
>Let's focus on how different we all are and segregate ourselves off in the process
This is why the US is more divided than ever and there is more visible fringe extremism. Nobody can find common ground or shared interests to connect to one another. I find it all hilarious yet frustrating that as a liberal, am I watching all these progressive fucks create breeding grounds for all the hate they claim to fight by focusing so much on intersectionality.
Fuck these corporations for sucking progressive dick and fuck the god damn shills on social media who think identity politics are a positive force.
>I agree that diversity is cool.
No it isn't. That's why it's been found that people self-segregate while trust been different ethnic groups becomes tenuous in multicultural communities. And no sane person wants to live around niggers. Fucking nu/v/
None of these characters were "changing up" anything, She Hulk and Spiderwoman (and I'll bet Miss Marvel too, considering Captain Marvel was created in a similar situation) were all created for copyright keeping reasons which had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with any narrative intention of any of the creators.
Please don't make it so obvious you're just looking for shit to get outraged at.
> I don't really understand the ins and outs of retail floppy sale
Yeah, I can tell.
Sup Forumsmrade here, user is entirely right and Mousevel's politics are impacting their bottom line. But you can just ignore this further and blame it on those shitlord Alt-Rights.
Sounds like a soft segregation
Hey blackee don't you want to go to the "safe space", c'mon.
If Marvel wanted to publish comics depicting the slaughter of every bourgeoise in the face of Earth without forcing retailers to buy them in retarded bundles there would be literally nothing wrong with it. The problem doesn't come from their politics, it comes from their sales policy which can't be even thought as something very left wing despite what they do.
Its the most ethnically diverse white supremacist forum in history.
return to reddit
I love how people always manage to regard corporations as human, somehow. They exist to make a profit; stuff like this is just a calculated marketing/PR decision, following trends.
the fact that they made a fucking announcement about something so inane in 'current year' is telling enough.
What does that have to do with video games, though?
Who cares, each account is 40-60 bucks, and whatever active playerbase there is, even just 1% means hundreds of thousands of players playing and spending even more money on loot boxes and shit. Even if all of them only got the 40 dollar edition that means they've made over 1 billion dollars already from it, not even including the loot boxes.
>diversity in videogames
thats like saying E3 isnt videogames.
or PSX isnt videogames
or Nintendo direct.
I worked at a nonprofit taking pictures of an event, where our director, who was black, was unhappy he couldn't sell his narrative about the poor black people to donors. There were "too many white suburban people around" in the pictures I was taking.
It's an money thing I promise.
They're counting free weekend players too
Can I wear my SS outfit?
Sure, probably to round up to 30 mil but what, do you think like 25 million people were free weekend people or something. It was probably 1-2 million tops.
Odds are they will. Remember the first time? They wanted to strike, but the upper 10% still had unsigned contracts. Then after their projects were complete, they immediately striked. Putting hundreds of people out of work with no income.
Sounds great, blacks are insufferable to be around.
Reminder that "diversity" just means less white people. No one goes to chinese or arab businesses and demands they be more diverse and inclusive.
What in the world makes you assume that? Doesn't it make more sense that a lot of people end up trying it even if they don't think they'll end up liking it just because its free?
And that would put Overwatch in the top 15 or so most sold games of all time. Wouldn't Blizzard be happily publishing those sales numbers like they did for Diablo 3?
It's more than that now though. "Diversity" is now flooding black and brown people into light skinned countries.
Pretty much every con does this now.
Which hilariously enough goes against the purpose and spirit of a con.
>let's bring all these people together who have a shared interest
>Now, let's segregate them
It's just a sign of how things have changed. No point in going to conventions anymore at all really.
Sup Forums is the most ethnically and racially diverse white supremacist group on the planet
and AIDS
article related
It's just American and Canadian posters. We could do without them.
reminds me of this
>Who cares, each account is 40-60 bucks
I played a free weekend and never touched it after that
they still count me as an account
>Implying a French or Swedish poster doesn't have at least a 50% chance of being an Arab or some other sand person
Just watch the HWNDU shit on youtube and see.
>Hurr we're all equal
>But yeah it's cool that we're not the same. Diversity!
Well what is it?
Thats because in ameritard society the new fad is no longer to be a nerd (thank god thats is going out slowly) the new cool is to be a victim.
Americans will now compete to see who is the more victim.
non-white +1
black +2
fat +1
disabled +3
gay +2
women(lol) +1
ugly +1
white -1
white male -3
rape victim +3
Suits you right, you people got scammed out of your money and braincells by shitty corruptive educational hackery and to make you sure you direct your anger towards not them, they convinced you to go against yourselves.
I am enjoying every second of it, meanwhile my country is implemented eugenics (our babies get smarter every year) we re better culturally (we not only have smart kids we also encourage them to compete with each other to the point of losers comiting suicide) economics (our slave labor generated huge wealth) our media is controlled by us (not the contrary lol) and to top it off we are a strong nation military wise, usa will never mess with nk no matter much shit they say or do because of us.
A tip for all white americans :
Learn chinese.
Once we re charge, blacks will be gone whites will be niggers.
Leftists do not speak for American's, stop lumping us all together you stupid faggot, there's a reason they keep losing.
The first time people kept talking about diversity in video games, I always thought they meant stuff like going beyond Tolkien shit in fantasy games and breaking generic boundaries.
>gather all the 'diverse' people in 1 location
>extirpate them
Blizzard are smarter than you think.
pic related
>rape survivor
Are you so new in this?
Diversity means no white male. That's it.
>gender and sexual orientation are on a spectrum
FUCK 2017
Where does "The absolute state of X" come from?