Bioware head leaves

>You will live to see Bioware die in your lifetime
Feels good man.

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So the heads of both Mass Effect and Dragon Age leave, the head guy of Bioware as a whole leaves, and their last game is a shitty Destiny clone. What a way to die. Who's left making party based RPGs?


i don't really follow the devs or anything, but this guy doesn't seem to be one of the bad ones yeah?

He was the head for Dragon Age and took over for DA2 after the last guy quit because he fucking hated the direction they wanted to go after Origins.

Just means he's gonna get hired by a company you like more and start polluting its content now.

Feels really bad man. It didn't have to end like this.

Hopefully I'll find a company similar to older Bioware to work for. A lot of the people I admired are gone.

Larian and Obsidian. Christ that's fucking sad to say.

yay now they can promote a PoC WoC Trans Person.

Doubtful. Hudson fucked off to MS and disappeared for 4 years.

CDred, larian, obsidian, hell maybe you could even count harebrained even. lot of little indies trying to break into RPG scene with varying degrees of weak entries.

Who will be taking over as the DA lead now? Will it get cancelled or will we at least see one more game? There was supposed to be five, right? But if Anthem flops I have a hard time believing they'll get to finish it

Feels bad. EA ruins everything they touch. Bioware was once God tier

>Who will be taking over as the DA lead now
A strong womyn of course it's 2017

Airship syndicate and InExhile to lesser extents.

David Gaider, the guy who wrote Morrigan and anything good about Dragon Age, left in 2016. Essentially all the writing for both series fell upon Patrick Weekes, who contributed to all the shit parts of Mass Effect 3.

It died a year ago guys.

Let's be real here, we'd crawl across a floor of broken glass gameplay if the characters and writing is fucking fantastic. It's the primary reason why I played games like Last of Us (had surprising amazing multiplayer) or Witcher 3. When the people responsible for the primary reason why we even bother with RPGs are gone then who gives a fuck who is left. Admittedly I don't play Larian's games for their deep fucking plot; Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 had some overall shit writing (with some really high points scattered throughout); but the gameplay is stellar.

Twitch is that lucrative? Man, getting paid to play instead of produce. Step up!

probably nobody. edmonton is the only studio left that makes new games, and after the inevitable failure of anthem they'll be gone too. i don't know what the fuck they're thinking we don't need another online shooty looty. sure there's austin but they're purely there for the star wars mmo. after montreal imploded they scattered to ea motive which is still doing whatever they fuck they're doing with the wreckage of 1313.

I'm sure Mark has money, dude.

This is correct.

This guy leaving is bad news only for the poor bastards who will hire him again. Bioware was dead 4 years ago.

>shitty Destiny
Isn't that a double negative?

kek, his name is Mike.

It was just a jest at his commenting about us seeing him on Twitch and Twitter.

>CDPR, Larian
>weak entries
>made the best RPG's, possibly the best games in history
Are you stupid son?

So anthem is pretty much their last hurrah,huh?

I mean, they canned mass effect already and dragon age is pretty much done. What else do they have?

>He was the head for Dragon Age and took over for DA2 after the last guy quit
I was going to say, the first guy leaving was heavily publicized and helped to bring attention to what kind of company EA was.

Seem like pandering to SJW really pays off :^)

They have fucking nothing. They haven't had shit since EA bought them AND their properties and they never really owned Dragon Age or Mass Effect to begin with. Bioware never "owned" KOTOR. EA can just farm out their fucking IPs to any goddamn studio. The freedom and designs of DA and ME originated from Bioware sure as pitches to EA but EA had to both greenlight, approve, and ulitmately would own all that intellectual property whether it succeeded or failed while the studio does all the heavy thinking/lifting.

Stop associating the property with the studio. That only works for self-publishing companies like Nintendo, Blizzard, and Square. For the most part these studios have to suck the dick of some dickbag publisher for the privilege to use that property. The reason why we fucking hate EA so much is because once they have you on their leash, they've shown they will ruin and utterly destroy anything good you made up that led to your success.

I would leave too if my company released something like MEA

Yes, just one more year till EA claims another victim.

Man, EA's notoriety was noted in gaming magazines since the's unreal how resilient the company is

Nobody fucking leaves anything. Everyone wants a stable job and regular salary.

ME:A failed. Someone's fucking head needs to roll and the project director is already done. And Montreal getting absorbed into another EA studio isn't enough to appease any business person. Mike didn't even have primary responsibility for Mass Effect and he has to go. And what happens is he gets a visit from some people well above his paygrade and they basically offer him two options: leave quietly and we give you a massive golden parachute or stay and we fucking blame you for everything and you'll never work in the industry again.

This is how it works. If there is a public fuck-up, and this ME:A is about as public as it gets, whether or not the fuck-up is real it looks fucking awful and someone has to go. They tactically spread out the bad press; first they shutter the studio, then they remove the studio, then a big name, Mike's, goes down. It's a slow trickle of changes that represents a massive overhaul but done in such a manner that the idiotic and press do not perceive it as big because the gaming media are complete fucking retards who didn't even learn how to be proper journalists (i.e. learn to have a fucking memory).

This wasn't voluntary on his part. This is indicative of a leadership overhaul. EA is starting fucking fresh just like they've always done and are gutting the studio.

>Mike Laidlaw

Wait is this guy the brother of the valve laidlaw?

I get the feeling that ever major figure in everything are close blood relatives. We never left Feudalism.

>who didn't even learn how to be proper journalists (i.e. learn to have a fucking memory).
I've got some bad news for you about proper journalists.


>Nobody fucking leaves anything.
not everyone lives paycheck to paycheck, tyke

Biowares been a walking corpse for years anyway.

Who asked for anthem? Why are they making that game instead of producing games for their most liked franchises?

Well everyone is much more closely related than people think.
But last names really aren't a good indication of such.

Good, maybe he can finish half-life's story now.

>heavily publicized

by who?

please stop writing so much when you clearly know absolutely nothing about the subject matter

give it a rest

More like Mike Laidoff, amirite?

Oh? You think it wasn't really his decision to leave? Yeah, that would mean bad news.

>he looks like a white male
He probably got kicked out for not being "diverse" enough.

The racism against white people combined with the sexism against man is increasing more and more in the "industry"

Maybe he can work in Beamdog with Gayder and the rest of the cuckgang.

DA4 is fucked now if it ever had a chance

Nah, the guy who wrote DAI's DLCs is in charge of Dragon Age now, it'll be fine.

bioware has been for years just like dice when most key people left, just a shell of their former selves

DA4 won't be a thing.

>all of the shit parts in Mass Effect 3
Wasn't he part of the writers that did the Tuchanka Arc?

There's a character in there that's specifically named after him

Nothing since Anthem is going to bomb.

We have Larian+CDprojectRED(the giants) and Obsidian+HarebrainedSchemes(the runner ups).

I've stopped caring about Bioware a long time ago.

He wrote Rannoch. John Downbrow(?) wrote Tuchanka.

Anthem isn't even an RPG. Their real last hurrah was probably dragon age origins.

>please stop
Literally take a shit on your floor, get on your hands and knees, take a deep whiff and slam your face into that pile.

The DLCs were better than the game so this is a good thing.

Apparently he also wrote Tuchanka too.

Even as stupid as Rannoch got, it wasn't AS shit as nearly all things Cereberus and the Star Child


Even though the guy defended DA2 for the way it is, I kinda feel bummed. I saw his Nier Automata stream a few months ago, most of the chat didn't even know what kind of game that is and seemed like a bunch of normies so I had to keep him playing by actually talking about the game. He's cool

More rats fleeing the sinking ship

>MEA director left
>DA director left
>Hudson back in
what does this mean

>he watches streams
Hang yourself

Gaydar wasn't any good either. Bioware has been shit for years. This isn't newsworthy.

It's just better PR if it looks like they leave voluntarily than you firing the guy or them leaving abruptly.

Being given the opportunity to leave with some heads up to everyone is in everyone's best interests because:
- you're allowed to issue a public statement under the official company banner (albeit it is reviewed and approved by PR and the office of the person pressuring you to leave)
- you can say goodbye to anybody that you give a fuck about in the office and given a few days of "vacation" where they lock you out of your office and you say your goodbyes and drink coffee with everyone (not very common as having you around lets you sabotage shit with your final days)
- you walk away with your head held high and a reference and a good "Google"
- EA doesn't look like a pile of assholes, which they are, but there's no proof of it because the guy they booted has nothing but good things to say about moving on not to mention you bound their fucking compensation to an NDA

Alternatively you can go down fighting and force them to fire you, you're probably still going to get severance although not on the same level but:
- Your initial "Google" makes you look like a dick to future employers and/or people whom you would associate with you
- The company will find someone within your own company to undermine you, slander your name, and turn your own company against you because there's always some bastard looking for your job
- You're probably still bound to some some sort of pre-existing NDA when you got hired because otherwise they'll withhold your severance

He was leaving either way. The only choice he had was how good he looked on the way out and how much money he walked out with.

um no keep your fetishes to yourself

you know funnily enough that was the first time I actually watch a stream for more than an hour. I followed the guy's twitter and he tweeted a link so I thought why the heck not.

Dragon Age is the next to be sacrificed for Anthem.

/dag/'s death was a premonition to Dragon Age's death. Pretty much every talented person has left Bioware. I don't think anyone would be genuinely excited for Dragon Age 4 now.

>/dag/ died
for real? I thought waifu threads never do

Jade empire was good. But you could tell that they had a very formulaic way of making scripts. That dialogue wheel worked well with kotor but i havent liked it for games without characters that would fit into lawful good or chaotic evil archetypes.

Bioware died a long time ago, I've already seen it. Its been nothing more than a poorly animated corpse for years.

is anthem kill?

>Enjoy Andromeda despite its flaws
>Bioware is bleeding out and dying
>ME Andromeda killed Bioware

The demand exists, they have many unused assets, they gonna whore it on lootboxes and in-game autismo coins.

EA asked for Anthem, because they saw the paypigs line up to shell out big bucks for colorful loot and wanted a slice of the pie. And they'll be successful assuming the game isn't a massive pile of shit like Andromeda was.

>Bioware is dying
Now if only Ubisoft would hurry up and kick the bucket

And then the studio makes shit games, and the huh-white males start their own indie projects that btfo everyone and the cycle starts over. The only losers in the near future will be EA and Microsoft Studios and their kind.
I heard Candy Crush Saga nets more profit than every EA game combined ever.

The end is near. DA still seems to be alive but in what form?

looking at things, probably a second MEA.
it sucks, they used to mean something

I thought the writter guy came back.

It's too bad Bioware won't live

then again who does

Obsidian has never made a good game suck my cock


good, my face was tired of... everything

This might actually mean that Anthem game could be good.


The thread isn't even about obsidian, why are you obsessed with them?

TIL the Half-Life writer guy is actually from Bioware

Bioware has been shit ever since they started to make games for the consoles first and foremost.

KOTOR was alright, but no where near the scale of Balders Gate or Neverwinter Nights.

Damn it. Dragon Age 4 was Bioware's last chance... I was hopeful when Casey left. I was willing to give Andromeda the benefit of the doubt. Well, look how that turned out. Honestly I'm truly saddened. Dragon Age Origins is one of my all-time favorite games, ever, and even though Inqusition had it's fair share of issues, it was leagues ahead of DA2 and even the later ME:A, and it promised a hopeful future for the company. But sadly the rumors are true: EA has finally done it. They murdered Bioware. RIP, sweet prince, you changed RPG's forever, for the good, and the bad.

>What else do they have?

Jade Empire. That's pretty much it. And even with that IP, I don't know if they own it or if Microsoft does (it was published under their game studios).


>Jade Empire

>Mass Effect 1

kill yourself

EA and Bioware own the rights to JE

what did he do? writing? art? code?

>why would a manlet who's recent game is frowned upon and seen unfavorably even more so ever since the Creators Club and still has a petty grudge with a developer who outshined his worked 7 years ago with New Vegas

Y'know, I'll admit it, I have huge guilty pleasure. The Mass Effect trilogy are titles that I play at least once a year. Dragon Age Origins might be buried with me, idk. I even love Inquisition, hell I tolerate DA2 ffs

But Anthem looks like utter fucking garbage. It genuinely disgusts me.

Well Divinity II just got higher reviews than any Bioware game in about 15 fucking years so I'd say them.

Bioware hasn't made an RPG since before 2007.

He is their project leader (something akin to a director in film) and one of their head writers. Him and David Gaider basically dreamt up the entirety of Dragon Age's major lore bits.

>surprised that an EA purchased developer is dying and going to shit
What made you think that Bioware was going to end up any differently from literally every other purchase EA has made?
What made you think that the leash they gave Bioware at the start would remain that long forever?

Stupid goddamn kids. Just because EA let Bioware make one or two good games doesn't mean they weren't going to process the company into garbage and force it to start pumping out cheap crap while the audience was still hanging onto brand loyalty.

Jade Empire was mediocre. It was a huge MAJOR letdown. Not sure how old you were when it came out, but if you were keeping tabs on its development throughout 2004-2005, you'd expect biggest fucking rpg experience ever from it. It wasn't what they hyped it up to be. It was severely cut down in ambition it was originally going to undertake.

Yeah Mass Effect 1 was bad. Barely an RPG, boring samish side quests planets, main storyline was very short, and the characters were boring and generic.

It was a good run, Biodrones. I'll always have good memories of ME3MP and Miranda's sweet fat ass and Blueberry, too. Dragon Age just didn't get the chance it deserved. That world had so much to give us and they just wiped their fucking asses with it.

didnt they already start losing key members right off the bat?

the game is gonna be a fucking mess (more so) because of that. Im sure the game is already going through some huge changes from its original ideas.
kinda like the transition from versus 13 to FF15