What should the next Zelda be about?
What should the next Zelda be about?
Defeating Ganon and saving the princess(male).
Not anything like that faggoty shit in your picture, that's for sure.
>Aaron Diaz
Didn't he bitched thinking Nintendo stole his idea of a female Link?
Designs like pic related.
I still want a real Super Princess Peach equivalent, but not that literal Tumblr cancer right there. I just want a LoZ game that's primarily Zelda's magic, exploration and puzzles solved by said magic, and combat with magic. No swordplay, no hookshots, no skull hammer. Exclusively magic combat, new magic abilities, new magic interactions, and a few new artifacts/tools to replace Link's repository. I don't even want to be able to use the Master Sword in any capacity other than to give it to Link at some point and return to the adventure.
Extremely faithful ALttP remake in full 3D. About the only thing that can save this franchise now.
>Top left
>Top right
Napoleonic era Hyrule Civil War.
Sheik's adventures during the 7 year gap could be a good setting for that.
Oh boy an aaron diaz thread
That's called Fable 3.
Honestly don't know where they can go next after BOTW.
No fable 3 is Victorian Era.
Old ass manly link dealing with a dark story after a wonderful life of adventures and ptsd.
>Black Flash
Now he can commit crimes without the cops catching him.
Of course the nigger runs fast.
a game like Sup Forums/f/dude was makin. wish dat nigga didn't disappear, someone else showed up with so many art assets for him
Statue wonderwoman is cool as fuck
But what the fuck is going on with superman and his goddamn outfit?
Post more of the femlinks you keep posting in zelda threads
Aaron Diaz' interpretation of Superman is that he's a shapeshifter which means he basically turned him into Martian Manhunter.
It completely undermines the point of superman in that him and Clark Kent are only made different in how he carries himself.
Why is he wearing like some kinda apron though?
iirc He's supposed to be a ayyrab
I'd buy a game where you just play as femlink and do cute things, make all of the monsters in a cuter style and change the armor so you can play dress up
Isn't the zora gear specifically for grooms? fem!Link × Mipha when?
Aaron Diaz's design choices are an enigma to me.
>okay so my versions of Xmen are disgusting looking mutants even though the whole point of mutants is that they can usually blend into society
>except for Kitty Pryde because she's my waifu even though in my version of Xmen she should be a see through ghost chick
It's a military style jacket
the fuck happened to storms head? hit with a rake?
Her weave is so tight that it's sinking into her skull
It's so blatant too. Remember when he disappeared for a while after being called out on his waifuism? Then he redesigned his character to look completely differently.
Statue WW is fucking cool, maybe not as WW but I just like the concept of living statues.
Flash doesn't look like a super hero though, just your average speed skater.
You can't have a Green Lantern without the ring, that is central to the lore.
You can't have Cyborg without him bring 95% robot, that is central to his character.
I thought the point was anyone could be Superman
i want them to make a spinoff
kinda like botw but you can be a merchant, hired blade politician or simple farmer
this or an rts
Yeah, whatever. Could be done better but not that offensive to the eyes.
>Martian manhunter
I like it actually, but it's because I'm imagining him as an anti-hero fusion of black mage and Marvin the martian. Design passes.
>statue Wonder Woman
I can dig the idea, but I'd personally rather see it put to use on a new character who could make better use of it instead of being tied to Wonder Woman.
F-- see me after class.
>power girl
Boring as hell. I've never cared much about power girl, but this design somehow interests me even less.
Also, boob window is gone even though it's hugely iconic to the character. Great job.
I dunno, looks like superman.
>green lantern
Aaron "I want to fuck Ashley Burch" Diaz strikes again. It's sad how obviously he made this character his stock waifu.
It's like if every character lineup I designed had a knockoff of jinx/Harley quinn in it. Sometimes your waifu must be kept in reserve.
>what if zelda had link's role btw she can use magic too teehee
fuck offffffff
The thing with Cyborg is that him being a Jock is central to his character. He literally became a jock to spite his dad.
Why are people so autistically obsessed with the idea of a female Link
Like I get that rule 63 is a thing but why does Link in particular get whole articles written about how "NINTENDO OWES US A FEMALE VERSION OF HIM"
They fell in love with Link but don't want to be gay
I rather have a Sheik spiinoff using the BOTW physics and engine with AssCreed2's movement and climbing
People writing those articles want a strong empowered womyn link, Sup Forums wants some lewd fapbait
This. they should admit they are gay
People who obviously haven't played the games and just like pretty princess girl
If you actually played them you'd know that zelda and stank have to be the way they are, including ganon
A spin-off where The Triforce switches users, Ganon has Wisdom, Link has Power and Zelda has Courage. In this one they try to sit it out and discuss how they can make things back to normal but as always there will be someone who fuck things up and ruin everything
I thought it was
>not TRAPlink
>Ganon and Zelda switch triforces
>Ganon now has a more competent army and military prowess taking over the world
>Zelda is now muscular
before he became cyborg, he became a jock to spite his dad.
This, make the next game a majora's mask style sequel, same console, same engine, but new world with botw link after multiple decades have gone by, and a much darker tone to the story and atmosphere
I wish Capcom wasn't so shit nowadays so Nintendo could ask them to make another Zelda like the GBC ones.
ALBW wasn't that bad, but it felt too much like a remake of ALttP that turned into a new game at some point.
Then again handhelds might be dead after this gen, so maybe it's 3d Zelda only from now on.
what about pic related? he's so inspired by Link he's determined to be like him
Malon Milking Simulator
Handhelds are more alive than ever, japs love them and there's no way nintendo's throwing away that cashcow, expect a fully hand held switch or 3ds2 soon
and it can end with two old foes fighting on some giant platform in the middle of nowhere.
What about something thematically Zelda but it's doesn't look like the usual Zelda game? Like what if it sets in modern times where a reincarnation of Link is an average joe who doesn't know his true destiny and then suddenly he got abducted and they start telling him everything. Kinda like VTMB where it mixes fantasy shit but still feel "real"
I know nobody would play this but it's just a thought
This man is autistic, nice art tho.
>nice art tho
But it's actually shit
nah, it's alright.
there'd be so much clipping on most of these if they were ingame
And for added effect, you don't even call the game zelda, and zelda isn't even mentioned in the game. You trick everyone into believing that its an original IP.
it's generic tumblr art style, he could literally be any of hundreds of artists on there, except he does shit design instead of just copying decent work in his shit style
>nice art
i'd buy that
>draw a man
>call it a women
I really hope they'll still make proper handhelds since I'm not that interested in the Switch. Or any console after the SNES, for that matter.
You have very high standards for good, that's fine, let's agree to disagree.
I'd be okay with something like Nier.
but Zelda's too big of a franchise, it wouldn't fly at all
I mean, big red noses and everyone being non white does not good art make, faggot.
>draw woman
>call it a male
>tumblr nose
Literally no one but Link can wield the Master Sword.
It makes me sad that so much decent art gets turned into cancer by tumblr backstory descriptions.
>be female
>dress as a male dressing as a female
The shit MGS4 forced me to play through was worth it, just for that fight alone.
>that nose
She looks alcoholic.
Drunk Zelda adventures when?
based morbi
>Brother Nier
>Not best Father Nier
Shit picture
post more shitty redesigns please
I want to do lewd things to that lolibaba
Hello new fetish.
Link embracing his true feminine self and Zelda embarking on an epic quest for a magical ladybenis so she can fulfil her destiny and get her trap wife Link pregnant.
Make it happen, Nintendo.
I don't like it either but he's /fa/ as fuck in his timeskip outfit
I was looking for Diaz redesigns in my Sup Forums folder but then I couldn't find any
Not for you for sure, enough for you to not realize he is competent on everything else, I don't really care about his shitty agenda, he is decently skilled at drawing, I like his style, bullshit aside. Also there's hardly any rednosing, very subtle when it's actually there, most people forget the red nose thing comes from your ears and nose not having muscle tissue which makes it have a redish look. I completely get not liking the guy, he is a faggot, but it should carry on to his art.
ah yes, the rare girl(boy(girl)). soon, gender will become an algebraic equation.
>tfw ur a girl(boy+boy)girl/-boy but someone misgenders you as a boy(girl(girl+girl-1y)) solve for y.
>but it should carry on to his art
His art is shit though, that's not high standards, that's just recognizing shit when you see it
my dick couldn't care less though
Diaz is VERY bad at composing a comic page, but yeah, his art is fine, makes me mad he doesn't go full porn instead of costantly hiding his obvious fetishes
Pre-op FTM
Another full dual world using time travel, but one of the worlds is the urban magitech setting that Nintendo has been considering and rejecting since the NES era.
So.....female then?
nigga, you won't have time to put your dick in anything if you have to spend an hour carrying the 1 to figure out whether the qt in the bed is a male, female, camelkin or andromedan dick snatcher.
It identifies as a man, you shitlord
X = Boy + 7girl^boy • (girl(boy(girl• qt3.14)))^Y
Y = padded bra