Complain about broken mechanics

>complain about broken mechanics
>just dont use them lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

>make thread about vidya tropes
>post a goblin pic

>Introduce cute characters and MILFs that you are actually interested in
>Sorry brah, here's your ugly mother and sister instead

Can I fuck Roxxy yet?

.14 is out FYI


Whats it got?

Does your mom approve of playing these types of games, Sup Forums?

Neighbor girl and her mom.


when does the aunt move in? this is bullshit

>Vanilla M/M

And why couldn't it be my fat nerd friend in the last update

im the only one that despite being a giant perv is grossed out by the personality of mikami?

Fuck off. go play your yaoi otaku shit and stop ruining other peoples games.

Because that's gay. It's only acceptable if it's a trap.

I just want a grill man who isn't a total psycho habeast. Fat is cool as long as it isn't with the crazy, we cool?

new scenes uploaded when
I'm not playing through the same game for the 4th time just for like 3 new hscenes, potentially bad ones

It's part of the promised content listed on the Patreon page, homo.


She'd be holding a lot more than books if I got done with her, we clear?

What's the other vn that involves incest that's getting made that has a gamer sister and athletic sister?

Im never giving a dollar to that faggot.

>I'm not playing through the same game for the 4th time just for like 3 new hscenes
>trying to hold off on playing it any more until it's done so I can play it all legitimately in one go
>at this rate the game won't be done for another 4-5 years if at all
Patreon was a mistake.


Is this a wikiHow porn game?

Just use cheat mode. That knocks out well over 60% of the unfinished gameplay.

I can bone my friends mom right?

She's boneable.

What is this and where can i find more?

Yes, best MILF in the game.

>its a multiplayer game.

Thanks fellas, this'll be my pet project for a few minutes

There you go bucko. Have fun.

Wait so can you finally fuck women that aren't your aunt and mom? It even took him forever to fuck your mom, goddamn.

doesn't cheat mode lock you out of the new content because of skill check bugs?

Anyone ever fuck their mom irl?

>It's not full incest
Reported and saged for triggering me by the way ;^)

Yeah... Bro

In what way is being able to bone your mother, aunt, and sister not considered full incest?

As in, nothing else but extremely focused on incest.

I think he meant that you can fuck other people that aren't related to you instead of it being a full family fuck.

You know her update is just out today!

you can bang your sister, your friend's mom, the ho at the mall, there's a BJ scene in the pool with the lifeguard, and i think that's it.

I'm stuck on the mia questline,whenever I try to sneak into her room her mom catches me, anyone else figured this out?

Best user

There's no content for mia, so its irrelevant.

Yes there is. That's what today's update is for.

also you can get a HJ off the landwhale at school.

Incestral Awakening. Its garbage and barely has any content right now

lel, i havent played today's version so i didn't knew, but in the old versions you gotta go to her house at night to not get caught.

>Have to probably wait another two and a half months to bone Bobbi Ross


Figured it out,you have to speak to her in science class.

I hope not

That's pretty cool of the guy. Most developers/artists will release a donation only version early, then do everything in their power to prevent it from going public, but this guy just puts it out there.

Just wait for someone to upload a completed save.

If it's a single player game then just don't use it is a perfectly valid response

Can i update or is this one of those "redownloaded the whole thing" games?

>flying mounts in WoW are good because *fart sounds*

I could upload a save which is at the point where you either follow the path of fucking her mom or not but I won't

Well they are currently swimming in donations, probably the most well funded h-game in development due to their release consistency.

A lot of donate fags are wary since that breeding farm shit.

user plz.

At least tell me what to do after you save Mia from the bible dungeon

>ruined world pvp
>ruined zone design
>ruined player interaction
>lmao they're convenient dude

anyone who thought flying mounts were a good idea should be lined up and shot

What's she like? I've only read the nipple fucking one. Loli Mikami on the other hand, is deliciously slutty, but I doubt that's what you're talking about.

I'm going to be honest, flying mounts are a blessing right now on the PvP subject because Legendaries in Legion absolutely ruined any hope of World PvP ever returning.

>Class has the correct legendary
>They're either unkillable or 1shot you

Death Knights with their chest piece can literally hit you for like 5 million damage with Chains of Ice of all abilities.

All you need to see to win tha argument is to go to outland.

Or wait, can you, has the game been completely ruined now?

learn english

They actually should get rid of the unnecessary lines, just makes the characters less attractive/older than they should look

Unnecessarily graphic, not subtle nor sexy at all, its like the argument of a pr0n, straight up sex and nothing more.

How many scenes does she get? I got the bedroom scenes after I had gotten the friend a girlfriend but gotten bored and didn't check if there was more afterward.

just the bedroom scene and the other one where she loses at poker and gives you and her son a handjob.

do i have to start a new save?

The excess lines, especially on the face are definitely bad. There are other problems too. The light spots make the characters look like they're made of plastic, the face shadows make them look sick or emaciated, and the overly detailed folds of the clothing make it look frumpy and wrinkled.

My thoughts exactlh

That was only a bug for the sister line.

>someone complains about broken mechanics
>They aren't actually broken, the person complaining about them is just incompetent