You're thoughts on this game?
You're thoughts on this game?
funny, but boring gameplay. ugly art.
it's good
Very good game, tremendous achievement from basically one guy.
Decent game, fucking dogshit community.
>literally baits you into getting a bad ending
>dumb as fuck combat system
>shit story
>LOL XD SO RANDUMB """""characters"""""
it ruined the chiptune scene by flooding it with autistic undertale fans
now every time something with square waves pops up the immediate response is "TOBY?????"
Never played it
it's a good game, and from what I've heard there's some great porn of that cum-guzzling trap known as Asriel
its a neat little game
I played it when it came out, liked it enough to get all endings
but was burnt out on it by the end
played it again about a month ago and got the neutral ending, it was nice to return to, but I'm not clamoring to get the other endings
i dont understand the hate for the fanbase, just don't search tumblr tags of undertale, easy to avoid
Quite literally goty material for what its worth. There's just a stigma going around Sup Forums about not liking something because of how others like it.
the problem wasn't so much that others liked it but how obnoxious some were about it, calling it the best game ever, giving it to the fucking pope and making every little thing about it
it's like when a song you are indifferent about is played nonstop, eventually you just get sick of it at the first note
I want to form a long relationship with the spider girl.
No, I am not thoughts.
pure garbage
Kinda weird how it essentially treats a small child as pure evil for fighting back against people actively trying to murder him
The music turned what would've been a 7/10 into one of my favorite games from that year.
>it's like when a song you are indifferent about is played nonstop, eventually you just get sick of it at the first note
Amusingly enough, the game has that too
I kinda hate how people seem to associate "stronger than you" with this game rather than it's original source, and continue to make parodies of it with increasingly forced lyrics and premises
Not like the original source is worth mentioning
I don't get why people love Megalovania, it's pretty average. Undertale has many good songs other than this.
It's basically 2D Final Fantasy XIII - a hallway simulator with a decent battle system.
Despite this, it has a lot of good characters trapped in this average game.
Too bad Muffet didn't get her own chapter.
Great game but it really just relies on the first few playtroughs
Great game, but community is even worse than MLP and Sonic combined.
Contrary to popular belief Sup Forums doesn't hate something solely because it's popular, but because of the groups it becomes popular with. Furries, Reddit, and Tumblr on their own having a significant foothold in ANY given fanbase would be bad enough, but Undertale somehow managed to gain all 3 extremely easily.
The game was simply beyond salvation.
Nibba its just a simple vimeogaym made by a 19 year old virgin
Play earthbound zero dat shit be getting straight to ya bones yo
Also fuck sandwiches for existing
Yes this post was made by me the real human person individual guy ENTERNAMEFORSPECIMANFROMEARTHHERE from earth :)
Nah nothing can top the autism that is sonic
Mlp is long dead and forgotten by now
But sonic just keeps on living no matter how shitty the games get he is a survivor
Undertale is babyshit akin to fnaf cringyness
>Toriel is a Muslim
>her magic burns people alive
It's awful, I hate it. But I love this goat.
this image makes me want to fucking die, jesus
a bit off topic but whatever
when was the last time you saw any of those fandoms, or better yet, any gaming fandom at all, do the shit that the rick and morty faggots did because of the maccas sauce
It's kike propaganda.
also, Chara did nothing wrong.
Dont people act cringy and retarded inside fastfood restaurants all the time?
Its why i stopped going inside those since last year a guy got shot inside the mcdonalds nearby me
its ok
music is good
fanbase is shit
Were you that one user sperging out and posting all those walls with Chara pics? Shit was pretty funny.
>undertale fags trespassing on other people's property to commit various sexual deviancies with livestock
>undertale fags killing their own sisters because "HURRR CHARA IS EVULLLLL"
>undertale fags dressed in all black and marching through the streets of almost every major city in the western world, carrying AKs paid for in full by (((Soros)))&co, screaming "FUCK WYPIPO, KILL ALL DA WYPIPO" and gunning down anyone who tries to stand up to them
yeah dude totally not as bad as some fat sperg throwing a fit in a mcd's though amirite
Muffet is literally only good for sex.
You seem upset.
Haven't played it yet, but from what I've seen and heard it's probably really good.
The only good Chara is a bullied Chara. Or a big tiddy Chara.
I want a sequel or prequel. Or at least a hard more with a lot of expanded content.
25 shekels have been deposited into your /utg/ shill account.
Wait what????
>Oh boy can't wait to fight the final boss
>Menacing elevator ride
>This plays
and then you start digging through the stuff in his house and find out his wife left him after his son died and he's hanging on by a thread[/spoilers]
I bought the game because it was flavor of the month and I've ended up learning to play this song on the piano. The gameplay isn't good enough to warrant replays but the story will stick with me for a while.
25 shekels have been deposited into your /utg/ shill account.
>A mass murdered who literally lives for nothing but killing did nothing wrong
Do you want to die so bad that you even choose waifus who wouldn't hesitate to murder you the second they met you?
This girl makes a cute couple with the un-saveable goat.
Other than that the game's okay. It's piss easy.
>finish neutral and pacifist runs
>got stuck on Undyme the undying on genocide and gave it up months ago.
I think the rhing that screwed me over was accidentally using a snowman piece earlier on so I only have 2.
>cuck spacing
hello shill
*the boy
But yes, it's the best couple.
Cry harder fagola
I bet you're into shota too
Hodgepodge of stolen ideas and Tumblr-pandering. The story is as cliché as you can get. It's also a little too short and easy. Music is decent, though.
worthy of what it got. used to hate the fanbase but it definitely isnt the worst
Furfag autism game; ergo it's shit.
Actually, I prefer them a bit older most of the time. The puppy love is cute, though.
The only thing I'm shilling is Chara bullying.
now that cuphead is out, how are people still seriously perpetuating the "ut's soundtrack is good" meme
cuphead has a real actual fully developed soundtrack, unique and original melodies for every area, every boss, etc. and all the tracks are 10/10
ut's soundtrack is just the same 6 shitty "LE RETRO XD" chipshit riffs reused fifty trillion fucking times.
and no, megalovania is not good either, you fucking brainlet
25 shekels have been deposited into your /utg/ shill account.
reminder that Chara is a boy
virgin genocider, chad pacifist
is pretty good
25 shekels have been deposited into your /utg/ shill samefag account.
>undertale fags dressed in all black and marching through the streets of almost every major city in the western world, carrying AKs paid for in full by (((Soros)))&co, screaming "FUCK WYPIPO, KILL ALL DA WYPIPO" and gunning down anyone who tries to stand up to them
hmm, I don't think this has anything to do with vidya
also, source on the other two?
I meant like the near riots that happened, there were MC employees who got stabbed over it
Charafags are really dumb.
Oh hey an Undertale threa-
>literal faggots from /vg/ infect the thread
There's a reason why nobody wants to talk about this game anymore
It was a 10/10 masterpiece. Played completely blind with no expectations and it just kept on surprising me again and again.
>anyone who doesn't like Chara is from /vg/
Good game, also hot goats.
That's nice but its still a fact that Chara is a bou.
communism is a shit and failed ideology. leftist kikes should be thrown from helicopters
never played it
like the music
fuck the fandom
It would be better without skeletons.
25 shekels have been deposited into your /utg/ shill samefag account.
Will we ever find out what this means?
I really hope this post is ironic
you mean meme right?
it's shit and anyone that likes it basically just outs themselves as being faggots.
It was a nice game. I enjoyed my two playthrough.
Great music.
I watched 2 Let's Plays of it.
1 went full murder
1 was pacifist
nice [Inspect Element], really convinced me with that post jai rasta breda man wha gwaan
cry harder fagola
you literally sound like an rp-ing general faggot
The wild shitposter devolves into unintelligible bullshit, as usual.
Oh god, he's not being ironic.
>fuck the fandom
>posts neptunia and jojo
He's trying too hard.
I'm just posting whatever random Undertale art I have.
most of it is crossovers
>everyone who disagrees with me is le shitpost boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
stay triggered, /utg/ homo kike
good game great soundtrack but the fanbase ruined it
GOTY material, but not GOTY
A greater masterpiece came out in 2015
>avaterfagging as a little boy from a meme game that come out over 2 years ago
restarted the game three times, 2-3 hours playtime each. couldn't get into it because no gameplay and everything felt like a meme.
most likely didnt play it enough at all, wanted to get into it every time i restarted it but the deterrent was real.
>being a leftist kike, aids pozzed anal whore, and jidf shill for /utg/