Does teabagging when playing a female character actually mean anything? There's no balls to slap in your opponent's face

Does teabagging when playing a female character actually mean anything? There's no balls to slap in your opponent's face

You can still queef on em.

clam slam

>SK PBS has the ultimate sexual humiliation following a victory mechanic of all time
Much more satisfying that tapping crouch repeatedly

The overall effect is the same, even without balls.
They get what you mean

>not accounting for feminine penis

>not mag dumping on their corpse like a broken NPC

>futa w/ balls


I want Yui to sit on my face

Is not about the balls OP, it is about the humiliation.

Why do men like the idea of putting a super vulnerable part of their body on their enemy's face?

odds are they'd only do it when the enemy is unable to do anything about it. like when the enemy is unconcious or dead. Granted if someone was tbagging me id ignore it. im not biting some guy's nuts to get him away from me. thats gay




>can hear it in my fucking head

Good job user

>There's no balls to slap in your opponent's face
I suspect that many people do it simply because they see other people do it.

>mfw there's people who don't know that fun things are fun

Doesn't that just make it a sign of cowardice?

K-ON is the only anime I've ever watched and was back in like 2013. I don't really remember any of it? Does it still hold up? Looking for a comfy Christmas watch.

Watch K-on.