This is one of the most overrated games on the N64, the level design is sub-garbage and there's barely any platforming...

This is one of the most overrated games on the N64, the level design is sub-garbage and there's barely any platforming. All levels feel like glorified large rooms with some trails here and there.

Well I liked it so

i feel like anyone who thinks this game is good never played Mario 64

Open World anything is 9 times out of 10 worse than linear experiences.

Linear platformers > open world


disrespectul fucks the game is amazing

Mario 64 managed to have good open and linear levels

ITT: Wellcome to the end of Sup Forums

Is there such thing as an open world 2D platformer? I don't think Metroid quite fits the bill.


Sup Forums contrarianism knows no bounds.

Maplestory kinda? Wonderking follows the same formula tho no one barely remembers that one

Mario 64 is probably my alltime favorite game but both Banjo Kazooie and Tooie are also up there. Banjo Kazooie set out to improve upon Mario 64 in some respects, like not having to leave the level every time you get a collectable, and years later Odyssey is making those same improvements for Sandbox Mario.

Anyone saying Kazooie has amazing level design conveniently erased Bubblegloop and Rusty Bucket bay from their minds


Banjo Kazooie had less focus the platforming and movement, more on arsenal

>Banjo Kazooie set out to improve upon Mario 64 in some respects, like not having to leave the level every time you get a collectable
thats because the level changes for each star in Mario.

>thats because the level changes for each star in Mario.
no it doesnt, that shit happens in sunshine

Not only this, Mario had an amazing gameplay but Banjo had unforgetable OST, good gameplay (not top tier like mario but what the heck), nice gags, and overall a comfy, joyful and fun experience.
It was all about the collectibles which add together just nicely, and a different kind of exploration than Mario



You are correct. Mario 64 is literally the only good 3D platformer. Odyssey might be the 2nd.

This was a great game.
Stop this bullshit and go play glover or something

so ur telling me in your game, you fight whomp on top of that castle? and boswer's sub is still docked in dire dire docks?

>You are correct. Mario 64 is literally the only good 3D platformer. Odyssey might be the 2nd.

Imagine being this delusional

it doesnt change the level design stupid ass

I don't think I'm the only old fag that regrets everything from 1996-2001, especially rare games.