What makes a good female protagonist Sup Forums?

What makes a good female protagonist Sup Forums?

>What makes a good male protagonist Sup Forums?

Being a cute little girl.


Good female protagonist should have the decency to ask for help sometimes.
It's jarring when they do everything perfectly on their own.

they have to be white and not fighting against le oppressive white man on their own

Name 2 games that do this

>You will never smell Chie's feet and armpits after an intense training session

Why live?

A feminine penis

Their feet!

They need to be an actual character rather than a wish-fulfillment cardboard-cutout or bland waifubait. They need their strengths and weaknesses and quirks and traits and flaws, but also be likeable and accessible enough that they player can enjoy the world through then. And, last but not least, they need a good arc of development throughout the story.

Cute feet are also a plus.

What company does cute feet though?

Any company whose games have good-quality 3D models for the female characters that can be used easily by modders and designers to make their fetish art/comics/games etc.

Estelle from Trails in the Sky
Amanda Ripley, isolation
Almost anything AAA
Most waifugames

Being too perfect or too retarded, as well as being made to push agendas, will instantly ruin a femtagonist.

a cute girl that becomes broken and puts herself back together as something better

that game doesn't have bare feet you mong

A penis

Komaru from UDG?

badly drawn feet

>VN bullshit

Sorry, user. I clicked the wrong image to upload.

I don't recall her ever breaking, just making faces at things for awhile while they brought back Junko in an absolutely retarded way and didn't have the game be about capturing the DR2 despairs

AE was a tps, not a VN

what game?

>Not recognizing Resident Evil

I thought it was some nice pron game with my favorite girls

Make a good protagonist who happens to be female

Perhaps one day.

Basically this. Make them a character first. Their gender might be important or relevant to the plot, but it can't be their only definite factor.

The problem with making the femaleness of a character relevant right now is the wild gender politics dominating all cultural discussion. It seems like acknowledging the sexes as different in any way is grounds for social execution.

That's what I don't get about the whole movement. In all their pushing for equality they seem to have forgotten that there are good things about being female too.
It's contradictory as fuck.