Describe your dream TES:VI
The Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls but its good
Hammerfel with Crown & Forebears shennanigans complete with Sinbad tier adventure and sword nukes.
Isn't the crown gone now?
I wan't them to figure out a way to do big battles.
Hammerfell/High Rock hybrid w. Valenwood and Summerset DLC
Not even total war has been able to do that properly
Summer isles
Lots of elves to waifu.
>Made by CDPR
if it's a human province it's going to be shit and boring with architecture, flora, fauna and culture taken straight from real life
>medieval castles 2: electric boogaloo
>arabic desert
hoping for elsewyr, would be interesting to see how they implement the khajiit concept of property into gameplay
They need an engine that isnt made of tooth paste first, which they will never do
Skyrim 2: Age Of The Dragonborns
Everyone in the province of skyrim can now shout after high hrothgar was stormed by peasants during a famine. They took the knowledge from inside and shared it with everybody. There was a secret book that contains writing detailing how to pick up a simple shout in minutes.
Now that everyone can fus ro dah each other, skyrim is a much more egalitarian place. Jarls have been replaced by a parliament and democracy.
There are two main parties. One of which is headed by Maven Blackfriar's ancestor who is a rich businessman who wants to stop immigration from morrowind.
The player character must run a successful political campaign to stop the businessman from implementing his evil plans.
BotW style navigation (climbing etc) and elemental interaction (like grass burning in BotW, or DOS2). Since they seem hellbent on not making good RPGs anymore, they might aswell go all-in with the sandbox action and exploration.
>made with Unreal Engine
>cartoonish style like BotW
>Niggerland AKA hammerfell
>high elves land mysteriously died and no one talks about it
>Nords won the civil war
there you have it
Set in Elsweyr.
Bannerlord will make me forget about Bethesda forever.
Bethesda doesnt own it anymore, Arkane gets to make it
they give it physics like Dark Messiah so melee combat stops feeling like pillow fights
Archery gets fixed so arrows arent foozballs that shoot 10 feet above your crosshair
Magic gets more spell diversity instead of fire tier 1, fire tier 2, fire tier 3
also actual interesting quests like pic
>generic medieval world
>almost no magic
>voiced protagonist
>open world with loading screens
>loot boxes with cosmetics
>creation club
also I forgot :
no health bars, no skill numbers, just perks
numbers and bars are to video gamey
Fallout 4 except with all the fallout 4.
I'm not being any more specific than that Todd, because fuck you, you ruined a game I looked forward too.
My dream TES:VI would be one where you don't have the rights to it's intellectual property anymore, asshole.
>hoping for elsewyr, would be interesting to see how they implement the khajiit concept of property into gameplay
I want to see fast travel, but you can actually go along for the ride. Like, maybe you can travel with a wagon/horse, but you can actually stay on and view the world from the seat, like in RDR. It's a nice little touch of immersion.
>BotW style navigation (climbing etc)
Jesus christ no.
The ES series is stuck between being shitty RPGs and kinda shitty, non-interactive sandbox action games. It's better if they just go for one or the other.
Climbing was a thing in Daggerfall by the way, and Morrowind had Levitation that achieved the very same thing.
All fast travel should be the way WoW does it. You ride a fucking mount thing all the way there. It goes fast, but bitch there's no random teleporting.
I just want them to bring back spell making.
I have no other hopes or expectations because I know I will be disappointed.
I actually like this.
The only problem is mounts in Elder Scrolls games have generally had such shitty handling/controls/mechanics.
They would need to overall the entire system for it to be effective.
But fuck yeah, fast-travel just discourages exploration. Can we just have oblivion, but with RDR's horses.
>completely missing the entire point of elder scrolls and what made them good
>wants grass to move around
>that's what is most important to him
People like you are to blame for games being shit
The ES games will never be decent RPGs again. Morrowind's my favourite of the lot, but that kind of game is not coming back.
Might aswell make them enjoyable sandboxes than shitty hybrids with the focus of an ADD 12 year old.
Skyrim will be the last Elder scrolls to contain RPG elements.
They will go with TellTale Games method of conversing with NPC's - basically QTE's.
They will make all morally "good" characters "essential".
Throw in a dig about how the entire right wing side of politics is ALL nazis (in order to get some of that sweet Soros investment money).
Character default race is Redgaurd, and your backstory is that you were a former kang, exiled and returning home to Elsewhyr.
Slavery happens, forced moral of it being bad.
No more Thalmore, turns out they were the victims this whole time and the imperials are actually evil.
I'm keeping my expectations as low as possible so I don't suffer from Fallout 4 Syndrome (a horrible delusion that a company won't fuck things up, that gets shattered when you actually play their shitty game).
Oh wow now I can climb things and the trees burn oh wow now the game is fun yay I want to play that game everything is a-ok now
Sounds just like skyrim except it's static
They don't make it because they are just going to fuck it up more.
I'm wasn't too sure about your opinion but the more I think about it the more it gets me going.
Too bad it will never be.
>I want game companies to spend tons of money and man hours on things like climbing some random mountain in the middle of nowhere or scorching a scrub. I want them to do all these things that ultimately add nothing to the game and give the companies an excuse as to why they didn't fix the real problems in their game. I want this because I'm a braindead fanboy of a game I played for a month and then got bored of
sounds bad
>has a good story
this is my idea of a good TES. We havent seen this for a long time.
>has a good, fleshed out and lived in world
>animations work
>npcs arent all annoying
>voice acting isnt terrible
>has graphics which arent 2 generations old
This is my idea of a very good TES
>has good combat mechanics
This is my idea of a TES which defies all reason.