Bioware head leaves

>You will live to see Bioware die in your lifetime
Feels good man.

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So the heads of both Mass Effect and Dragon Age leave, the head guy of Bioware as a whole leaves, and their last game is a shitty Destiny clone. What a way to die. Who's left making party based RPGs?


i don't really follow the devs or anything, but this guy doesn't seem to be one of the bad ones yeah?

He was the head for Dragon Age and took over for DA2 after the last guy quit because he fucking hated the direction they wanted to go after Origins.

Just means he's gonna get hired by a company you like more and start polluting its content now.

Feels really bad man. It didn't have to end like this.

Hopefully I'll find a company similar to older Bioware to work for. A lot of the people I admired are gone.

Larian and Obsidian. Christ that's fucking sad to say.

yay now they can promote a PoC WoC Trans Person.

Doubtful. Hudson fucked off to MS and disappeared for 4 years.